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TxEIS Grade Averaging and Class Ranking Fall 2015

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Presentation on theme: "TxEIS Grade Averaging and Class Ranking Fall 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 TxEIS Grade Averaging and Class Ranking Fall 2015
Presented by ESC 13 TxEIS Student Consultants, Denise McCoy, Heather Klotz, & Michael Naber

2 District’s GPA Policy The district’s GPA policy should be outlined in the Campus Student Handbook or a similar publication.

3 TEA provides no guidelines for districts in the determination of class ranking for students. A district’s GPA policy is determined by its local district policy. For this reason, setting up and running Grade Averaging and Class Ranking will vary greatly between districts. The district’s GPA policy should be outlined in the Campus Student Handbook or a similar publication. Grade Averaging and Class Ranking is a very important computer process for the students. The high school student’s cumulative grade average and rank determines the valedictorian and the salutatorian for the campus. It also determines the students graduating in the top 10% of their high school class. In accordance with Texas Education Code (TEC), §51.803,a student is eligible for automatic admission to a college or university as an undergraduate student if the applicant earned a grade point average in the top 10 percent of the student's high school graduating class, or the top 7 percent for admission to the University of Texas at Austin, and the applicant: successfully completed the requirements for the Recommended High School Program (RHSP) or the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP); or satisfied ACT's College Readiness Benchmarks on the ACT assessment or earned on the SAT assessment a score of at least 1,500 out of 2,400 or the equivalent. In accordance with Title 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), §5.5(e),high school rank for students seeking automatic admission to a general academic teaching institution on the basis of class rank is determined and reported as follows. (1) Class rank shall be based on the end of the 11th grade, middle of the 12th grade, or at high school graduation, whichever is most recent at the application deadline. (2) The top 10 percent of a high school class shall not contain more than 10 percent of the total class size. (3) The student's rank shall be reported by the applicant's high school or school district as a specific number out of a specific number total class size. (4) Class rank shall be determined by the school or school district from which the student graduated or is expected to graduate.  The overall GPA and Rank is not only important for the top 10% of the class, but also for those students that fall within the first quartile. Colleges and universities also award scholarships to students who fall within the first quartile depending on their overall GPA, class rank, and other factors. In accordance with Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.026, and Texas Administrative Code (TAC), § , school districts are required to provide eligible students with written notification of eligibility for automatic college admission under the Uniform Admission Policy (TEC §51.803).

4 When setting up your campus information for Grade Averaging and Class Ranking, be sure to reference your campus’s GPA Policy in the Campus Student Handbook to ensure accuracy. The following GPA information should be contained in the Campus Student Handbook: Type of GPA: Numeric or Grade Point Weighted courses and their assigned weight Courses excluded from GPA The low grade for average (minimum grade to be used when computing GPA’s) The number of decimal places Policy for correspondence courses, self-paced courses, distance learning courses, college courses, credit by exam, and summer school courses, etc. Policy for middle school courses taken for high school credit Whether Semester, Final, or Cycle grades are used to calculate GPA When/If Early calculations are conducted to determine Val./Sal., etc. Accuracy is essential in calculating the students’ GPA. For this reason, the “top” students’ GPA should be hand-calculated and compared against the computer calculated GPA.

5 Options – Grade Averaging Information
Campus Control Options – Grade Averaging Information To access the Campus Control information, select: : Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg tab page. The following screen is displayed:

6 The following describes the Grade Averaging Information fields:
Grds Used for Grade Avg: Select which type of grades to use for grade averaging and class ranking calculation. The options are: C for Cycle Grades, S for Semester Grades, and F for Final Grades. (High school campuses usually run Grade Averaging based on Semester averages. Middle School campuses sometimes run Grade Averaging for the 8th grade to identify the top 10 students and they usually base Grade Averaging on cycle grades.) Low Grade for Average: This field specifies the lowest grade a student can receive to be used in the Grade Averaging calculations. If a student’s grade is lower than the “Low Grade for Average”, which is set to 50 for this campus, then the Grade Averaging utility will use 50 as the student’s grade. (Campuses usually set this field to 50 or 00.) (College)4 Point Scale: Select if you want the 4 point scale to be calculated when the Grade Average utility is run. Select from options: 0 – Don’t print, 1 – Print and exclude zero weight courses, or 2 – Print and include zero weight courses. This is a non-weighted 4 point average and is the College 4 Point Grade Point Average. (Note: there is a parameter option to “Print college four point average” on the laser transcript). The student’s grades are converted from the Campus Control Options on the Ranges and Conversions tab page. The following screen displays the Grade Conversion Information:

7 Campus Control Options – Ranges and Conversions tab page
Note: Many campuses do not use a “D” grade; in the screen shot above, these campuses will have 070 for the C conversion and leave the D conversion blank.

8 This table shows the points awarded for each grade range assigned to the alphabetical grades based on the previous screen shot. Grade Ranges Points Awarded A: 4.0 B: 089 – 080 3.0 C: 079 – 070 2.0 D: 0.0 F: 069 – 000 Semester 1 Grades Points Awarded 92 4.0 89 3.0 77 2.0 74 65 0.0 95 80 # Courses Total Points 7 18 This example shows the grade conversions for a student’s (College) 4 Point Average using semester 1 grades, based on information on the previous screen shot & table of the Grade Conversion Information.

9 This student’s (College) 4 Point Average is calculated as follows:
Student’s Total Grade Points / Number of Courses = 18/7 = (District policy determines how these are set) • Number of Decimal Points: The number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point used for the computed grade averages. The decimal places can be set from 1 to 5. • Include Withdrawn Students in Average: Click the check box if you want to include withdrawn students in grade averaging. Normally, withdrawn students are not included in grade averaging. • Include Withdrawn Students in Rank: Click the check box if you want to include withdrawn students in the grade average rank. You can select to include withdrawn students in the grade averaging without including them in ranking. Withdrawn students are not normally included in the grade average rank. • Include Withdrawn Courses in Rank: The options are: A – Include, G – Include if there is a grade and N – Don’t Include. Withdrawn courses are not normally included in grade averaging. Note: Withdrawn self-paced courses & CBE with a semester grade will be included in grade averaging regardless of how this option is set as long as it is an eligible course.

