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Castor Oil & Ispaghula.

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Presentation on theme: "Castor Oil & Ispaghula."— Presentation transcript:

1 Castor Oil & Ispaghula

2 Objectives On completion of this lesson, you would be able to know:
The monographs of Castor oil And Ispaghula

3 Known to Unknown What is the Telugu name of Castor oil
Do it fit for Laxative or Purgative Can you name one seed which resembles boat shape? What is the principal content of it

4 Castor Oil Synonym : Oleum Ricini Family : Euphorbiaceae
Biological Source : Fixed oil obtained by the cold expression of the seeds of Ricinus communis Family : Euphorbiaceae Fig.16.1

5 Castor Oil Geographical Source: India Brazil USA USSR Rumania In India
Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Karnataka Fig.16.2

6 Castor Oil Organoleptic characters:
Colour : Pale yellow or colourless liquid Odour : Nauseating Taste : First it is bland, afterwards slightly acrid and nauseating. Solubility : Soluble in alcohol Fig.16.3

7 Castor Oil Standards : Weight per ml : 0.945 to 0.965
Acid value : not more than 2 Acetyl value : not less than 143 Iodine value : 82 to 90 Sap value : to 185 Optical rotation : not less than +3.5º

8 Castor Oil Chemical Constituents : Contains Triglycerides of
80% Ricinoleic acid Isoricinoleic acid Linoleic acid Stearic acid and Isostearic acid

9 Castor Oil Identification :
It mixes with half its volume of light petroleum ether ( º) and partly soluble in its two volumes. Oil + equal volume of Alcohol clear liquid on cooling at 0ºc and storage for three hours liquid remains clear.

10 Castor Oil Uses : Mild Purgative Lubricating agent
Ricinoliec acid is used as contraceptive in creams and jellies. Hydrogenated oil is used as ointment base.

11 Ispaghula Synonyms : Isaphol, Isabgol
Biological Source : Dried seeds of Plantago ovata Family : Plantaginaceae Fig.16.4

12 Isapaghula Geographical Source : native of INDIA In INDIA Gujarat
South Rajasthan Punjab Maharashtra

13 Ispaghula Organoleptic characters: Colour : Pinkish-grey or brown
Odour : none Taste : mucilaginous,bland Size : 10 to 35 mm in length 1 to 1.75 mm in width Shape : ovate cymbiform Fig.16.5

14 Ispaghula Chemical Constituents : Mucilage Pentosan & Aldobionic acid
Fixed oils Proteins Xylose, Arabinose, Galacturonic acid and Rhamnose are the products of hydrolysis of Pentosan

15 Ispaghula Chemical tests :
With Ruthenium red mucilage will give Pink colour. To dry seeds add a drop of Thionine test solution, wait for 10 minutes, wash with alcohol, mucilage turns Violet-red.

16 Ispaghula 3. To dry seeds add one drop of Chinese-ink , mucilage shows transparent , spherically dilated fragments on black back ground . 4. Swelling factor test : 1g seeds + 20ml of water in 25ml measuring cylinder Swelling factor is 10 to 13

17 Ispaghula Uses : Laxative Demulscent Emollient
In the treatment of Chronic Constipation, Amoebic and Bacillary Dysentery.

18 Ispaghula Uses : Poultice for Rheumatic pains
Mucilage of the seed is used in the preparation of tablets and also as stabilizer the preparation of ice creams.

19 Summary In this class we learnt about : Castor oil is obtained by the
Cold expression of the seeds of Ricinus communis is belongs to the Family Euphorbiaceae Contains Triglycerides of Fatty acids Used as purgative.

20 Summary In this class we learnt about :
Ispaghula consists of dried seeds of Plantago ovata belongs to the family Plantaginaceae contains Mucilage, Pentosan and Aldobionic acid & is used as Laxative.

21 Quiz 1. Castor oil belongs to the family a. Euphorbiaceae
b. Leguminosae c. Solanaceae d. Umbelliferae

22 Quiz 2. Castor oil is used as a. Purgative b. Carminative
c. Anti-diabetic d. Anti-viral

23 Quiz 3. Castor contains a. Alkaloids b. Glycosides c. Volatile oils
d. Fixed oils

24 Quiz 4. Ispaghula belongs to the family a. Euphorbiaceae
b. Plantaginaceae c. Solanaceae d. Umbelliferae

25 Quiz 5. Ispaghula is used as a. Laxative b. Carminative
c. Anti-diabetic d. Anti-viral

26 Quiz 6. Ispaghula contains a. Mucilage b. Glycosides c. Volatile oils
d. Fixed oil

27 Frequently asked Questions
Give two examples for Laxatives. (Mar/Apr’2005)

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