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Canadian Model of Occupational Performance - E

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1 Canadian Model of Occupational Performance - E
Townsend, E. A. & Polatajko, H. J. (2007)

2 The Emergence Of CMOP-E…
Introduced in 1997 by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. Developed with the intent to portray the interaction resulting in occupational performance. Focus on performance and engagement. Specified the core constructs of the profession. Provided a visual/graphic representation of occupational performance.


4 The Constructs of CMOP-E
Person Three performance components: cognitive, affective, and physical Spirituality at the core

5 The Constructs of CMOP-E
Occupation The bridge connecting the person and environment Three occupational purposes: self-care, productivity, and leisure

6 The Constructs of CMOP-E
Environment Each individual lives within his/her unique environmental context Environment “affords” occupational possibilities Environment includes: cultural, institutional, physical and social

7 How does CMOP-E fit within the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICIDH)?

8 So, what about the E? Enablement – OT’s core competency
OTs enable occupation

9 Occupational therapy is the art and science of enabling engagement in everyday living, through occupation; of enabling people to perform the occupations that foster health and well-being; and of enabling a just and inclusive society so that all people may participate to their potential in the daily occupations of life. (Townsend & Polatajko, 2007, p. 89)

10 Principles of Enablement
OTs use multiple skills to meet client needs Enablement changes as throughout the intervention process OTs seek mutual collaboration and partnership with clients OTs develop their person repertoire of enablement skills Enablement skills may not be visible to others Enablement skills are guided by evidence Skills of education is very broadly applied Enablement skills used throughout practice

11 Ten Enablement Skills Adapt Advocate Coach Collaborate – share power
Consult Coordinate Design/build Educate Engage Specialize

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