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Ownership/Management Vendor Training for 2013 –2014

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1 Ownership/Management Vendor Training for 2013 –2014
Tennessee WIC Ownership/Management Vendor Training for 2013 –2014 Read slide

2 Goals for this Training Presentation
Reinforce what is presented in “Introduction to WIC” video Familiarity with details of October 1, 2013 changes to the 2012 – 2014 WIC Food List Further reinforcement of what is presented in the “Introduction to WIC” video, especially regarding the responsibilities of accepting WIC Food Instruments (FIs) and Cash Value Vouchers (CVVs) Providing important details of the Food List changes that become effective October 1, 2013 New Cashier Card effective from October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 (will be covered later in this presentation)

3 What Ownership/Management Needs to Know
Read slide

4 Some Basic Facts About WIC
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Federally funded, state administered WIC services at local health departments Nutrition education and supplemental nutritious foods for eligible women, infants and young children up to age five Officially known as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Commonly known as WIC Federally funded but administered by each individual program Services provided in Tennessee at local health departments Provides nutrition education and supplemental nutritious foods to eligible pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women and to infants and young children up to age five (Refer to pages 1 and 2 of the Vendor Handbook for for additional information. The current handbook remains in use through September 30, The Food List and Minimum Stock information is being replaced with that provided at the 2013 Annual Training.)

5 Reminders for a Successful WIC Food Instrument (FI) Transaction
Verify valid month Separate WIC foods from other items Separate WIC foods by WIC transaction Review eligible foods and quantities Participants do not have to receive all eligible food When in doubt, refer to new 2013 – 2014 Cashier Card Match signature with signature from folder Verify the valid month Separate WIC foods from other items Separate WIC foods by WIC transaction Review the eligible foods and quantities When in doubt refer to the new Cashier Card for 2013—2014 which will replace the current Cashier Card for Participants do not have to receive all the eligible food Match signature with signature from folder (Refer to pages 25 and 26 of the Vendor Handbook for for additional information.)

6 Reminders for a Successful Cash Value Voucher (CVV) Transaction
Verify valid month Separate eligible fruits and vegetables from other items Separate WIC foods by WIC transaction Review eligible foods Purchase amounts greater than maximum value can be paid by SNAP or other form of payment Never enter more than maximum value in “Pay this Amount” Match signature with signature from folder Verify the valid month Separate WIC foods from other items Separate WIC foods by WIC transaction Review the eligible foods Participants do not have to receive the maximum value, but no change is given Purchase amounts greater than the maximum value can be paid by SNAP (without sales tax) or other form of payment Never enter more than the maximum value in “Pay this Amount” Match signature with signature from folder (Refer to pages 27 and 28 of the Vendor Handbook for 2012 – 2014 for additional information.)

7 And the Next Steps to Success
Alterations to date and/or dollar amount may not be paid (contact the regional Vendor Representative for assistance) Deposit within 30 days of last day of valid month Vendor stamp must be legible on each FI and CVV Alterations to date and/or dollar amount may not be paid (contact the regional Vendor Representative for assistance) Deposit within 30 days of the last day of the valid month Vendor stamp must be legible on each FI and CVV (Refer to page 29 of the Vendor Handbook for 2012 – 2014 for additional information.)

8 Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payments
Electronic transaction made when dollar amount exceeds the maximum allowed Maximum dollar amounts for FIs based on state-wide average per peer group for each type of FI Maximum dollar amounts for CVVs based on dollar value These FIs and CVVs considered rejected and returned to vendor stamped “Exceeds Maximum Amount; Will be paid at reduced amount via ACH; DO NOT REDEPOSIT” Made electronically when the dollar amount of a transacted FI or CVV exceeds the maximum allowed Maximum dollar amounts for FIs are based on the state-wide average per peer group for each type of FI Maximum dollar amounts for CVVs are based on the dollar value of the CVV These FIs and CVVs are considered rejected and returned to the vendor stamped “Exceeds Maximum Amount; Will be paid at reduced amount via ACH; DO NOT REDEPOSIT”.

