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European Social Dialogue Committee for the Postal Sector

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2 European Social Dialogue Committee for the Postal Sector
Working Group “Training, Health & Safety” Bruxelles 7th March 2017

3 SDC Plenary meeting December 2017
Working Group “Training, Health and Safety” Training , Health and Safety working Group Employers Members Margaux Meidinger La Poste (FR) Sonia Cota Melchor Correos (Spain) Ioana Marinescu Posta Romana George Papasteriadis Hellenic Post S.A.-ELTA Stsiartas Cyprus Post Ppavlides Elaine Bermingham AN Post Heike Ausprung DPDHL B. Francesco Costa Poste Italiane SpA UNI decision on members

4 Work Program 2017 - Proposal
Implementation of the funded project “ Promoting European Social Dialogue in the Postal Sector in an enlarged Europe (2 years project) Monitoring the impact of the digitalization on training and retraining needs and programs , with particular attention to e-commerce and parcel delivery Health & Safety: to follow the main policies of the European Union also with the contribution of external experts

5 Project “Promoting European Social Dialogue in the postal sector in an enlarged Europe” - project signed in the end of January Starting phase and costs as from February Duration of the project: 24 months split in three phases (2017 – 2019)   - The Preparatory phase of the Regional seminars will last between 4 and 5 months       

6 Project main topics Analysis of the digital transformation of the postal sector. The objective is to get first-hand information on how postal operators and trade unions have managed to support the increased digitalisation of their organisations with impacts on jobs and competences, on the work organisation as well as on training needs and methods. It will in particular be interesting to have a better understanding of the programmes of digital transformation put in place within companies in terms of training and cultural evolution. In this framework, the needs in terms of digital skills and new jobs will be a key are of focus. Moreover it will be important to see the impact of the digital tools and new technologies on the work organisation. This topic will largely rely on the exchange of national good practices between European social partners during the regional seminars. The opportunities that the digital economy represents in terms of development of new activities, in particular the parcels’ ones, in view of the growing e-commerce market should also be considered in the framework of the project. The project will also focus on capacity-building activities to raise awareness and disseminate the work of the postal services social dialogue committee, in particular but not exclusively, in Central and Eastern Europe. The capacity-building aspects will entail presentations and explanations of the work and activities of the SDC as well as the dissemination of those through digital means via the dedicated website. Furthermore, it will enable the engagement of respective social partners in European social dialogue activities where there is often limited attendance and involvement in the work of the SDC.

7 Three phases for the project
Phase 1: Preparation of the Regional seminars (4-5 months) To include the work of the SDC in the sector in order that a “context” can be understood To provide a summary and explanation of what Social Dialogue is, its ambitions and ways of working Phase 2: Staging of the Regional seminars – “hosts” required Seminar hosted by a Baltic state • Seminar hosted by an Eastern country • Seminar hosted by a Candidate country

8 Phase 3: Final project report and final conference
The Final Conference will enable the presentation of the project results to a wider interested audience as well as European policy-makers in the postal industry The Final project report will document the findings and outcomes of the Regional seminars and enable the further dissemination of the identified good practices

9 First Phase: Problems to solve Organization of the seminars
In the preparatory phase the Project Steering Group will individuate and collect materials that will be presented during the Regional Seminars. These include both the Training Working Group and the PSE Working Group activities with a focus on e-Commerce and related postal activities, new services as well as the skills/competences and training aspects to consolidate those activities Locations of the seminars and of the final conference       

10 How to “build “ the implementation of the project? Open points..
3 main areas of work SDC Postal sector structure, role, mission, importance, value added.. Selection of documents and their organization Digital transformation of the sector and related impacts with a focus on training aspects Topics to be included (in alignment with PSE work program) Training role, use, instruments, adaption of workforce to digital change & skills needs anticipation… Topics to be included

11 For further discussion
Regional seminars’ draft agenda draft Day 1 Session 1: Presentation of the SDC activities, working groups and projects’ outcomes The European social dialogue: role, outputs SDC main objectives and work organisation SDC MOOC on e-commerce and new services Main outputs of the project “Mobilising social partners in a new context” What social transformation strategies for the European postal operators? Session 2: The postal sector in a digital age Ongoing EU initiatives related to e-commerce and postal services The impact of the digital economy on the sector’s activities The digital transformation of the postal sector

12 For further discussion
Day 2 Session 4: The potential impact of digitalisation on jobs and work organisation Anticipation and support of the jobs’ and skills’ evolution Work organization and flexibility Countries’ case studies Session 3: Digitalisation, training, up-skilling and cultural change Training programmes to develop the employees’ digital skills Development of e-learning and innovative trainings Session 5: What social dialogue and management in the digital age? Social dialogue adaptation Managing new challenges (new forms of work, work-life balance)

13 How to “build “ the implementation of the project
12/10/2017 How to “build “ the implementation of the project Capacity-building Role, instruments, results value added of the postal SDC History of the SDC activity explaining the work it has been involved in since 1999 General presentation on SDC rule, organization, structure Role of SDC in analysing the evolution of the sector under several point of view (organization, social regulation, liberalization process and related impacts..) By means of the studies done and the JDs Presentation on how the SDC has followed the change (through the studies done) In this section should be underlined how the sector is facing to the challenges and how this study refers to the focus of attention by the Commission on “A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe” and how the postal sector is important in this context Collection of all the JD signed (only one document to be distributed) MOOC online training on e-commerce and new services Regulatory evolution and SDC Other?

14 Impact of Digitalization, e-commerce & Training needs Presentations on
Decision on a SURVEY among SDC members Impact of Digitalization, e-commerce & Training needs Presentations on Digitalisation, with particular emphasis on e-commerce and parcel delivery and their effects in social terms: Ongoing digital transformation of postal operators to meet e-commerce prerogatives Training Needs Skilling needs of the postal workforce to adapt to the digital age: training in the use of new technologies and adaptation of service provision to a more digitalised user landscape implications in terms of training, re-training, up-skilling for the postal workforce in a digitalised scenario Further dissemination of the e-commerce seminar learnings and the project “Mobilising social partners in a new context” results (training seminar) OTHER?

15 How to “build “ the implementation of the project
Preparation of presentation/s on SDC history, composition, rules, main results, value added…. Decision on a survey to collect among members to collect information on digitalization and its impact Presentation/s on digitalization for the sector with particular stress on e-commerce and parcels delivery (according to the studies of the SDC), social legislation… Presentation/s on digitalization’ impact on Training, skills need, adaptation Collection in one document to be distrubuted of all the SDC Joint Declarations Selection of EU speakers OTHER?

16 How to “build “ the implementation of the project
Proposal for 2 task group Digitalization (in alignement with PSE work program) Training The 2 task group will work in close cooperation on the 2 topics and together on all the remaining parts of the seminars and of the project Capacity building General implementation of the project Locations Other Selection of the topics, documents, preparation of the presentation/s, speakers…

17 Phase 1 Phase 2 Draft Timeline Phase 3 Project Steering Group
Preparation of the Regional seminars (4-5 months) 1 st seminar June 2017? Phase 2 Staging of the Regional seminars (10 months period) 2 nd seminar Oct./Nov.2017 3 rd seminar March/April 2018 Phase 3 Final project report and Final Conference( 9 months) Sept 2018 Final conference Dic 2018 / Jan Final Report

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