10 Grade Averaging – Table Maintenance

11 Course Type Table – Setting up this table is completely optional
To access the Course Type table, select: Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Course Type. The following screen is displayed: A campus has the option of using 0-9 and A-Z grade averaging table codes. The Course Type table is used to identify the table codes used for grade averaging and provide a description of the type of coursework for each table. To change the default table name, User Defined, highlight and enter the new description. This example of table code descriptions: , A=AP Coursework , D=Dual Credit Coursework, H=Honors etc. This table is used to define the grade averaging table codes for numeric or grade point. The Course Type table is optional. If completed, the table’s descriptions are displayed in the drop down for the Grade Average (GA Table) field in the District Course screen and in the student’s GPA Override field, which is documented later in this training guide.

12 Numeric Grade Averaging

13 Numeric Grade Average Operator/Value Table –
Used by campuses utilizing Numeric Grade Averaging. To access the Numeric Grade Average Operator/Value Table, select: Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables >Num Grade Avg Operator/Value tab page. The following screen is displayed: (Note: The screen shot below shows several different kinds of “operators” (%+, +, -, and %-). A campus that uses this type of grade averaging would normally have rows for only three or four “type” codes, and usually these rows will have an operator of + (to add points to certain course grades for grade averaging purposes.

14 The Numeric Grade Average Operator/Value Table is used for processing when, on the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility screen, the option Process Numeric Grade Averaging is selected. The Grade Averaging Tables to be used are defined in the district course records in the field GA Table. Any table codes for courses in the GA Table field must be entered in the Numeric Grade Average Operator/Value table. This table specifies the weighted value that is applied by the Grade Average Type code to the student grades used for grade averaging.

15 The following define the table fields for this table:
• Type Code: The Type Code is the GA Table code specified in the courses in the District Master Schedule. The Type Code in this table specifies what weight if any will be applied to the student’s grade when running numeric grade averaging. In the Type Code field, select one of the table types that is defined in the courses GA Table field. The Type Code drop-down list will display the description for the table code added in the Course Type table. Note: If a course with a GA Table code is to have no weight applied to the course, then the Table Type code must be entered in this table with an operator of + (add) and a value of zero. This will include the course in grade averaging and it will use the student’s grades at face value. • Operator: You may select from four different operators: (+) add, (-) subtract, (%+) percent add, or (%-) percent subtract. The following shows the calculation for the percentage operators: Note: The percentage operator’s calculation may produce a decimal place in the weighted grade, which is not rounded up or down. The value in the decimal place is used in calculating the student’s current year GPA. • Value: Enter the value to be applied for this table type and the operator selected. The value is the amount that will be applied to the student’s grades for grade averaging. The value entered must be numeric. You may not add grade points to this table. • Low Grade: In this field specify what the lowest grade is assigned to students that will have the value applied to the grade. Enter the lowest grade that can be weighted. • High Grade: In this field specify what the highest grade is assigned to students that will have the value applied to the grade. Enter the highest grade that can be weighted.

16 Entering the Same Grade Average Table Type Code Multiple Times
Some districts’ GPA policy provides that different ranges of grades for a course will have different weights applied to them. The Numeric Grade Average Operator/Value table allows for this policy. The following is an example of using the same table code for different ranges of grades: Type Operator Value Low Grade High Grade D + 10 090 100 5 075 089 In the example above, students taking courses with the GA Table code of D would receive 10 points added to their grade if their grade is between 90 and 100. If their grade is between 89 and 75, they would only receive 5 points added to their grade. A grade below 75 would receive no points added to the grade.

17 Numeric Grade Averaging
Failing Grades, Blank, Incomplete (I) Failing Grades are processed differently when running numeric grade averaging versus running grade point grade averaging. The difference is that numeric grade averaging will use the grade at face value if it falls outside the high or low grade range. If the Low Grade on the Numeric table is set to 070 and the student’s grade is 65, then the student will not receive the weighted value for the course, but the student’s grade of 65 will be used in calculating the GPA. If the Low Grade for Average on the campus control is set to 50 and the student’s grade is lower, the grade will be adjusted to 50. Non-traditional grades of Blank and I (incomplete) will be adjusted to zero for grade averaging, and the course is counted in the student’s total number of courses. So this means that before you run Grade Averaging and Class ranking, you will WANT to run the Blank, Failing and Incomplete Grades Report (SGR1000) to ensure the blank and incomplete grades have been addressed or you will have to re run the job or manually enter those respective grades

18 Probably very few districts/campuses run both, but if you do, the last one run is the one that gets stored…the last one run is the one that gets stored…the last one run is the one that gets stored…

19 Running both Numeric and Grade Point Grade Averaging
Districts may want to use numeric grade averaging with no weights applied so it is a true numeric average of the student’s grades and use grade point grade averaging to weight the courses and to rank the students. The Numeric Grade Average Operator table would have to have all the GA Table codes entered that the campus is using with the operator of + and the value as zero. The Grade Point tables would then be used to weight the grades and used to rank the students. Note: If you are running both Numeric and Grade Point Grade Averaging, the one that is used to rank the students must be run last. The student’s rank is stored in one place, and each time grade averaging is run, it overwrites the student’s rank that is stored for the current year. That is the reason why it is very important for the grade averaging used to rank the students be run last.

20 Grade Point Grade Averaging

21 Grade Averaging (Point) Tables
These table types will be used by campuses utilizing Grade Point Grade Averaging To access the Grade Average Tables, select: Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables >Grade Averaging Table tab page. The following screen is displayed; The Grade Averaging (Point) Tables (same as Grade Point) are used for processing when on Grade Reporting>Utilities > Grade Averaging and Class Ranking, the option Process Grade Point Grade Averaging, is selected. The Grade Averaging Tables to be used are defined in the district course records in the field, GA Table. Any table codes for courses in the GA Table field must be entered in the Grade Averaging tables. To add a table, use the Table Type drop down and select the GA Table code. Enter the numeric grade under the Grade column and enter the Grade Points for the numeric grade under the Points column. Continue until all Table Types have been updated. Note: Enter every numeric grade from the high grade to the lowest grade for the table. If for example you begin adding grades from 100 to 70, and you miss entering grade 96, then when grade averaging is run, the students with a grade of 96 would receive a zero for their grade instead of the grade points they should receive. The Grade Average tables are different from the Numeric Operator table as you may enter numeric values in the Points column. For example, a grade of 90 could be adjusted to 100. You may not use grade points for some tables and numeric for others. You cannot mix numeric and grade points in the Grade Average tables.