9 To Insure ACH Payments and Statements
Vendors must provide correct bank information ACH payments occur on Fridays, statements follow first of next week If multiple locations, statements can be produced for one central location or for each location Statements can be received on-line or by regular mail Vendors must provide correct bank information ACH payments occur on Fridays, statements follow the first of the next week If multiple locations, statements can be produced for one central location, usually a corporate office (WIC assigns a special “corporate parent”) or for each location Statements can be received on-line or by regular mail

10 Customer Courtesies WIC customers must be offered courtesies offered to other customers Includes “Buy One, Get One Free”, Bonus or Value Cards, coupons and any other incentive “Double the Money Back” guarantees for quality and freshness apply to WIC transactions Prohibited for vendors to offer WIC participant only incentives WIC customers must be offered any courtesy offered to other customers – this includes “Buy One, Get One Free”, Bonus or Value Cards, coupons and any other incentive “Double the Money Back” guarantees for quality and freshness apply to WIC transactions It is prohibited for vendors to offer WIC participant only incentives (Refer to page 25 of the Vendor Handbook for 2012 – 2014 for additional information.)

11 Monitoring and Compliance
WIC vendors are expected to be compliant with WIC Vendor Agreement & WIC Vendor Handbook Grocery vendors receive at least 2 formal monitoring visits in any 12 month period. These visits verify: Minimum stock Reported prices Observed WIC transactions properly conducted Available FIs and CVVs on hand handled correctly Failure to meet the above may result in sanctions as outlined in Vendor Handbook All WIC vendors are expected to be compliant with the WIC Vendor Agreement & WIC Vendor Handbook Grocery vendors receive at least 2 formal monitoring visits in any 12 month period. These visits verify: minimum stock reported prices observed WIC transactions are properly conducted FIs and CVVs on hand were handled correctly Failure to meet any of the above may result in sanctions as outlined in the Vendor Handbook (Refer to pages 31 through 36 of the Vendor Handbook for 2012 – 2014 for additional information.)

12 Monitoring and Compliance (cont.)
Routine under-cover compliance buys Vendors notified of negative results during investigation unless it would jeopardize investigation Training optional when vendor first notified, becomes mandatory if non-compliance continues Pattern of non-compliance for same reason results in sanctions Opportunity to request a hearing or administrative review Under-cover compliance buys are routinely conducted Vendors are notified of negative results during the investigation unless it would jeopardize the investigation Training is optional when a vendor is first notified, but will become mandatory if non-compliance continues A pattern of non-compliance for the same reason will result in sanctions as outlined in the Vendor Handbook There is opportunity to request a hearing or administrative review as outlined in the Vendor Handbook (Refer to pages 31 through 36 of the Vendor Handbook for 2012 – 2014 for additional information.)

13 Monitoring and Compliance (cont.)
Inventory audit of WIC foods conducted when necessary Pattern of shortages will result in sanctions Opportunity to request a hearing An inventory audit of WIC foods is conducted when found to be necessary If a pattern of shortages is determined, sanctions will be given There is opportunity to request a hearing as outlined in the Vendor Handbook (Refer to pages 31 through 36 of the Vendor Handbook for 2012 – 2014 for additional information.)

14 Complaint Process Complaints by participants towards vendors:
Followed up by local WIC staff if thought legitimate May be referred to State WIC office Can result in compliance buys or inventory audit Complaints by participants towards vendors: Will be followed up by local WIC staff if thought to be legitimate complaint May be referred to the State WIC office, and Can result in compliance buys or an inventory audit

15 Complaint Process (cont.)
Complaints by vendors towards participants: Report situation to local Vendor Representative Include participant information from top left hand side of FI or CVV If abuse is documented, participant receives warning letter Further documented abuse results in participant’s disqualification from WIC Complaints by vendors towards participants: Report the situation to the local Vendor Representative Include the participant information on the top left hand side of the FI or CVV If abuse is documented, the participant receives a warning letter Further documented abuse will result in the participant’s disqualification from WIC

16 Details of Revisions to 2012 – 2014 Tennessee WIC Food List
Read slide

17 From Front Side of Cashier Card for 2013 -- 2014
Read slide

18 Milk Allowed unless FI calls for one of the exceptions below:
Gallon size of any brand in reduced fat, low fat, fat free or sweet acidophilus Allowed when on FI: Whole milk Lactose Reduced or Lactose Free in largest available size Ultra High Temperature(UHT) No changes to Milk Allowed unless FI calls for one of the exceptions below: Gallon size of any brand in reduced fat, low fat, fat free or sweet acidophilus FI states eligible milk(s) for that particular participant Allowed when on FI: Whole milk Lactose Reduced or Lactose Free in largest available size, which will usually be half-gallon. Ultra High Temperature(UHT)

