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Mrs. Aultman’s Class Week of September 6th Math- Multiplying/Dividing Decimals. Science- Matter. Ask your child about the fun experiments we.

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4 Mrs. Aultman’s Class Week of September 6th
Math- Multiplying/Dividing Decimals. Science- Matter. Ask your child about the fun experiments we have done relating to Matter! We will continue them this week! ELA- Inferences and summarizing. We will continue our read aloud novel Wonder and students will complete journal questions. We also start Daily 5. Spelling- Words Their Way. Students will be receiving their list of words this week! Please follow the guidelines on the information letter that is in your child’s binder. Tests will be every other week. Wednesday, September 7th-LNE Dinner Chick Fil A 4-8 pm Thursday, Sept 15th- Science Vocab Test Friday, Sept 16th- Science Test Week of Sept 19th: Words Their Way Spelling Test Wednesday, September 21st-Early Release 11 Wednesday, September 28th-Progress Reports go home Field trips info coming soon! Forms are due by Sept. 23rd and money is due by Oct. 14th. Please let me know if you need financial assistance! Please make sure birthday treats are store bought and let me know at least a day in advance. We will enjoy them during lunch (12:07-12:32) outside at the picnic tables. Math- Choice board- choose 4 squares. Reading- Read AR (20 mins) and record pages read nightly. Parents, please initial Thursday night. Spelling- Study WTW list. Test week of Sept 19th. Science- Study matter vocab using Quizlet and powerpoint (LNE website.) Mrs. Janeen Aultman

5 Mrs. Aultman’s Class Week of September 26th Mrs. Janeen Aultman
Math- Determining Volume of a Rectangular Figure. Last week we learned to use the standard algorithm fluently t to multiply 3x3 digit and 4x2 digit factors. We took our Unit test on Friday. This week, we will compute volume. Science- Heat transfer. We will continue experiments to identify convection, conduction, and radiation. We also discuss the differences between conductors and insulators. The new Blendspace with videos and vocabulary to practice are on my LNE website. ELA- Theme and summarizing. We will continue our read aloud novel Wonder and students will complete journal questions. We also continue Daily 5 stations and Guided Reading groups, with a focus on literary theme. Flocabulary is the program we use weekly for vocabulary, which includes a new rap video and station activities to help students learn ten new words each week! Vocabulary quizzes are each Friday. Spelling- Words Their Way. Students received their word lists and will have the opportunity to practice them daily in their Word Work station. Please follow the guidelines on the information letter to help them practice sorting at home. The first test is this week. See the paper that went home with your child the first week of school to see which day they will take their test during the week. Tests will be every other week after. Wednesday, September 28th- Progress Reports go home Friday, Sept 30th Weekly Flocabulary Vocabulary Quiz Reading Literary Theme Test Tuesday, October 4th- LNE Bookfair Family Night (5-7pm) Dress like a pirate! Wednesday, October 5th- Science Heat Transfer Vocab Quiz Thursday, October 6th- Science Heat Transfer Unit Test Friday, October 7th- Teacher Work Day (NO SCHOOL) Thursday, October 13th- Fall School Picture Day Friday, October 14th- Field Trip blue forms and payment due Math Volume Unit Test Wednesday, October 19th- Early Release Friday, October 28th- Field Trip to the Outdoor Education Center Data binders and Monday folders go home each Monday. Homework comes home in the Monday folders. An extra copy of homework is posted on my LNE website. Parents, please sign each test that goes home in the Data binder. Reflections and test corrections are mandatory for scores 80% or below on any test, however they are encouraged for any score. Corrections must be completed on lined paper, detailing the new answer along with the reason WHY the initial answer was incorrect and the reasoning behind the NEW answer choice. Corrections are to be turned in by Friday of the week they were sent home. Thank you! If you would like to send in store-bought birthday treats, we will gladly enjoy them during lunch (12:07-12:32) outside at the picnic tables. Just me a day prior, please! Thank you! Math- Choice board- choose 4 squares. Reading- Read AR (20 mins) and record pages read nightly. Parents, please initial Thursday. Spelling- Study WTW list.The first tests are this week! Science- Study Heat Transfer vocabulary using the Quizlet and powerpoint (link on my LNE website.) Mrs. Janeen Aultman