22 Grade Point Grade Averaging – Failing Grades, Blank, & Incomplete (I)
Failing Grades are processed differently when running grade point grade averaging versus running numeric grade averaging. The difference is that grade point grade averaging will adjust a grade to zero if it falls below the lowest grade in the Grade Average table. For example, if the lowest grade on the Grade Average table is set to 70 and the student’s grade is 65, then the student’s grade will be adjusted to zero for grade averaging. For this reason, most campuses will include ALL grades, all the way down to 0, in each table they set up for Grade Point Grade Averaging. If the Low Grade for Average on the campus control is set to 50 and the student’s grade is lower, the grade will be adjusted to 50. However, if the lowest grade in the Grade Average table is higher than 50, then the grade will still be adjusted to zero for grade averaging.

23 Blank and Incomplete (I)
Non-traditional grades of blank and Incomplete (I) will be adjusted to zero for grade averaging and the course is counted in the student’s total number of courses.

24 Grade Reporting Table Maintenance Num Grade Avg Operator/Value
Verifying the Numeric and Grade Point Tables Grade Averaging and Class Ranking is only as accurate as the grade averaging tables entered. It is very important to verify that the entries in the tables are correct. To review the tables, access Registration > Reports > Registration Reports and print report SRG0100. The following are samples of the printed tables: Grade Reporting Table Maintenance Num Grade Avg Operator/Value Type Code Operator Value Low Grade High Grade + 8 070 100 A D H 5 P Q R

25 Code District Courses for Grade Averaging
To access the district courses, select: Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule. #2 #1 #3

26 The following describes the district course grade averaging fields:
#1 GA Wgt: This field indicates how many times the course and the grade for the course will be counted for grade averaging. For example, if the same course meets multiple periods, then you may want to adjust the grade average weight to the number of times the course meets. If a student has 7 one period classes, his course factor is 7, but if a student has a class that meets three periods and you code the grade average weight as 1, then this student would have a course factor of 4. If you code the course that meets three periods with a grade average weight of 3, then both students have the same course factor, 7. The grade average weight is also used to exclude courses from grade averaging. If a course has a 0 (zero) weight, then it is excluded from grade averaging. Many campuses exclude PE, Office Aide, etc. from grade averaging.

27 #2 GA Table: This field specifies which Numeric and/or Grade Point table will be used to adjust the student’s grade for grade averaging. This course is coded with an H so it will use the H numeric or grade point table to adjust the student’s grade. Be sure to code all courses included in grade averaging with the correct GA Table code. When a new course is added to the District Master Schedule, the GA Table code is defaulted to an R. If this is not the correct grade average table for the course, be sure to update the GA Table with the correct grade averaging table code #3 Credit Lvl: It is important that all district courses are updated with the Credit Level of the course. The courses offered at an elementary campus should be updated with an ‘E’, the courses offered at a middle school campus or a junior high school campus should be updated with an ‘M’, and the courses taken for high school credit should be updated with an ‘H’. If a course is offered for high school credit at the middle school or junior high school campus, the Credit Level should be set to an ‘H’.

28 Verify GA Coding in District Courses
Print the District Master List (CY), SGR0050 to verify that the courses are coded correctly for grade averaging. The following is a sample of the report It is important to verify that the district courses are coded accurately in order for grade averaging to run correctly according to the district’s GPA Policy.

29 Student’s GPA Override Codes
GPA Override codes are rarely used, but can serve an important function. These codes are used to override a given grade average table only for particular students in special circumstances. These are discussed below the following print screen. To access the GPA Override fields for a student, select: Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > Grd/Crs Maint tab page.

30 The following screen is displayed:
The GPA Override field specifies which grade average table will be used for this particular student, course, and semester. This code is normally used to specify the student exceptions to the GA Table field in the district courses. Since the GPA Override field indicates exceptions, it is not used as frequently. If the student has a two semester course, then you will probably want to code both semesters with the student’s GPA Override code. If the & symbol is selected from the drop-down list, it will exclude this student’s course and semester from grade averaging. Some cases where the ‘&’ override code might be used are: to exclude a failing grade if the student re-takes the course (during the same year) and passes; to exclude a grade in a class after the student has taken the maximum number of classes allowed in that curriculum area based on school policy, etc. Again, this override field is used rarely if at all by most districts, but it can play a useful and important role if the district understands how it can be used.

31 Grade averaging runs in this priority – (1)the program checks the student’s GPA Override field first and if it contains a code, it will use the indicated grade average table for this course/student; (2)if the GPA Override field is blank, then it checks the GA Table field in the district course for the grade averaging table to use. Verify Student’s GPA Override Codes Report, SGR2600, Student Grd/Crs Override Proof List, can be used to verify that the student’s GPA Override codes are correct. To access this report, select: Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports. The following is a sample of this report: Verify the students that require GPA Override table codes are coded correctly.

32 To VERIFY and test for accuracy of data –
run SGR 2070 on several students in the various Grade Average Code Type tables to ensure the averaging process is working according to policy. See page # 51 for an example of SGR2070 report.

33 Grade Average and Class Ranking Utility Options – Current Year
It is recommended to ONLY run this Utility at the end of a semester and/or at the End of the School year. To access the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility, select: Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Averaging and Class Ranking.

34 The bullets at the right describe the options and information on the utility screen below:
School Year is displayed at the top of the screen. The Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility stores the students grade averaging data by year. If the school year displayed is not correct, you could overwrite last year’s grade averaging information. If you need to correct the school year, access Grade Reporting > Maintenance> Tables > District Control Table. Campus Control Information: The grade averaging campus control information is displayed so you can verify the information before running this utility. H.S. Credit Lvl Courses for Middle School: When running grade averaging at the high school, you will select No. The only time this field will be set to Yes is when grade averaging is run at a middle/junior high school at the end of the school year, and only if they had students who took high school-level classes for high school credit, and ONLY if those grades are to be counted toward those students’ high school GPA. If the middle school runs grade averaging for their own purposes, they would normally select No when running this utility. At the middle school, if they select No, it will create a grade average row for credit level M, but this row will include all courses that had credit level M or H. If the middle school runs this utility and selects Yes, it will create a grade average row for credit level H and will only include those courses that were coded with credit level H.

