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Plan for College and Career Readiness

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1 Plan for College and Career Readiness
Welcome To Your PCCR Plan for College and Career Readiness $ What is YOUR PLAN?

2 Job Market is changing Out of the 11.6 million jobs created in the post recession economy, 11.5 million went to workers with at least some college education. Graduate degree holders gained 3.8 million jobs, Bachelor's degree holders gained 4.6 million jobs Associate’s degree holders gained 3.1 million. Employment of workers with a high school diploma or less only grew by 80,000 jobs.

3 Workers with a Bachelor’s degree or higher are taking almost all the jobs in high- and middle-skill occupations

4 Education to be competitive in this
You need to plan on post-secondary Education to be competitive in this Job market • Workers with at least some postsecondary education now make up 65 percent of the total employment. • Bachelor’s degree holders now earn 57 percent of all wages. • Workers with a high school diploma or less must earn postsecondary credentials in order to compete effectively in growing high-skill career fields.

5 Education Pays

6 ? The “Pathways to Prosperity” study by the Harvard Graduate School of Education shows that only 56% of college students complete four-year degrees within six years and only 29% of those who start two-year degrees finish them within three years!! WHY?

7 ] [ d i r e c t i o n p r e p a r a t i o n real & the real problem
. . . most students lack d i r e c t i o n & p r e p a r a t i o n

8 Why are you going to college?
Direction Why are you going to college? to learn more about things that interest me to be able to get a better job to get training for a specific career Source: The American Freshman National Norms for Fall 2002

9 Career Event or Process
Pathways - Classes JATC Internships Talk to people Interest Inventories ( Counselor What are your career interests?

10 What Are You Doing to Prepare?

11 College Success # # # 3 1 2 GPA ACT High School Academic Rigor
These three things can predict your college success # 1 High School Academic Rigor # 2 GPA # 3 ACT

12 Homework Matters Teaches content, time management, and discipline.
College Success Average successful College freshmen study for 40 hours each week. Homework Matters Teaches content, time management, and discipline. High School students doing 10 hours homework a week, are 3 times more likely to get a Bachelor’s Degree. Senior Year Matters!!

13 TAKE THE RIGHT CLASSES 4 years/credits of English
4 years/credits of math (one class beyond Algebra 2 or Math 3) 3.5 years/credits of social science 3 years/credits lab-based science (one biology, one chemistry, one physics ) 2 years/credits same world language (taken progressively during grades 9-12) Maintain a 3.0 GPA , maintain a C in core courses, & submit an ACT score Be Prepared for college! Regents Scholarship Maintain a 3.5 GPA , maintain a B in core courses, & 26 ACT composite score

14 Challenge Yourself Honors Classes JATC Internships AP Classes
Concurrent Enrollment Classes

15 Grade Point Average Most colleges require Transcripts and ACT scores for admission because these two items are great predictors of how you will do in college Study after study finds that GPA is the best predictor of college success, even more so than ACT or SAT -hard work, discipline and curiosity in high school will continue in college

16 ACT Colleges use the ACT for 3 things Admission Class Placement
Scholarships All Juniors will take the ACT February 28th Free opportunities for ACT Prep Every Thursday mini-lesson during MAP Every Thursday 3:00 – 5:00pm Online preparation Recommend that you take the ACT twice Sign up at to take future exams

17 What do you think you should consider in choosing a college?
How do I choose a college? Program/Major Cost Profile Campus Visit What do you think you should consider in choosing a college?

18 Why is it important to have a goal?
Program/Major Why is it important to have a goal? Different Types of Colleges and Degrees * Certifications (MATC or SLCC) * Associates Degree (AA vs AS) * Bachelors (4 years) * Masters (6 years) * PhD (7-11 years)

19 Scholarship Opportunities
$$ COST $$ Instate vs Out of State Private vs Public Scholarship Opportunities

20 Is the school a good fit for you?
Profile Is the school a good fit for you? What are the admission requirements? What does the average student look like (GPA, ACT, etc.) Small vs Large Do they offer the athletics, clubs, extracurricular opportunities you want?

21 Campus visit Get on campus and see how it feels
Make sure you visit the department you are interested in and see the dorms

22 Where do I find all this information?
Look on the college websites Google ABC’s of Scholarships Comparison Websites

23 Scholarships Private Scholarships
FAFSA – Federal Financial Aid -- $ 97 Billion 70% of all college students qualify Private Scholarships -Companies and Individuals : Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, Chevrolet, etc., -Search Engine Sites -Look on College Scholarships State Scholarships -Alumni -Centennial -Leadership -Academic -Regents -Athletic (NCAA) -Diversity -Service -New Century

24 It is never too early to start looking! Come to Scholarship Labs
Scholarships Colleges Online search engines Counseling Website It is never too early to start looking! to 81010 Visit Sign up for REMIND Thursdays 2:30 – 3:00 Career Center Lab Come to Scholarship Labs

25 NCAA Applies to students that are wanting to be able to play college level sports and be eligible for athletic scholarships (Specifically Division I or II) It is the student and parent’s responsibility to make sure the student is eligible. What does this mean? Read through the NCAA Eligibility Center Quick Reference Guide Take College Athletic Prep class Look at your classes – Are they NCAA approved? If you have classes that you need to make up get it done before the end of this year and make sure it is through a NCAA approved source Do you have the 16 core class requirements (10 completed by end of semester 1 senior year) 2.3 GPA Requirement Register with NCAA at Counselors can assist you IF you let us know you are a college bound athlete

26 Make your senior year count!!
Make your PLAN Transcript PCCR Form Plan your senior year! Complete needs assessment while you wait. Arena will open for YOU April 18th and 19th Arena for JATC March 27th and 28th Make your senior year count!!

27 Come see us in the counseling center – we are here to help you
ask for help John Blodgett A – Bre Alexis Walk Bri – Del Lori Hendry Dem – G Eric Bitton H - Kem Holly Jensen Ken – Men Kaitlyn Green Mer – Ran Cindy Watkins Ras – Sto Maja Stocking Str - Z Come see us in the counseling center – we are here to help you

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