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Hydrometric method Measuring cylinder and hydrometer calibration

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1 Hydrometric method Measuring cylinder and hydrometer calibration
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Measuring cylinder and hydrometer calibration For correction of hydrometer weight base volume Scale markings 1,030 Weighted base

2 Hydrometric method Measuring cylinder and hydrometer calibration KPG
Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Measuring cylinder and hydrometer calibration 1,000 hR = h1 + h0/2 ∆h = h – h0 ∆h = V/F V/F = h – h0 h0 = h – V/F h0/2 = h/2 – V/2F hR = h1 + h/2 – V/2F h1 = L – R.L/S S – the number of units on the scale (30) h1 = L/S (S – R) L R 1,019 h1 h1 1,030 ∆h hR h0 h F ∆h V

3 Hydrometric method S The number of units on the scale (30)
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method S The number of units on the scale (30) R Hydrometer reading (1.019; CORRECTION 19!!!!!) L Scale length (cm) h/2 Half height of weighted base (cm) V Volume of weighted base (cm3) F Area of measuring cylinder base (cm2)

4 Hydrometric method Sample preparation
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Sample preparation To break soil aggregates to single (elementary) grains Can by done by mechanical way, chemical way or combination of both Methodology of sample preparation: Soil weight: 80 – 100 g Light soil 40 – 60 g Intermediate soil 20 – 40 g Heavy soil Place soil sample into the boiling cup and mix it with distillate water and dispersing agent (Na3(PO4)6) by ratio 1g : 1ml : 1ml Boil the soil suspension for 3 min. and move it quantitatively into measuring cylinder

5 Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Move the soil suspension into measuring cylinder and fill the measuring cylinder to the mark of 1000 ml Stir the soil suspension in measuring cylinder violently Put hydrometer into measuring cylinder and read the values in defined times (see below) Measure the soil suspension temperature after every hydrometer reading

6 Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temperature R R0 hR d Σ% 30´´ T1 1,029 26 23 19 10´ T2 14 20´ T3 13 30´ T4 12 40´ T5 11 50´ T6 60´ T7 Leave the hydrometer in soil suspension Remove the hydrometr afther every reading and clean it

7 Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R R0 hR d (mm) Σ% 30´´ T1 29 26 23 19 10´ T2 14 20´ T3 13 30´ T4 12 40´ T5 11 50´ T6 60´ T7

8 °C 20 21 22 23 24 25 Correction 0 + 0,5 + 0,36

9 Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R R0 hR d (mm) Σ% 30´´ T1 29 26 23 19 10´ T2 14 20´ T3 13 30´ T4 12 40´ T5 11 50´ T6 60´ T7 R + correction

10 Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R R0 hR d (mm) Σ% 30´´ T1 29 26 23 19 10´ T2 14 20´ T3 13 30´ T4 12 40´ T5 11 50´ T6 60´ T7

11 Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R R0 hR d (mm) Σ% 30´´ T1 29 26 23 19 10´ T2 14 20´ T3 13 30´ T4 12 40´ T5 11 50´ T6 60´ T7

12 d v Time ρZ A T hours minutes seconds (Casagrande A., Modified)
dynamic viscosity of liquids [] particle density [] specific gravity of liquid [] sedimentation rate [cm.s-1] particle diameters [mm] suspension temperature [OC] Depth [cm] time Nomogram for Particle Size Determination Temperaure correction ( t ) Key for particle size determination hours seconds minutes (Casagrande A., Modified) ρz d v Time ρZ A T

13 Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R
KPG Katedra pedologie a geologie Hydrometric method Methodology of soil texture analyses Time Temp. R R0 hR d (mm) Σ% 30´´ T1 29 26 23 19 10´ T2 14 20´ T3 13 30´ T4 12 40´ T5 11 50´ T6 60´ T7 Σ% = 100/g * (ρZ.R0 / ρZ-1) g......Soil weight used for analyses

14 PARTICLE SIZE CURVE Grevel Sand Silt Clay Particle size diameters [mm]
Percentage of particle size Grevel Sand Silt Clay Clay % 11 Silt % 26 Sand % 63 PARTICLE SIZE CURVE 2 mm 0.063 mm 0.002 mm

15 Soil Texture Sand + Silt + Clay = 100% 20 % Sand 30 % Silt 50 % Clay

16 Soil Texture by Feel Analyses

17 PARTICLE SIZE CURVE Grevel Sand Silt Clay 2 mm 0.063 mm 0.002 mm
Percentage of particle size Particle size diameters [mm]

18 (Casagrande A., Modified)
dynamic viscosity of liquids [] particle density [] specific gravity of liquid [] sedimentation rate [cm.s-1] particle diameters [mm] suspension temperature [OC] Depth [cm] time Nomogram for Particle Size Determination Temperaure correction ( t ) Key for particle size determination hours seconds minutes (Casagrande A., Modified) ρz

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