35 2 Types of Grade Averaging:
The following types of grade averaging are used to process the student’s grade average and class rank for the current year only. The student’s cumulative GPA and rank is documented later in this training guide. #1 - Process Grade Point Grade Averaging: If you select this option, then grade averaging processes using the Grade Averaging Tables, which you access in Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables > Grade Averaging Table tab page. #2 - Process Numeric Type Grade Averaging: If you select this option, then grade averaging processes using the Numeric Grade Average Operator/Value Table, which you access in Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables > Numeric Grade Average Operator/Value tab page.

36 • Grade Levels: Select the grade levels to be included in the processing for Grade Averaging and Class Ranking. If you want to select all grade levels on the campus, click the All Grade Levels button, if you want to select multiple grade levels, hold down the Ctrl key as you click the grade levels, or select only one grade level. This is a required field. Track: Select the Attendance Track to process. This is a required field. Report Sort Order: The grade averaging utility produces the following four reports: shows the options you selected on the screen and the campus control information lists the student’s grade average by grade level in class rank order lists the student’s grade average information, which is not sorted in student rank order - Select the Report Sort Order for this report, the options are: Alphabetical, Control Number, or by Grade Level. an error report, if any errors are encountered This is an optional field. The default sort order is grade level. Print Credit: Select to include the student’s course credits awarded for the current year on the report by checking the box. Verify Course Entry Dates: Select if you want the utility to verify the course entry date before including the course for the student in grade averaging. The entry date on each grade/course record will be evaluated. If the date on the student record is after the end of the cycle or semester selected, then the grade will not be included in the average and ranking. (Normally, this is left unchecked.)

37 Exclude a student from ranking if the student is taking a course that excludes him from the Honor Roll: Select if you want to exclude a student if they are taking a course that excludes them from the Honor Roll. If the student is taking any courses in which the HRoll Cd = N (in the District Course table), then the student will be completely excluded from the grade averaging and class ranking process. If the student is taking any courses in which the HRoll Cd = E, (in the District Course table), then those courses will be excluded, but the student will still be eligible for the grade averaging and class ranking process. (Normally you will NOT select this option.) Normal Max: Enter a two-digit number in this field, which will be used to flag students with excessive courses. If the course factor is greater than the Normal Max value, an asterisk (*) prints next to the student’s course factor. (Most campuses do not have this situation.) If Graduated Withdrawn Students are to be included, enter the WD Code. Select if the graduated withdrawn students should be included in grade averaging. This field overrides the Incl Wdrawn Stu in Avg/Rank values in the Campus Control screen. Select the withdrawal code from the drop-down list to include graduated withdrawn students in grade averaging and class ranking. This option may be set to include seniors that graduated at mid-term.

38 Select which Cycles or Semesters to Include in Grade Averaging
You specify which type of grades you will be using in the Campus Control Options on the H Roll & Gr Avg tab page. If in the field, Grades Used for Grd Avg, you selected Cycle grades, then the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking screen will display according to the parameters indicated on the left: Note: Some of the Middle/Junior High campuses use all the cycle grades to determine the top 10 students for the school year. Select which semester/cycle grades you want included in Grade Averaging and Class Ranking. (High school campuses do not normally use cycle grades for processing grade averaging/GPA). On the other hand, if in the field, Grades Used for Grd Avg, you selected Semester grades, then the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking screen will display as follows (Most high schools in Region 13 use two semester grading:

39 Select which semester grades to include for Grade Averaging and Class Ranking. You may not select semester 2 without selecting semester 1. If you select a semester without selecting the preceding semesters for that school year, then you receive a message stating: “You must select all previous semesters”. When you click , you will receive a message verifying if the school year is correct. If it is, click Ok. When Grade Averaging and Class Ranking has completed processing, the Print button becomes active, click the Print button to print the report. By printing the report, the students’ grade averaging data will be stored in the student’s records. If you close without printing, you will receive a message asking if you want to save changes. Click Yes to save or No to not save the data. Most high schools will run grade averaging and class ranking at mid-term for semester 1 grades including the seniors, and run grade averaging again at the end of the school year for semester 1 and semester 2 grades for all grade levels. High school seniors may be an exception when running grade averaging for semester 2. The next section explains how seniors at many schools are ranked for the second semester of a two semester school or for four semester schools. Note: Campuses should remember to run grade averaging and class ranking at the end of semester 1. They run early computations in Semester 2 for the seniors, but many times they forget at the end of the year to run grade averaging and class ranking again for semesters 1 and 2 for grades 9–11. Ensure before running Move to Grade Reporting that all grade averaging and class ranking have been run for the current school year. (Local Grading Policy)

40 Grade Averaging and Class Ranking Early Computations
: Grade Averaging and Class Ranking Early Computations Most high school campuses perform Grade Averaging and Class Ranking Early Computations for the seniors to determine the valedictorian and salutatorian before the school year ends. The following shows the different ways that early computation can be run for the different kinds of grade reporting and the differences in calculating Grade Averaging Early Computation from regular Grade Averaging. Early Computation for 2-Semester Campuses The following displays the two different options for early computation for this type of campus: Option 1:(2semester 9 weeks) Option 2: (2semester 6 weeks) This campus selected to use the semester 1 average and to use semester 2, cycle 1 and cycle 2 grades as the semester 2 averages. Option 2 is usually selected by 2-semester 6-week campuses to calculate the seniors’ early computations. This option requires an additional calculation to obtain substitute semester 2 averages. This campus selected to use the semester 1 average and to use the semester 2, cycle 1 grade as the semester 2 averages to calculate the seniors’ grade averaging. Option 1 is selected by 2-semester 9-week schools for the seniors’ early computations.