6 Mrs. Aultman’s Class Week of October 31st Mrs. Janeen Aultman
Math- Benchmark on Wednesday. Then, multi-digit division. Last week we finished representing division and interpreting our remainder as a fraction. We will begin multi-digit division with 2 digit divisors and up to 4 digit dividends. We will use the partial quotients, area model, number line, and long division strategies. Science- Weather. We will begin our 5 week unit, starting with a discussion on atmospheric pressure. Encourage your child to watch the Weather Channel and talk to you about current weather indicators as you are out and about! ELA- Main Idea from Informational Text. We will use passages and Time for Kids magazines to practice this skill. We also continue Daily 5 stations and Guided Reading groups, with a focus on literary comprehension within novel studies. We use Flocabulary as a vocabulary program and take our quiz at the end of the week. ELA Dolphin Time will continue after lunch. Spelling- Words Their Way. Students received their new word lists and will have the opportunity to practice them daily in their Word Work station. Their test is next week . See the paper that went home with your child the first week of school to see which day they will take their test during the week and how your child can practice sorting their words at home. Tuesday, November 1st- End of 1st 9 Weeks Wednesday, November 2nd- 1st 9 Weeks Math Benchmark Assessment (This data is used to identify areas for additional practice during Math Dolphin Time.) Friday, November 4th- Flocabulary Lesson 14 Quiz Tuesday, November 8th- Report Cards go home Student Mock Presidential Election Thursday, November 10th- Math Division Unit Test Reading Main Idea Test Flocabulary Lesson 5.1 Quiz Friday, November 11th- NO SCHOOL- Veteran’s Day Holiday Wednesday-Friday, November 23rd-25th NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Holiday Wednesday, November 30th- Class Pictures A quick reminder about homework: In addition to the reading log and math choiceboard, students should be studying for science using the Blendspace on my LNE website each night for about 10 minutes. Also, students receive a new word list every other week of their spelling words. Students should be practicing these words for about 10 minutes each night, in order to be prepared for their test every 2 weeks. They can use SpellingCity or one of the sort ideas that were sent home in the parent letter. If you would like to send in store-bought birthday treats, we will gladly enjoy them during lunch (12:07-12:32) outside at the picnic tables. Just me a day prior, please! Thank you! Math- Choice board- choose 4 squares. Reading- Read AR (20 mins) and record pages read nightly. Parents, please initial Thursday. Spelling- Study WTW list. Tests = next week! Science- Study for the Benchmark using the Vocabulary Quizlet and Blendspace (link on LNE site) Mrs. Janeen Aultman

7 Mrs. Aultman’s Class Week of November 28th Mrs. Janeen Aultman
Math- We continue reading, writing, and comparing decimals. Our decimal test will be Friday, December 2nd. Science- Weather. We will learn about global wind patterns, jet stream, weather forecasting, and the Gulf stream. Please make sure that your child is studying his/her vocabulary words and reviewing the information from the Blendspace link on my website. ELA- Explaining relationships between two or more individuals, events, or ideas in a historical, scientific, or technical text. We will practice this skill using nonfiction passages and informational text. We also continue Daily 5 stations and Guided Reading groups with a focus on Colonial America and science within nonfiction books. We use Flocabulary as a vocabulary program and take our quiz at the end of the week. During ELA Dolphin Time, students will work on their social studies project from my website. Spelling- Words Their Way. Students received their new word lists and will have the opportunity to practice them daily in their Word Work station. The next tests are this week. See the paper that went home with your child the first week of school to see which day they will take their test during the week and how your child can practice sorting their words at home. Tuesday, Nov 15th-December 2nd: Fall Conferences (Sign up with the SignUpGenius link) Wednesday, November 30th- Class Pictures Friday, December 2nd- Flocabulary Lesson 5.3 Quiz Math Decimal Test Monday, December 5th- Holiday House Gift Shop Day Wednesday, December 7th- Early Release Day Thursday, December 8th- Weather Vocab Part 2 Quiz Reading Events and Context Clues Test Friday, December 9th- Flocabulary Lesson 5.4 Quiz Weather Unit Test Friday, December 16th- Flocabulary Lesson 5.5 Quiz Math Adding/Subtracting Decimals Test It’s Fall Conference time! Use the “Sign Up Genius” to sign up for a conference time. We will discuss: 1st quarter grades 1st quarter Benchmark tests Your child’s strengths Learning goals for the 2nd quarter If you would like to send in store-bought birthday treats, we will gladly enjoy them during lunch (12:07-12:32) outside at the picnic tables or in the classroom. Just me a day prior, please! Thank you! Math- Choice board- choose 4 squares. Reading- Read AR (20 mins) and record pages read nightly. Parents, please initial Thursday. Spelling- Study WTW list. Tests = Nov 28th -Dec 2nd! Science- Study for our weather unit using the Vocabulary Quizlet and Blendspace (link on LNE site) Mrs. Janeen Aultman

