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Management Information

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1 Management Information
Report January - March 2007 All Directorates Produced by HR

2 Key Facts Staffing in the RBWM for this quarter is 4679 headcount equating to FTE, broken down as follows: These figures represent an average of the headcount and FTE for the quarter. The staffing categories this quarter have been amended to separate teachers that are centrally employed and teachers that are employed by schools. Overall there is an increase of 51 in the headcount and of in the FTE from the previous quarter. Comparisons from the previous quarter can be seen in the table above. However this was not possible for teachers as in the last quarter they were under an overall figure. The number of teachers overall has increased by in FTE count and by 71 in Head count. The staff population in this quarter comprises the following and is consistent with previously reported data: Document Title: Management Information Report January – March 2007 Author: Daniela Standen & Sophie Purvis Version: 1.0.0

3 Absence The average number of days sickness taken per full time equivalent this quarter is 2.45, this is 0.07 days higher than last quarter. The BVPI absence figure for the full year 2006/07 is 7.55 days lost per FTE. The BVPI target for the year was 6.5 days per FTE. The past 12 months have seen an increase in sickness, this is due principally to more robust procedures in reporting and recording sickness also it is normal in a period of uncertainty such as a large corporate restructure for absence to increase. BVPI target for 2007/08 is 6.5 days per FTE. The RBWM levels are still lower that the average for the public sector (9.9 days per FTE) and local government (11 days per FTE). They are only 0.75 days higher than the average for the private sector (6.8 days per FTE)*. *Source CIPD July 2006 Please note that the sum of the individual quarters is higher than the figure for a full year. This is because the number of days lost in the period is divided by the average FTE for the period (calculated as FTE at beginning of period / FTE at end of period), which is a changing figure. This is statistically accurate. Document Title: Management Information Report January – March December 2006 Author: Daniela Standen & Sophie Purvis Version: 1.0.0

4 Turnover The percentage turnover for this quarter is 2%. This is 1.26% lower than the last quarter and 0.1% higher than the same period last year. Year to date turnover for the RBWM (including schools) is 16%. The latest comparative figures produced by the Employers Organisation indicate the annual labour turnover is 15.7%, with Local Government standing at 10.3% Nationally, 13.4% for England and Wales and 13.3% for the South East. Detailed below is the turnover figures by directorate for this quarter and overleaf a summary of the reasons why staff leave the organisation: Document Title: Management Information Report January – March 2007 Author: Daniela Standen & Sophie Purvis Version: 1.0.0

5 Turnover 2 The main reason for staff leaving the RBWM this quarter (31%) is Personal Reasons as a combined category (see breakdown in chart below). TUPE transfer is the second highest 22%, this is due to 21 employees being transferred to St John’s ambulance. Career Development accounts for 20% of all leavers. Document Title: Management Information Report January – March 2007 Author: Daniela Standen & Sophie Purvis Version: 1.0.0

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