41 Substitute Sem 2 Average
The following table shows examples of the calculation to obtain the semester 2 averages for seniors when using early computations for grade averaging: Sem 2 Cy 1 Sem 2 Cy 2 Calculation Substitute Sem 2 Average 89 96 89+96=185/2=92.5 93 Blk/Inc = 0 0+89=89/2=44.5 45 The second row of data in the table above is not likely, but if this situation did occur, this is how the program would process. Grades of blank, I (Incomplete) are converted to zero for grade averaging whenever they are encountered. Note: If the division for the substitute semester average has a decimal place, then it is rounded up or down since semester averages are whole numbers.

42 Early Computation for 4-Semester 9-Week Campus Not currently applicable for any ESC13 TxEIS campuses! The following displays the two different options for early computation for this type of campus: Option 1: This campus selected to use the semester 1 averages, semester 2 averages, and to use the semester 3, cycle 1 grades as the semester 3 averages to calculate the seniors’ grade averaging. Four-semester campuses that set the District Course field, Exam Semester Pattern, to a 2, normally use option 1. That is because the semester averages are awarded in semester 2 and semester 4, so they must use semester 3, cycle 1 grades for the semester 3 average. Option 2: This campus selected to use the semester 1 averages, semester 2 averages and the semester 3 averages to calculate the seniors’ early computations.

43 Self-Paced Courses’ Grade Averaging for Regular and Early Computations
There are four matrices that the program uses in determining whether to include self-paced courses in grade averaging or to not include them. The following lists the matrices: The student’s self-paced course has a withdrawal date and a semester average – Included The student’s self-paced course has no withdrawal date and a semester average – Included The student’s self-paced course has a withdrawal date and no semester average – Excluded The student’s self-paced course has no withdrawal date and no semester average – Excluded When running early computations with self-paced courses, any of the self-paced courses that meet the criteria for matrix 1 and 2 at the time of running early computations are included.

44 NEW The Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility has been changed to process Credit by Exam courses in the same manner as Self-Paced courses are processed. The utility will check the Campus Control Options on the H Roll & Gr Avg tab page for the value in Grds Used for Grade Average. o If the Grds Used is set to S = Semester, the utility will look for a semester grade. o If the Grds Used is set to F = Final, the utility will look for a final grade. o If the Grds Used is set to C=Cycle the course will be bypassed in the same manner that it bypasses self-paced courses for cycle. Regardless if the Incl Wd Crs in Rank option is set to include or exclude withdrawn courses, if the Non-Campus Based field on the section record is set to 08 for a course, the course will be included in the Grade Averaging and Class Rank Utility If a student’s Credit by Exam course does not have a grade, then the course is excluded from Grade Averaging and Class Ranking for the student.

45 The following screen is displayed:
The Student’s Grade Averaging and Class Rank Record To access the student’s grade average and class rank record, select: Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > Grd Avg tab page The following screen is displayed:

46 • Crdt Lvl: The credit level will be stored as either H (high school), or M (middle school), based on the credit level of the courses in the master schedule taken by the student in the given year. When grade averaging is run at the high school campus, the credit level will be stored as H. At the middle school or junior high, the credit level will be stored as M unless the option to select “H. S. Credit Lvl Courses for Middle School” is chosen when the middle school runs the Grade Averaging Utility. In this case, a row will be created with the H credit level for those middle school students who are taking High School credit level courses (and only those H level courses are included on this row). • Year: The student’s grade average and class rank is stored by the ending school year. The students will have a row for each year that they are included in the utility, grade averaging and class rank. • Numeric Average: The numeric average is stored when on the grade averaging and class rank utility screen, Process Numeric, is selected. This section lists the number of courses, the total numeric points, and the calculated numeric average. • Grd Pt Average: The grade point average is stored when, on the grade averaging and class rank utility screen, Process Grade Point, is selected. This section lists the number of courses, the total points, and the calculated grade point average. This section may contain numeric values if you built the grade average tables with numeric values instead of grade points. • 4 Point: The program automatically calculates the 4 point average if, on the campus control screen, 4 Point Scale is selected. This section lists the number of courses, the total points, and the calculated 4 point average. • Credits: The number of credits the student has earned for each school year is stored in this column. • Rank GPA: This lists the student’s GPA that was used for the student’s class rank for the given year. • Nbr of Stu: This lists the number of student’s in this student’s grade level when grade averaging and class ranking was run. • Rank: This is the student’s rank, for the given year, out of the number of students included in grade averaging for the student’s grade level. If a student has a rank of 1, then that student has the highest GPA for his grade level for the courses taken that year. The “N” (Numeric) or the “G” (Grade Point) displayed at the end of the row next to the student’s rank indicates if the student was ranked based on running numeric or grade point grade averaging. The following describes the grade averaging data stored at the student level:

47 Some other important notes to be aware of on the student Grade Avg tab pictured on screen/page 45:
If your campus has not been running the Grade Averaging Utility in prior years, you will have to manually add each “missing” row for every student at your campus. At a minimum, you must enter the Nbr Crs (the number of semester grades that count) and the Total Points, under the appropriate columns (either the Numeric Avg area or the Grd Pt Average area); you may also enter the calculated 4 Point information and number of credits if you choose to do so. Please be aware that the Grade Averaging utilities in TxEIS (both for the current year and for cumulative years) DO NOT look at student grades in the Historical System. The current year Grade Averaging Utility looks at grades in the current year grade reporting system only. The Cumulative Grade Averaging Utility does not look at any grades at all! It only looks at the previously stored information on each students Grade Avg tab, as shown on screen/page 45. UPDATE: Prior Yr. Transfer Tab will now recalculate if student has records in Prior Yr. Transfer and Course Assignment Tabs.

48 The following fields are stored at the bottom of the student’s grade average screen and are updated when the Cumulative Grade Averaging Utility is run: • Cum GPA: This value is stored when cumulative grade averaging is run. The cumulative GPA is calculated based on the values from the current year and prior years for a student and is dependent on the number of years included. The student’s cumulative GPA may be printed on the Multi Year AAR • Cum Rank: This value is stored when cumulative grade averaging is run. The student’s cumulative rank is based on where the student’s cumulative average falls compared to the other student’s averages in the student’s grade level. • Number of Students Ranked: This value is stored when cumulative grade averaging is run. The number of students ranked is based on the number of students in this student’s grade level at the time cumulative grade averaging is run. • Date Ranking: This is the date that the cumulative grade averaging utility was run. • Quartile: Definition: any of the three values that divide the items of a frequency distribution into four classes with each containing one fourth of the total population.