19 Milk (cont.) Allowed when on FI (cont.): Non-fat dry powdered milk
Goat’s milk Evaporated milk including low-fat Buttermilk including low-fat Not allowed: Chocolate milk Non-dairy beverages (except when soy beverage on FI) Organic Allowed when on FI (cont.): Non-fat dry powdered milk Goat’s milk may be 13 oz evaporated on store shelf or refrigerated quarts. Evaporated milk including low-fat Buttermilk including low-fat. Some FIs allow only low-fat buttermilk, while others allow either whole or low-fat. Buttermilk is not to be substituted for other milk types. Not allowed: Chocolate milk Non-dairy beverages (except when soy beverage is on FI) Organic products

20 Milk Substitutes Tofu is allowed when on FI:
Specific brand and types on Cashier Card Organic allowed Soy beverages are allowed when on FI: Specific brand and types on Cashier Card including additional brand and types for 2013 – 2014 New requirement that participants receive largest available refrigerated size or largest available shelf size, including quarts or half-gallons No changes to Tofu, changes to Soy Beverage (At your discretion, present Tofu and Soy Beverage as they are appropriate for your audience.) Tofu is allowed when on FI: Specific brand and types are on the Cashier Card Organic products are allowed Soy beverages are allowed when on FI: Soy beverage is often referred to as “soy milk”, but these products are not “milk” in the normal sense 8th Continent will now be eligible in Original or Vanilla in shelf quarts in addition to Original and Vanilla in refrigerated half-gallons Pacific Natural continues to be eligible in shelf quarts in Original or Vanilla An additional brand, WestSoy, will be eligible in Plain and Vanilla in shelf quarts and half-gallons All of the above products are organic New requirement that participants are to receive the largest available refrigerated size or largest available shelf size, including quarts or half-gallons (Participant choice of refrigerated or shelf if both carried.)

21 Cheese 8 or 16 oz package of approved varieties in store or private label brand (unless none carried): Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Monterey Jack and Process American Allowed: Block, slices, string or stick Blends of approved varieties Low, free, reduced, less or light in sodium, fat or cholesterol No changes to Cheese except one regarding Cabot brand 8 or 16 oz package of approved varieties in store or private label brand (unless none is carried): Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Monterey Jack and Process American Allowed: Block , slices, string or stick Blends of the approved varieties Low, free, reduced, less or light in sodium, fat or cholesterol Cabot brand blocks are allowed when on FI Individually wrapped slices allowed when label does not say cheese food, cheese product, or imitation cheese

22 Cheese (cont.) Not allowed: Shredded or cubed Imported
Flavored or smoked With added ingredients or seasonings Cheese food, spreads, products or imitation cheese From deli or cheese shop unless not sold elsewhere (not applicable to Cabot brand) Organic Not allowed: Shredded or cubed Imported Flavored or smoked With added ingredients or seasonings Cheese food, spreads, products or imitation cheese From deli or cheese shop unless not sold elsewhere (not applicable to Cabot brand) Organic products

23 Eggs Allowed: Not allowed: Dozen carton, Grade A Large white eggs
Brown eggs Specialty eggs including organic Dried eggs mix Hard boiled eggs No changes to Eggs Allowed: Dozen carton, Grade A Large white eggs Not allowed: Brown eggs Specialty eggs including organic Dried eggs mix Hard boiled eggs

24 Dried Beans and Peas Allowed: Not allowed:
16 oz bag of plain dry beans, peas or lentils Not allowed: With seasoning packets Organic No changes to Dried Beans and Peas Allowed: 16 oz bag of plain dry beans, peas or lentils Not allowed: With seasoning packets Organic

25 Canned Beans Allowed: 15 – 16 oz cans of plain beans
Includes garbanzo beans/chick peas, crowder peas and purple hull peas Added sugar Reduced sodium Not allowed: Green peas, green beans, or wax beans Added meat, sauces or spices Organic No changes to Canned Beans Allowed: 15 – 16 oz cans of plain beans Eligible products include garbanzo beans/chick peas, crowder peas and purple hull peas all of which are considered beans Added sugar Reduced sodium Not allowed: Green peas, green beans, or wax beans Added meat, sauces or spices Organic products .

