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Y11 Parent Partnership Evening

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1 Y11 Parent Partnership Evening
How can you help? Making a real difference?

2 New GCSE Grades Current Grade New Grade A*
Half of A* becomes Grade 9, the remainder Grade 8 A Most would get Grade 7 but some would be Grade 6 and some Grade 8. B Split between Grades 5 & 6 C Split between Grades 4 and 5 D Mostly Grade 3, some Grade 2 E Mostly Grade 2 F Mostly Grade 1 some Grade 2 G Mostly Grade 0, some Grade 1 U Grade 0

3 Examinations When do we start preparing for the exams? NOW!
Trial Exams in November Results published to students Wednesday 15th December Trial Exams in March GCSE Exams during May/June

4 How are they organised? Organisation depends on the subject and the style of the course. Oral, practical, coursework, portfolio. Assessed by external tests of varying lengths e.g. 40 mins, 2hr 15 mins. All have at least two papers.

5 How can we help? Homework club Coursework sessions Mentoring
Revision/Exam practice Saturday classes Easter School Revision classes May ½ term holiday Academic Mentoring

6 Plan ahead Start Revising now. Make a revision timetable.
Have clear dates, times, subjects and activities on the timetable. Revisit work. Share progress.

7 Parents How Can You Help?

8 Reducing Stress Establish that doing our best is the important thing
Set realistic goals – for revision timetables for results Build in rest and recreation Visualise success not failure Keep a record of what you have done

9 Peace – Perfect Peace! Comfortable work area at home – not too hot/cold/desk or table Place where work/equipment can be kept safely Free from distractions from the rest of the family Not possible? – Relative/friend/use school library (open until 4.30 pm and available during the day in the final exam period)

10 Too Much Work Makes … Don’t abandon social life altogether
Have short relaxation breaks during revision sessions Forget about the final examinations when they are finished

11 Chilling Out! Not too many family chores or responsibilities
No baby-sitting Keeping everything low key Praise and TLC Stay positive

12 Practical Support Y11 Progress Evening 11th January
Know the examination timetable – post it on the fridge! Make sure they are in school well in time for exams! Help organise a revision timetable Test them – if they’ll let you! Bribery!!! A treat at the end!

13 Study Time Pupils will be revising and working in school in the weeks before the May half –term holiday. When there are exams in those weeks we will change the timetable to give extra revision.

14 Library In the summer term study facilities will still be available in school for those pupils who would like to use them. Revision resources will be available. Quiet place to work and revise.

15 Timetables Pupils will have a personalised exam timetable for their Exams. An examination timetable for the final GCSEs will be available in April. Revision classes must be attended.

16 Y9 Science


18 Subject content Total of 316 subject content hours over 3 years. Revision MUST begin in Y9

19 Maths Requirements

20 21 required practicals

21 Watch the demo and then carry out the practical (use water baths instead of bunsens)

22 Cracking Connect 10/12/2017



25 What is available? Pupils will complete module tests after each unit so ask them for their scores. Pupils are going to create revision materials throughout the year for the majority of homework to deal with the high number of hours of content they will be required to remember. Revision is run by each member of staff every half term, any questions should be directed in the first instance to the class teacher. The next module exam will be a ‘walking, talking’ mock to engage and explain to pupils how to complete questions. Revision guide letters will be available next week. They will cover all 3 subjects, has a variety of extension questions and a work book attached and will cost £9

26 GCSE Mathematics

27 New GCSE What’s different?
Difference in style of question Reduction in the amount of ‘scaffolding’ QWC questions (previously * questions) Mathematical reasoning and paragraphs of script

28 Examinations Terminal Exams at the end of Year 11
3 papers one non-calculator and two calculator Taken over 3 separate sessions.

29 Where to turn for help? First ask the staff
Help is available at lunchtime, after school and on Saturday mornings MyMaths Log in - kingsmead and password - number. Hegarty maths - Students have an individual login. Edexcel website Past papers and mark schemes available

30 Download pixl maths app (Android, Apple or Desktop) School ID - KM816
Search for pixl maths Download pixl maths app (Android, Apple or Desktop) School ID - KM816 User ID - Surname, first initial of their first name: eg SmithK Password: currently set to: Surname, first initial of their first name: eg SmithK Password can be changed BUT first enter an address to retrieve your password .


32 Calculators Scientific Casio fx85 or Sharp are most popular
Essential to get used to your own

33 GCSE English Every students sits 2 qualifications – English Language and Literature Both/either count towards 5A*-CEM and 6th form entry. Every student has discreet Language and Literature lessons on their timetable No coursework – 100% exam 4 papers in total (2 Lang and 2 Lit) – Lang and Lit mock exams in November and March NO Higher or Foundation tier A good pass is a Grade 5, not a Grade C (4) No early entry and no re-sits More to read, learn and revise – 19th, 20th and 21st Century fiction and non-fiction Norm referenced, not criterion referenced grades

34 Overview of Qualifications
GCSE English Language Paper 1 (50% GCSE): Explorations in creative reading and writing – 1 hr 45 mins Paper 2 (50% GCSE): Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives – 1 hr 45 mins Speaking and Listening GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (50% GCSE): Shakespeare and the 19th century novel – 2 hrs 15 mins (Romeo and Juliet, A Christmas Carol) Paper 2 (50% GCSE): Modern texts and poetry – 2 hrs 15 mins (An Inspector Calls)

35 The Year 11 Curriculum Key Texts for English Lit are:
Y11 Lang Paper 1 Revision - Creative Lang P1 Mock Prep – June 2017 Paper 2 Revision - Persuasive Lang P2 Mock Prep – June 2017 Revision – Y11 Countdown Calendar (P1, Q3&4 and P2, Q2&4) Study Leave Y11 Lit Paper 1 Revision R&J and ACC Lit P1 Mock Exam – June 2017 Paper 2 Revision Poetry and AIC Lit P2 Mock Exam – June 2017 Revision – Y11 Countdown Calendar (Poetry & AIC) Key Texts for English Lit are: Romeo and Juliet, A Christmas Carol and An Inspector Calls

36 Support We Offer Schemes of work that will prepare your children!
Period 6 – Thursdays, 3-4pm in B01 Saturday School – 10-1 every Saturday Holiday revision – February, Easter and May Revision classes before main exams Pre-exam warm-up at 8:15am on the morning of exams

37 What you can do!... Get text guides for everything – CGP for Lit and Pearson Purple for Lang are the best. For top end (grade 7+), York Notes GCSE are also very good. Encourage your child to their best, not just achieve their target grade – they are in direct competition with students their own age nationally Practice extended writing with them Demand high standards of written and spoken grammar from your child Make them read and read and read and read!... Read the books yourselves so that you can help!

38 Next Steps Information Advice and Guidance – Mrs Butler

39 Progression into Post 16 Education at Kingsmead

40 Your Choices/ Career Path
Increased importance placed on GCSE results and point score Higher point scores allow access to a wider range of courses at Post 16 and beyond Regardless of A Level results most universities require a 4/5 grade or above in Maths and English (and some require Science) Highly competitive careers/ courses will use GCSE grades to choose between candidates

41 What can we offer you at Kingsmead 6th form
A varied curriculum and enrichment programme that means all students have the opportunity to study at Level Three Support, guidance and the expertise needed to help you achieve your career goal Carefully designed induction and aim higher programme of events designed to support career choices

42 What next? Sixth form information evening 23rd November, Kingsmead @ 6pm Any questions please feel free to contact me at any time

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