49 Student’s Cumulative Rank / Total Students in Grade Level
The calculation that is used to determine a student’s quartile is as follows: Student’s Cumulative Rank / Total Students in Grade Level The following explains how the grade level population is divided into 4 quartiles: Quartile 1 = 0 – .25* Quartile 2 = .25 – .50 Quartile 3 = .50 – .75 Quartile 4 = .75 – 1.00 Examples of calculating student’s quartile: Student’s Cumulative Rank / Total Student’s in Grade Level 135 / 541 = = Quartile 1* 139 / 541 = = Quartile 2 272 / 541 = = Quartile 3 408 / 541 = = Quartile 4 * Student’s that fall within the first quartile often qualify for College Scholarships

50 Reports to Review and Calculate Individual Student’s Grade Averaging
The following lists a student’s information taken from the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking Report SGR2060

51 Print Grade Reporting Report SGR2070 Grd Avg Info – By Student
This report will show you how the student’s GPA is calculated. You may print this report for one student, a grade level, or a campus. In the report parameters, you specify if it is N (Numeric) or G (Grade Point) and you must also specify which semesters were included. Note: If you are running grade averaging early computation using the 4th and 5th six week grades, you would enter the parameters for this report as: Sem 1=Y, Sem 2=N, Sem 2 Cy 1=Y, and Sem 2 Cy 2=Y; the other semester/cycle parameters would be set to N. This report shows how the student’s GPA information was calculated: The Weighted Value, the GA Weight, and the Grade Average values on this report match the student’s grade averaging and class ranking report values listed on the previous page. This report can be used to verify the GPA calculations for each course that the student is enrolled. The campus may want to print this report at the end of the year to put in each student’s permanent record folder. (Can you explain why one class above has a “weighted value” of 96.8?)

52 Grade Computation and Credit Assignment
In Grade Reporting>Utilities>Grade computation and Credit Assignment, enter parameters as determined by your district.

53 Run Cumulative Grd Avg and Class Ranking Utility

54 To access the Cumulative Grade Average and Class Ranking utility, select: Grade Reporting > Utilities > Cumulative Grd Avg and Class Ranking. The following screen is displayed: Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking uses grade averaging data for multiple years of a selected Credit Level to determine class rank. See pg. 58.

55 The 10 bullets following describe the options for Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking:
• School Year: The current school year is displayed so you will know which year you are processing. The school year is displayed from the District Control table in grade reporting. • Campus Control Information: This information is displayed on the screen for your verification. • Credit Level: Cumulative grade averaging is run based on credit level; at the high school, the campus would select H. If cumulative grade averaging is run at the middle school, then the selection would normally be M.

56 Process Grade Point Grade Averaging: If for grade averaging and class ranking in the current year you used grade point grade averaging to rank the students, then you would select this option. The values for the prior years and current year grade average information are stored in the Student’s Grade Average tab page in the Grade Point Average column. For more information, see The Student’s Grade Averaging and Class Rank Record section of this document. Process Numeric Grade Averaging: If for grade averaging and class ranking in the current year you used numeric grade averaging to rank the students, then you would select this option. The values for the prior years and current year grade average information are stored in the Student’s Grade Average tab page in the Numeric Average column. For more information, see The Student’s Grade Averaging and Class Rank Record section of this document. Grades: Select the grade levels to include in the cumulative grade averaging. Usually campuses run cumulative grade averaging for the seniors once they have run early grade average computations for the current year to determine valedictorian and salutatorian. Since grade averaging and class ranking is run again at the end of the year, most campuses will run cumulative grade averaging and class ranking again for grades 09–12. Some campuses may only re-run for grades

57 Report Sort Order: The Cumulative Grade Average and Class Ranking utility prints two reports: (1) the first report prints the options selected to run this utility, grade levels and years, and the Campus Control Information; (2) the second report prints a listing of the students. You may select the order in which the student listing prints. The options are: Alpha, Grade Level, or Control Number. Print Credit: The default for this field is checked to print. Normally campuses print the student’s total credits for the years included in cumulative grade averaging. Print Detail: The default for this field is checked to print. We recommend printing the detail as it lists the prior years’ grade averaging information so you can see the values used to calculate the student’s cumulative grade averaging. If you uncheck this field, then the student’s total cumulative grade averaging information is all that prints. If Graduated WD Std are to be included, enter the WD code: If a value is entered in this field, it will override the Campus Control Options, H Roll & Gr Avg tab page to Incl Wdrawn Stu in Avg/Rank. Click the drop-down field to select the withdrawal code if you want to include graduated students. The Campus Handbook’s grade averaging policy should cover whether to include graduated students or not.

58 Cumulative Grade Average and Class Ranking Calculation
The program adds the values of each year with the selected credit level and divides this by the sum of the course factors for those same years. The student’s cumulative rank is based on where the student’s cumulative average falls compared to the other students’ cumulative averages in the student’s grade level. To run the Cumulative Grade Average and Class Ranking utility, click

59 Middle/Junior High Schools ONLY –
How, When, And IF to run Grade Averaging for High School Credit Level Courses When running the current year grade averaging utility at the middle or junior high school, there is an option that asks you to select Yes or No to: H. S. Credit Lvl Courses for Middle School. The normal answer to this option at the middle school is No. However, depending on the GPA policy at the district’s high school, there will be times when this utility will need to be run at the middle school and the answer will be Yes. So, the first question to be asked is: Does the high school GPA policy include courses taken at the middle school for high school credit in that student’s high school cumulative GPA? If the answer is No, then you can stop here and ignore this section. If the answer is Yes, then the high school and middle school will need to coordinate running this option at the middle school. Now for the WHEN part of the topic. If your answer to the first question above is Yes, then the time that the middle school would run grade averaging and use this option would be after the school year is finished and before Move to Grade Reporting. The HOW part of the topic is more involved. If you have determined that the middle school needs to run grade averaging with this option (and you now know that it will be done after the school year is complete), then there are a couple of steps that need to be done first.