8 What we’ll be learning for the remainder of the 2nd 9 Weeks:
Mrs. Aultman’s Class Week of December 19th Math- Adding and Subtracting Fractions with unlike denominators. We will play a game to review how to decompose fractions and make equivalent fractions in preparation for this new unit. Science- Human Body: Cells. We took our quiz on unicellular and multicellular today (Monday). We will begin learning about the body systems when we return from break. ELA- Using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words and figurative language. We will practice this skill using fiction passages and poems. We will also continue Daily 5 stations and Guided Reading groups with a focus on Colonial America and science within nonfiction books. We use Flocabulary as a vocabulary program and take our quiz at the end of the week. During ELA Dolphin Time, students will work on their social studies project from my website and their opinion essay. Spelling- Words Their Way. Students received their new word lists and will have the opportunity to practice them daily in their Word Work station. The next tests are this week, Jan 9th-13th. See the paper that went home with your child the first week of school to see which day they will take their test during the week and how your child can practice sorting their words. Tuesday, December 20th- 1:00-2:00pm Holiday Party Wednesday, Dec 21st - Dec 30th Winter Break (School resumes Jan 2nd) Friday, January 6th- Spirit Day (Western Day) Thursday, January 12th- LNE Spelling Bee Reading Test Friday, January 13th- Adding/Subtracting Fractions Test Monday, January 19th- Martin Luther King Day (Holiday- No school) Monday, January 23rd No school (Teacher Inservice Day) Thursday, January 26th Human Body and Cells Vocabulary Quiz Friday, January 27th Human Body Unit Test If you have not yet had a Fall Conference, please contact me with a time when we can meet. We will discuss: 1st quarter grades 1st quarter Benchmark tests Your child’s strengths Learning goals for the 2nd quarter Looking ahead: What we’ll be learning for the remainder of the 2nd 9 Weeks: Math: Adding/Subtracting Fractions Reading: Comparing characters, settings, and events in literature; identifying the meaning of words in context; figurative language Science: The human body (body systems) Social Studies: Colonial America The only homework over break is to keep reading! If your child would like to practice for math, they are welcome to go onto Mobymax or TenMarks Jam sessions. If they would like to practice science, there are links on my website.

9 What we’ll be learning for the remainder of the 2nd 9 Weeks:
Mrs. Aultman’s Class Week of January 17th Math- Adding and Subtracting Fractions with unlike denominators. We will work with mixed numbers and number lines in order to solve multi-step addition and subtraction fractions word problems. Science- Human Body Systems. We learned about the important functions of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous, cardiovascular/circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems last week. This week we will review weather, human body, and cells for our second quarter benchmark assessment. ELA- Comparing characters, events, and settings. We will practice this within fiction passages and poems. We will also continue Daily 5 stations and Guided Reading groups with a focus on poetry, figurative language, and context clues. We use Flocabulary as a vocabulary program and take our quiz at the end of the week. Spelling- Words Their Way. Students will test on their words this week and receive their new word lists. The next tests will be Feb 6th-10th. See the paper that went home with your child the first week of school to see which day they will take their test during the week and how your child can practice sorting their words. Tuesday, January 17th- Reading Benchmark Test Thursday, January 19th- Science Benchmark Test Friday, January 20th- Math Adding/Subtracting Fractions Test Flocabulary Vocabulary Quiz Lesson 5.7 Monday, January 23rd- No school for students (Teacher Work Day) Wednesday, January 25th- Math State Check-In Assessment Thursday, January 26th Human Body and Cells Vocabulary Quiz Friday, January 27th Human Body Unit Test Flocabulary Vocabulary Quiz Lesson 5.8 Tuesday, January 31st 2nd Quarter Report Cards go home Thursday, February 2nd- Compare Characters/Events/Settings Reading Test Science Challenge #2: In order to study for the science benchmark on Thursday, your child is invited to participate in a science challenge. See my for the codes and login to to play. Students with 80% or above accuracy for each of the 5 skills will earn tickets! Happy studying! Looking ahead: What we’ll be learning for the remainder of the 2nd 9 Weeks: Math: Adding/Subtracting Fractions Reading: Comparing characters, settings, and events in literature Science: The human body (body systems) Social Studies: Colonial America Math- Choice board- choose 3 squares. Reading- Read AR (20 mins) and record pages read nightly. Parents, please initial Thursday. Spelling- Study WTW list. Tests = this week! Science- Study for our human body unit using the Vocabulary Quizlet and Blendspace (link on LNE site)







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