26 Peanut Butter Allowed: 16 – 18 jar in glass or plastic
Smooth or crunchy Refrigerated or non-refrigerated Regular or reduced sodium and added vitamins Not allowed: Reduced fat, peanut butter spreads Added jelly or honey Store ground Organic No changes to Peanut Butter Allowed: 16 – 18 jar in glass or plastic Smooth or crunchy Refrigerated or non-refrigerated Regular or reduced sodium and added vitamins Not allowed: Reduced fat, peanut butter spreads Added jelly or honey Store ground Organic products

27 Juice Allowed size(s) on FI: Allowed 46 – 48 oz can or plastic:
Any brand of orange or grapefruit Specific brands and flavors on Cashier Card Allowed 11.5/12 oz frozen: No changes to Juice Allowed size(s) will be on FI. All juices can be calcium fortified. Allowed 46 – 48 oz can or plastic: Any brand of orange or grapefruit labeled 100% juice and at least 120% of the daily requirement of Vitamin C Grapefruit includes white, ruby red, or pink Specific brands and flavors are on the Cashier Card Allowed 11.5/12 oz frozen: (At your discretion, discuss Food List changes in more detail.)

28 Juice (cont.) Allowed 64 oz plastic bottle:
Any brand of orange or grapefruit Specific brands and flavors on Cashier Card Not allowed for any juice: Bottle or carton from dairy case Fruit drinks or fruit cocktails Sweetened or added spices Organic Allowed 64 oz plastic bottle: Any brand of orange or grapefruit labeled 100% juice and at least 120% of the daily requirement of Vitamin C Grapefruit includes white, ruby red, or pink Specific brands and flavors are on the Cashier Card Not allowed for any juice: Bottle or carton from dairy case (At your discretion, discuss Food List changes in more detail.)

29 From Back Side of Cashier Card for 2013 -- 2014
Read slide.

30 Canned Fish Allowed: Chunk light tuna in 5 to 6 oz cans (No albacore)
Pink or red salmon in oz cans (can have bones or skin) Sardines in 3.75 oz cans (can be in tomato or mustard sauce) Any brand Regular or low sodium Not Allowed: Smoked Organic No changes to Canned Fish Allowed: Chunk light tuna in 5 to 6 oz cans (No albacore) Pink or red salmon in oz cans (can have bones or skin) Sardines in 3.75 oz cans (can be in tomato or mustard sauce) Any brand Regular or low sodium Not Allowed: Smoked products Organic products

31 CVVs for Purchase of Fresh and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables
Allowed: Fresh whole or cut fruit without added sugars Frozen fruits without added sugars Fresh whole or cut vegetables without added sugars, fats, oils, herbs or spices Frozen vegetables without added sugars, fats, oils breading, herbs or spices in regular or low sodium No changes to Fresh and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Allowed: Fresh whole or cut fruit without added sugars Frozen fruits without added sugars Fresh whole or cut vegetables without added sugars, fats, oils, herbs or spices Frozen vegetables without added sugars, fats, oils breading, herbs or spices in regular or low sodium Please remember that Tennessee does not allow canned fruits or vegetables for purchase with CVVs.

32 CVVs for Purchase of Fresh and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables (cont.)
Allowed (cont.): Orange yams and sweet potatoes in fresh or frozen Broccoli, cauliflower and artichokes (not edible blossoms or flowers, e.g. squash blossoms) Organic that meet other requirements Allowed (cont.): Orange yams and sweet potatoes in fresh or frozen Broccoli, cauliflower and artichokes (not edible blossoms or flowers, e.g. squash blossoms) Organic fruits and vegetables that meet the other requirements Remember that white potatoes are not eligible in either fresh or frozen

33 CVVs for Purchase of Fresh and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables (cont.)
Not allowed: Fruits or vegetables with added sugars, fats, or oils Herbs or spices Pasta or rice mixes Breaded vegetables Vegetables in creams or sauces Dried fruits or vegetables Fruit baskets, party trays, baked goods (e.g., blueberry muffins), or items from salad bars Not allowed: Fruits or vegetables with added sugars, fats, or oils Herbs or spices Pasta or rice mixes Breaded vegetables Vegetables in creams or sauces Dried fruits or vegetables Fruit baskets, party trays, baked goods (e.g., blueberry muffins), or items from salad bars Ones listed here are the situations most likely to happen Additional exceptions are on the Cashier Card