60 These steps can and should be done before the school year is finished.
Step 1: Assign a Next Year Campus ID for middle school students who are taking H Credit Level courses.  The middle school students taking courses for high school credit MUST have a next year campus assigned in order to run current year grade averaging for credit level ‘H’ courses at the middle school. A next year campus must be assigned because when the current year grade averaging is run for ‘H’ Credit Level courses at the middle school, grade averaging will use the grade averaging tables from the student’s next year high school campus for calculations. Access Registration, select Utilities > Set Next Year Campus and the following screen is displayed: To set the students next year campus, enter the Grade Level(s) at the middle school campus, enter the Next Year Campus ID, highlight the students, and click the Select button. The highlighted students are displayed in the right window, click Save. If the middle school sends students to different high schools, then run Set Next Year Campus twice and select the students for each next year campus. Note: You need to make sure that ALL 8th graders have the Next Year campus updated in this manner.

61 Step 2: Select and Build a Common Grade Average Table Code for the High School and the Middle School Campus (This step only needs to be done if the middle school weights these common courses differently from the way the high school weights them.) Districts that include in the high school cumulative grade averaging, courses taken at the middle school for high school credit, need a common grade average table code for both the middle school and the high school campuses. The GA Table code is updated in the District Course so both campuses will need to use the same table code.

62 For example, if the middle school teaches high school Algebra I for credit, they select the same district course that the high school campus uses. The district course’s GA Table code for Algebra I could be set to ‘J’. This way the middle school can make this a weighted course, since these students are taking a higher level course and the high school can make it a non-weighted course for the high school students taking Algebra I. Access Grade Reporting, select Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables and the Num Grade Avg Operator/Value table is displayed. The following are samples of how the middle school and high school campuses could update the grade averaging table of ‘J’: Middle School Numeric Grade Average Table ‘J’ This middle school campus is using an operator of plus 10 percent for the high school credit courses taken at the middle school High School Numeric Grade Average Table ‘J’ This high school campus is using an operator of plus zero for their ‘J’ courses.

63 Note: The middle school campus can use the Num Grade Avg Operator/Value table, and the high school campus can use the Grade Averaging table for their ‘J’ courses. The type of grade averaging tables used for both campuses does not have to be the same. Not using the same type of grade averaging tables is only an issue when running current year grade averaging for Credit Level ‘H’ courses taken at the middle school. It is very important that the middle school understands what type of grade averaging the high school runs before processing. The high school campus and the middle school may run different types of grade averaging, but when running for high school courses only, the middle school MUST select the type of grade averaging that the high school uses to rank their students. When running grade averaging for only the high school courses taken at the middle school, the grade averaging utility uses the grade averaging tables from the student’s next year high school campus for calculations. However, there is one change that may need to be made on the middle schools campus control screen before running the option for high school credit level courses. If the middle school normally uses cycle grades when running grade averaging, they must change their campus control option to say Semester grades before running for the high school credit level courses (assuming the high school uses semester grades for their GPA calculations.) Then, the option would need to be changed back to cycle grades after running this option. (see pages 5-6) The high school should communicate to the middle school campus which grade averaging tables they are using. If the high school campus uses the Grade Averaging tables for ranking, then the middle school campus should select Grade Point Grade Averaging. If the high school campus uses the Num Grd Avg Operator/Value table for ranking, then the middle school campus should select Numeric Grade Averaging.

64 After the above steps have been completed, and after the middle school has completed all grade information for the school year, then the option to run grade averaging for “H. S. Credit Lvl Courses for the Middle School” can be done (this would normally be done sometime in late May or early June). Access Grade Reporting, select Utilities > Grade Averaging and Class Ranking and the following screen is displayed: Running Grade Averaging and selecting the option, H.S. Credit Lvl Courses taken for Middle School will include only those courses with a Credit Level of ‘H’.

65 Complete the following fields on the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility screen:
H.S. Credit Lvl Courses for Middle School: Select Yes. Process: Select the type of grade averaging the High School uses to rank the students either Grade Point or Numeric. Semesters: Select Sem 1 and Sem 2. At the end of the school year, this will include the high school credit level courses taken both semesters. Grade Levels: Select the grade levels that are taking high school credit level courses on your campus. This campus selected the 8th grade level. Print Credit: Select to print the credits the students earned at the middle school for the current school year. Track: Enter the track number of the middle school students. Report Sort Order: The report lists the student’s grade average information, which is not sorted in student rank order - Select the Report Sort Order for this report, the options are: Alphabetical, Control Number, or by Grade Level. Click the Execute button to process Grade Averaging and Class Ranking to include only those courses taken for high school credit at the middle school. (If the middle school student’s next year campus has not been assigned, then you will receive an error, and grade averaging and class ranking will not process. You will receive a printed list of the students that do not have their next year campus assigned.) When Grade Averaging and Class Ranking is written to the middle school student’s record, the Credit Level of ‘H’ will be written to the student’s current grade average row. Again, this row will only include those courses that were coded with Credit Level H in the master schedule.

66 Clear Grade Average and Class Ranking Utility

67 This utility will clear the student’s grade average row(s) so consider carefully before using this option. We recommend that you contact your consultant at Region 13 before you attempt to run this utility

68 Access Grade Reporting, select Utilities > Clear Grd Avg and Class Ranking and the following screen is displayed: Enter the selected Grade Level, select the Credit Level, and click Execute. It is not recommended to select multiple grade levels to delete the students’ grade average rows. To delete students’ grade average rows with the Credit Level blank, select the grade level and the school year and do not select a Credit Level. Note: You may want to use this utility to delete student rows that do not contain a credit level. You may also want to use this utility if a middle school runs the grade averaging for Credit Level ‘H’ only courses (accidentally) and the high school policy does not include those courses taken at middle school. Then you may use this utility to delete the middle school students’ grade average row for Credit Level ‘H’.

69 Q & A Q1: How can we exclude certain courses from counting in our GPA? For example, if we have a policy that says that all courses except PE and band are to be included as part of the local GPA, how do we code PE and band to keep them from counting? A: Any courses that are to be excluded need to have a Grade Average Weight of 0 (zero) in the district course file maintenance.

