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State of Florida Carbon Emissions Reduction Program

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1 State of Florida Carbon Emissions Reduction Program
with a Circular Bio-economy Platform For City of Jacksonville Pilot Offering a Public Private Partnership Collaboration with: Providing the tools for Revitalizing Rural and Urban America through Assessment, Strategic Planning, Investment and Partnerships. Our intent is to deliver Smart Sustainable Communities using Cutting Edge Technology from the Clean-Tech Sectors.

2 Florida Statewide Carbon Emissions Reduction Program Entry Point TSW
Florida Total Solid Waste (TSW) generated in FY15 was 14,859,083 tons. Duval County FY15 was 1,888,594 tons. The Statewide goal is to recycle 40 percent of TSW generated by 2020 across all sectors (residential, commercial, institutional and industrial), Reducing Carbon Emissions by 30% Cost Projections for Transfer, Haul, and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste

What are the challenges in today’s world and how will they be solved in a limited carbon environment? Waste Water Food Raw Material This collaboration is aimed at delivering cutting-edge technology to address environmental and social-economic issues. Turning all Organic Waste into Clean Energy and Tradable Commodities, using our Mobile Co-Hybrid Waste to Energy Stations/Plants generating 100 kw to 1000 kw per hour.

4 Offering Co-hybrid Organic Waste-to-Energy and Fertilizer Facilities
These facilities will intake all organic waste feedstock material such as slug wooden pallets, construction/demolition, trees, tires, electronics, food, plastic, paper, metal, glass, hazardous materials, medical, industrial, grease & oil, and every day waste going to landfills. Saving Jacksonville a min. of 20% on Current Expenses for Waste Elimination

5 Community Asset-Based Assessment and Mapping Process
Building an inventory of community assets and capabilities. This process will result in a comprehensive, coordinated look at ecological issues, e.g. environmental, cultural, social, educational, and recreational issues, goals and objectives. Starting Point for Building Sustainable Communities in Jacksonville Duval County

6 Transforming a 20-Acre Site into a Clean-Tech Sector Hub
We will design-build a smart sustainable ‘Carbon Neutral’ Eco- Center – Community Resource Development and Trade Center development for the Clean-Tech Sectors. Offering research laboratories, manufacturing, vertical farming, showrooms, commercial, office, data center, transitional housing, academic, healthcare, entertainment and hospitality operations. Also, delivering an on-site underground waste vacuum collection and Waste to combine Heat and Power utility ecosystem facility. Helping Jacksonville Create Jobs and Business Opportunities for all

7 Future-Ready Workforce Development Academy
The fundamental component to our success is our ability to prepare, train and retrain individual participants to meet this diverse and rapidly changing job market across the 18 clean-tech sector industries . Recruiting, Training, Certifying and Positioning 7,200 Participants Per Year

8 Entrepreneurship Academy and Business Incubator Operations
This program will bring together existing cultural creative networks and professionals from a broad range of academic and skilled backgrounds. The objective is to incorporate a team approach that will establish business and investment opportunities through the value chain of information, resources, products and services offered by its participants. Recruiting, Training, Certifying and Positioning 7,200 Participants Per Year

9 Renewable Raw Material Commodities
Our W2E process of fusion from waste, producing an organic synthetic gas with the capacity to yield organic chemical by-products from compounds and distillates. Examples of chemical by-products produced with many applications from industrial manufacturing to medicine are: synthetic fuels, motor oil, alcohol, concrete, bioplastic, fertilizer, etc.. “Tapping Into the $1 Trillion-And-Growing Sustainable Clean Technology Manufacturing and Service Sectors”

10 Government Participation Requirements:
Public Private Partnership between City of Jacksonville, Duval County and CETS Waste to Energy, Inc. for 25-years, City of Jacksonville sign CETS 25-year Waste to Energy (WHP) Service Contract for a 20% min savings on combined Waste Deposal, Renewable Energy, and Thermal Heat, City of Jacksonville transfer 20-acre site contribution to CETS for the Waste Transformation Hub and TPS Eco-Center project, CETS will be responsible for securing all funding to implement its sustainable infrastructure development projects county wide. Helping Jacksonville Transition from a Linear to a Circular Bio-economy

11 25-year Waste Transformation Technology Service Lease Packages:
Solid Municipal/Industrial/Hospital Waste to Energy hourly operation: 100 kw station requires 150 kg of organic waste to produce 100 kw of Clean Energy, 200 kw Thermal Heat (Heat/Cool Buildings) delivery: Package Cost $250,000 per year Lease (25-year term) 1 MW stations requires 1.5 MT of organic waste disposal to produce 1 MW of Clean Energy, 2 MW of Thermal Heat (Heat/Cool Buildings) delivery: Package Cost $2,500,000 per year Lease (25-year term)

12 1 Megawatt Per Hour Waste to Energy Generation Per Year Lease Package
Processing Waste Input Per Day Product Output Per Day Product Input/Output Per Year (365) Market Price Total Client Cost Per Year Waste Disposal 36 MT 13,140 MT $65 $854,100.00 Renewable Energy 22,000 kw 8,030,000 kw $0.07 $562,100.00 Thermal Heat 44,000 kw 16,060,000 kw $1,124,200.00 Total CETS Waste to Energy Lease Package Cost Per Year $2,540,400.00 Discount on a 25-year CETS Lease Term Contract Per Year $40,400.00 Total 25-year CETS Waste to Energy Lease Package Cost Per Year $2,500,000.00 Jacksonville will have an option after 25-year lease term to purchase stations for $1 with a maintenance contract

13 Offering Green/Climate Bond Issuance with a 6% Coupon paid Annually
How we will financial this Initiative? Through Green/Climate Bond Issuance CETS will structure and issue its Corporate Green Bonds as securities that enable capital-raising and investment for new, existing and transitioning projects within the City of Jacksonville Duval County. The intent is to help organize the city to have higher resource efficiency, stimulating economic growth, reducing poverty, improving health, therefore resulting into a sustainable community for all. Offering Green/Climate Bond Issuance with a 6% Coupon paid Annually

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