34 Cereal Minimum box size is 11 ounces
Specific brands and varieties of both hot and cold cereal on Cashier Card WIC participants encouraged to buy whole grain cereals; are indicated on Cashier Card by an asterisk No Changes to Cereal The minimum box size is 11 ounces Specific brands and varieties of both hot and cold cereal are on the Cashier Card WIC participants are encouraged to buy whole grain cereals; they are indicated on the Cashier Card by an asterisk (At your discretion, discuss Food List changes in more detail.)

35 Bread, Buns, Rolls and Tortillas
Please note new size requirement Allowed: Bread, buns, rolls in 16 oz packages Whole wheat or soft corn tortillas in 16 oz packages Specific brands and varieties for 2013 – 2014 on Cashier Card Major changes to Breads, Buns, Rolls and Tortillas In addition to eligible products having whole wheat or whole grain as their first ingredient, USDA is now requiring only 16 oz packages Also, recent plant closings have affected product availability Allowed: Bread, buns, rolls in 16 oz packages Whole wheat or soft corn tortillas in 16 oz packages Specific brands and varieties are on the Cashier Card Summary of Changes (At your discretion, present these changes as they are appropriate for your audience.): Bread: Losing to size – Healthy Life 100% Whole Wheat Soft Style ½ Loaf Losing to plant closings – Merita 100% Whole Wheat Small Bread and Wonder 100% Whole Wheat Soft Bread No additions Buns and Rolls: Losing to size – Arnold/Orowheat 100% Whole Wheat, Honey Wheat and Multi-Grain Sandwich Thins; Healthy Life 100% Whole Wheat Soft Style Sandwich Buns and Hotdog buns; Nature’s Own 100% Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns, Hotdog Buns, and Sandwich Rounds; Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Wheat Soft Hamburger Buns and Deli Flats; Sara Lee 100% Whole Wheat and Multi-Grain Thin Style Buns (actually already discontinued) Losing to plant closings (size too) – Wonder 100% Whole Wheat Hamburger and Hotdog Buns Adding – Arnold/Orowheat Select Wheat Sandwich Rolls; Sara Lee 100 Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns (both are in 16 oz) Tortillas: Losing to size – La Banderita Soft Taco Whole Wheat

36 Other Whole Unprocessed Grains
New16 oz size requirement also applicable to these products Allowed in instant, quick cook or regular cooking: Brown rice Bulgur (also known as cracked wheat) Whole grain barley Oats (not oatmeal in packets) eligible as other grain Any brand of above in 16 oz packages Not allowed: Pearled barley Organic The size change also applies to Other Grains Allowed in instant, quick cook or regular cooking: Brown rice Bulgur (also known as cracked wheat) Whole grain barley Oats (not oatmeal in packets) are eligible as an other grain Any brand of the above in 16 oz packages Only item affected by the size change is 14 oz brown rice, but there is good availability of 16 oz packages Not allowed: Pearled barley Organic products

37 Infant Food Infant formula – allow only brand, type and quantity listed on FI Infant cereal: Allowed: Any grain, including whole wheat/whole grain 8 oz box of Beechnut or Gerber Not allowed: Added infant formula or milk Added fruit or non-cereal ingredients Organic With DHA/ARA No changes to Infant Formula or other Infant Food Infant formula – allow only the brand, type and quantity listed on the FI Infant cereal: Allowed: Any grain, including whole wheat/whole grain 8 oz box of Beechnut or Gerber Not allowed: Added infant formula or milk Added fruit or non-cereal ingredients Organic products Products with DHA/ARA

38 Infant Food (cont.) Infant vegetables – Stage 2 or 2nd Foods: Allowed:
Single ingredient such as carrots 3.5 or 4.0 oz jars of Beechnut or Gerber in single jars or twin packs Not allowed: Combination products such as peas and carrots Added sugars, starches or sodium Organic With DHA/ARA Infant vegetables – Stage 2 or 2nd Foods: Allowed: Single ingredient such as carrots 3.5 or 4.0 oz jars of Beechnut or Gerber in single jars or twin packs Not allowed: Combination products such as peas and carrots Added sugars, starches or sodium Organic products Products with DHA/ARA Read FI carefully, it will say how many jars are allowed but will vary if participants gets 3.5 oz or 4 oz Use caution when checking number of jars, twin-packs count as two