70 Q2: We have a course that meets twice as long as all our other courses
Q2: We have a course that meets twice as long as all our other courses. It is an auto mechanics course and it meets for two periods each day, while all other courses meet for only one period. We would like the grade that students make in this course to count twice. How can we do this? A: Set the Grade Average Weight to be 2 in the district course file maintenance.

71 Q3: We have some courses that are offered at the middle school that are to count toward the student’s high school GPA (courses such as Algebra and Spanish). How do we do this? A: These particular courses must be set up in district course file maintenance with Credit Level H (for high school level courses). Other courses that are taught in the middle school must have Credit Level M. Then, the Grade Averaging Utility (for Current Year) must be run at the middle school at the end of the current school year.

72 Q4: Can a particular student’s grade in a particular course be treated differently than the grades of other students in that course? For example, can we exclude the grade for a particular student while not excluding the grades of the rest of the students in that class? Or, can we use a different Grade Average Table for a certain student in a course (different from the table used for the rest of the students)? A: The answer is Yes to all three questions. The field to be used is the “GPA Override” field on the Grd/Crs Maint tab for the given student. To exclude the grade for a given student, use code & from the dropdown list. To use a different Grade Average Table than the normal table for the course, use the dropdown and select the code for the table that should be used for this student.

73 Q5: If a student transfers into our campus from another district, when will that student be included in the overall class rank? A: When a student transfers in and brings semester grades from a previous school year, the first thing that needs to be done is for those courses and grades to be entered on the Prior Yr Transfer tab in Grade Reporting. After the courses and grades for a given year have been entered on that tab, you will have the option to Recalculate the GPA and Credits for that year. If you do the recalculation, the system will calculate and create a row on the Grade Avg tab for that student for the given year. This should be done for EACH prior year that you enter grades for. Then, the next time you run the Cumulative Grade Averaging Utility, this student will be included in the overall ranking for his/her class.

74 Q6: How should we handle foreign exchange students?
A: It depends on whether you want them to be included in the overall ranking or not. Most high schools we have dealt with do not want the foreign exchange students to be included. Probably the easiest way to handle this is through a field on the demo 1 tab in Registration. The field is called “Rep Excl” (stands for Report Exclusion). If you will go to this field immediately before you run either of the Grade Averaging Utilities and set the field to G-exclude from grade reporting, this will exclude the student from being included in the Grade Averaging process. After the utility has finished running, you need to go back to that field in Registration and blank out the G, so that the student will be included in other grade reporting processes.

75 Q7: What if a student retakes a course in order to get a better grade?
A: How to handle this depends on your local policy. If the new grade is to be included as well as the original grade, there is nothing special to do; the new grade will automatically be included when the Current Year Grade Averaging Utility is run. If the new grade is to be excluded (i.e., only the original grade counts for purposes of GPA), then you will use the GPA Override field with the & code to exclude the new grade. On the other hand, if the new grade is to be included but the original grade is to be excluded, this will require some manual manipulating of data on the Grade Avg tab. You would go to that tab, then adjust the Number Courses and Total Points downward for the year the original grade was earned. The Nbr Crs would go down by either 1 or 2, depending on whether it was a one or two semester course. The Total Points would also be adjusted downward by the points that had been used for the old course.

76 Q8: How are self-paced courses handled in the GPA process?
A: See page 43 of this document for options to be determined by local district.

77 Q9: If we have some students who graduate after the first semester, we withdraw them in Registration with withdraw code 01, graduated. How do we include them in the Grade Averaging processes when we do not include other students who have withdrawn? A: This is a good question. When you run the Grade Averaging Utility (either the current year utility or the cumulative utility), there is a question on each screen that says “If Graduated WD Std are to be included, enter the WD Cd”. Assuming you used withdraw code 01 when you withdrew these early graduates, simply enter that code on the utility screen, and the early graduates will be included in the class ranking.

78 Q10: Our school policy says that we are to run the Grade Averaging Utilities two weeks after the close of the semester. What if we have some students who still have Incomplete grades at that time? A: Any grades such as I, or NG, or blank will be treated as 0 when the Grade Average Utility is run. When the Cumulative Grade Average Utility is run, it will store the cumulative average as it is calculated at that time, along with the date that the Cumulative Grade Average utility was run. If your policy is NOT to run this cumulative utility again, then students are “locked into” the cumulative average at the time it was run, and they will have this average until the next time the cumulative utility is run. On the other hand, if you make grade changes after the cumulative utility is run, you can go back and re-run both the current year and cumulative Grade Average utilities, and the more correct rankings will be determined. However, the date the ranking was run will change to the latest date that the cumulative Grade Average utility was run. This is a decision each campus must make. The bottom line is that it is best to try to make sure that ALL first semester grades are finished up by the time you run these Grade Averaging utilities.

79 Q11: What is the best way to handle grades from summer school courses and grades earned by Credit By Exam? A: The first thing to know is whether your campus policy counts either or both of these kinds of grades for the GPA/Class Rank. Most of the following answer is based on an assumption that these grades are to be included in the GPA/Class Rank. For summer school courses, probably the best way to record the grades is on the Prior Yr Transfer tab in Grade Reporting. You will create a row for the previous school year, enter the district and campus numbers, and credit level H, then do a save. On the bottom of the screen, you will enter the courses that were taken in summer school, along with the semester grades earned, credits earned, service id number, Spec Crs code R (for summer school), and the Grade Average Weight and Table. However, since there are probably other grade/course records for this student for the previous school year, the system does not allow you to automatically recalculate the information for the Grade Average tab. You will be required to manually determine the new course factor and total points for the previous year, and make these manual changes on the Grade Average tab for the given year. You will not see these changes in the cumulative GPA until the next time you run cumulative grade averaging. As for Credit by Exam grades, these can also be entered on the Prior Year Transfer tab, just like summer school courses, or they can be entered in the current year grade/course records for the student. This depends on whether you want them to show up on the transcript for the previous year or the current year. If you enter them in the current year, you would simply create a “bogus” section record in the master schedule, do not assign a teacher to the section, enter the semester and possibly final grade, and enter any credits earned. The grade will be included in the current year grade averaging row when the utility is run after first semester is over. If the grade is not to be counted in the GPA/Class Rank, simply use the & code in the GPA Override field on the grade/course maintenance tab.

80 Additional Q&As that may be addressed;

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