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Acids and bases.

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1 Acids and bases

2 Learning goals We are learning to identify and name acids and bases.
We are learning the properties of acids and bases.

3 Properties of acids HCl H+ + Cl-
Sour-tasting and water-soluble ionic compounds. Extremely reactive compounds – corrode metals. Good conductors of electricity since they contain ions. Contain hydrogen that, when dissolved in water, release H+ ions: HCl H Cl- **The hydrogen tips us off that the compound is an acid.

4 Naming binary acids If acid made of only hydrogen and one other element: use prefix “hydro” stem of element suffix “ic” word “acid” e.g. HCl: hydrochloric acid

5 oxyacids OXY – meaning they contain oxygen
ACID – meaning they contain hydrogen Acids containing our polyatomic ions!

6 Naming oxyacids “-ate” ending changes to “-ic acid” BrO3: bromate
HBrO3 : bromic acid one less oxygen “-ite” ending changes to “-ous acid” BrO2: bromite HBrO2 : bromous acid

7 Naming oxyacids two less oxygens prefix “hypo” and “-ous acid” ending
HBrO: Hypobromous Acid one more oxygen prefix “per” and “-ic acid” ending BrO4 : perbromate HBrO4: perbromic acid

8 Common acids Common Name Formula Source/Use vinegar(acetic acid)
HC2H3O2(aq) salad dressing citric acid HC6H7O7(aq) oranges ascorbic acid HC6H7O6(aq) vitamin C lactic acid HC3H5O3(aq) sour milk carbonic acid H2CO3(aq) carbonated drinks sulphuric acid H2SO4(aq) car batteries

9 Properties of bases Bitter tasting, eater soluble
Feel slippery; good conductors of electricity Most bases contain the hydroxide ion NaOH  Sodium hydroxide

10 Common bases Common Name Formula Use sodium hydroxide NaOH(aq)
drain cleaner potassium hydroxide KOH(aq) soap aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3(aq) antacids ammonium hydroxide NH4OH(aq) window cleaner sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3(aq) baking soda

11 Learning goals We are learning to identify and name acids and bases.
We are learning the properties of acids and bases.

12 Please complete Naming Acids funsheet Textbook p271 #1-5

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