39 Infant Food (cont.) Infant fruits – Stage 2 or 2nd Foods: Allowed:
Single ingredient such as apples 3.5 or 4.0 oz jars of Beechnut or Gerber in single jars or twin packs Infant fruits – Stage 2 or 2nd Foods: Allowed: Single ingredient such as apples 3.5 or 4.0 oz jars of Beechnut or Gerber in single jars or twin packs Again, read FI carefully, it will say how many jars are allowed but will vary if participants get 3.5 oz or 4 oz Use caution when checking number of jars, twin-packs count as two

40 Infant Food (cont.) Infant fruits – Stage 2 or 2nd Foods (cont.):
Not allowed: Combinations such as apples and blueberries Added sugars, starches or sodium Added cereal No desserts such as fruit cobbler Organic With DHA/ARA Infant fruits – Stage 2 or 2nd Foods (cont.): Not allowed: Combinations such as apples and blueberries Added sugars, starches or sodium Added cereal No desserts such as fruit cobbler Organic products Products with DHA/ARA

41 Infant Food (cont.) Infant meats (may be labeled either 1st or 2nd stage): Allowed: Single major ingredient of meat or poultry with added broth or gravy 2.5 oz jars of Beechnut or Gerber Not allowed: Added sugars or sodium Combinations such as meat and vegetables Dinners such as spaghetti and meatballs Organic With DHA/ARA Infant meats (may be labeled either 1st or 2nd stage): Allowed: Single major ingredient of meat or poultry with added broth or gravy 2.5 oz jars of Beechnut or Gerber Not allowed: Added sugars or sodium Combinations such as meat and vegetables Dinners such as spaghetti and meatballs Organic products Products with DHA/ARA

42 Revised Materials for 2013 – 2014
(Samples, printed copies will include final changes.) Read Slide

43 Outside panels of Women & Children pamphlet for 2013—2014:
Green bar with new effective dates Revised panel for Bread & Other Grains Printed copy will have one final change – addition of new “kidscentral tn” logo above effective dates

44 Inside panels of Women & Children pamphlet for 2013—2014:
Revised statement on Cheese panel regarding Cabot cheese Revised panel for Milk and Milk Substitutes panel Final copy will: Define FI as Food Instrument Not include Silk under Soy Beverage (not re-formulated to meet federal guidelines as anticipated)

45 Inside panels from current Infant pamphlet for 2012—2014, no changes to either inside or outside panels

46 WIC Food List Reminders
WIC participants receive pamphlets, vendors receive Cashier Cards – different format, same information Three month transition between old and new lists Food List includes all possibly allowed items, read FI to see what is specifically allowed for that transaction CVVs show specific dollar amount of fruits and vegetables, read them carefully and never enter dollar amount greater than maximum value of CVV WIC participants receive pamphlets, vendors receive Cashier Cards – different format but same information There is a three month transition between the old and new lists The Food List includes all possibly allowed items, read the FI to see what is specifically allowed for that transaction CVVs show a specific dollar amount of fruits and vegetables, read them carefully and never enter a dollar amount greater than the maximum value of the CVV

47 Front side of Cashier Card for 2013—2014 -- Actual card will be blue in color

48 Back side of Cashier Card for 2013--2014

49 Cashier Card Reflects same Food List changes as Women & Children pamphlet Three month transition requires both old and new Cashier Card at each register Lists all possible eligible items – remember to carefully read the FI Reflects same Food List changes as the Women & Children pamphlet The three month transition requires both old and new Cashier Card at each register Lists all possible eligible items – remember to carefully read the FI

50 Thanks for the Time & Attention, For More Information:
For federal regulations and policies, see the USDA WIC Website: For information specific to Tennessee WIC: and click on “Vendor Management” Or contact your local Vendor Representative. For federal regulations and policies, see the USDA WIC Website: For information specific to Tennessee WIC: and click on “Vendor Management” Or contact the local Vendor Representative. (You may want to change to your contact information)

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