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The Skeletal System.

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1 The Skeletal System

2 DIRECTIONS: Fill in ALL the information with astericks
DIRECTIONS: Fill in ALL the information with astericks * in front of them by reading the proper section of the text, Do Not use Glossary. This must be done prior to the class.

3 III) The Appendicular Skeleton
Major Regions Appendages Pectoral girdle Pelvic girdle

4 A. The Pectoral Girdle Function *Clavicle: location & articulations
*Scapula: “ “ Glenoid Cavity: Spine: Glenoid Cavity Scapula

5 Bones of the Shoulder Girdle
Figure 5.21c–d

6 B. Bones of the Upper Limbs
1. Humerus *Head: description & location Articulations Joint Flexibility & Stability

7 Bones of the Upper Limbs
2. Forearm bones *Ulna: location Olecranon Process: Superior Articulation Inferior Articulation *Radius: location *Head: location & articulation Inferior articulation

8 Bones of the Upper Limbs
3. The hand *Carpals: location & number *Metacarpals: as above *Phalanges: as above Digits

9 C. Pelvic Bones & Girdle 1. = 2 coxal (ossa coxae) bones & Saccrum
2. Each Coxal Bone = 3 fused bones a. Ilium Iliac Crest b. Ischium Ischial Tuberosity c. Pubis 3. *Acetabulum: description, location, function Illiac Crest Illium Ischium etabulum Pubis Ischial Tuberosity

10 The Pelvis: Right Coxal Bone
Figure 5.24b

11 4. Pelvis = Pelvic Girdle & Coccyx Inlet Outlet Pubic Arch
5. *Functions do all Supports: Protects: Birth 6. Articulations Pelvic Inlet

12 The Pelvis Figure 5.24a

13 6. Gender Differences of the Pelvis– why?
FEMALE Female Pelvis: *Inlet & Outlet size: Ilia shape: pubic arch: MALE

14 D. *Bones of the Lower Limbs name upper 3 bones = & Foot bones
1. Thigh = Femur Strength Patellar surface *Head: location & function Articulations

15 Bones of the Lower Limbs …
2. Tibia Tibial Tuberosity Articulations 3. Fibula Does not articulate with the femur

16 Bones of the Lower Limbs ….
4. The foot *Tarsals (includes heel) location, number *Metatarsals (includes sole) as above *Phalanges as above Digits = toes

17 IV) Joints Functions Types Sutures Synovial Humerus

18 Synovial Joints Joint Cavity Synovial fluid Articular cartilage

19 Types of joints Hinge Pivot Ball and Socket

20 The Synovial Joint Figure 5.29

21 Inflammatory Conditions– STUDENTS DO
*Tendonitis describe, cause, treatment *Arthritis as above Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoporosis

22 END

23 Assignment due the class day after Test #1 day
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions What is the overall function of Muscles? 2. List the 3 types of muscle tissue and give the following for each type: Where found, b) Cell shapes, and c) what cells do to cause #1 above What do the following prefixes mean: myo, mys, and sarco 4. Define “Tendon” and “Aponeurosis” 5. Give the skeletal muscle functions. Define: Sarcoplasm, Myofibril, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum State and Describe the 4 skeletal Muscle cell characteristics that allow for stimulation and contraction. 8. Define the following: motor neuron, motor unit, Neuromuscular junction, synaptic cleft, Neurotransmitter, Acetylcholine

24 The Appendicular Skeleton
Figure 5.6b

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