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Brinkley, Alec, Anna, Bruno

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1 Brinkley, Alec, Anna, Bruno
Endocrine System Brinkley, Alec, Anna, Bruno

2 What is a Hormone? Definition: a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action Chemical messengers used by endocrine system. Coordinate growth, metabolism, and fertility. Influence the function of the immune system, and alter behavior. Before birth, they guide development of the brain and reproductive system. Bruno

3 Main Function Made up of glands → secrete hormones that regulate the body’s growth, metabolism, sexual development, reproduction, sleep and mood. Bruno

4 Endocrine - Related Organs

5 Main Organs Pituitary - located at the base of the brain, controls the function of most other endocrine glands Thyroid - located at the base of the neck, controls the rate of use of energy sources, protein synthesis, and controls the body’s sensitivity to other hormones Parathyroids- controls body calcium level Adrenals - produces hormones that help the body control blood sugar, burn protein and fat, react to major illnesses or injury, and regulate blood pressure. Pineal Body - produces melatonin, which helps maintain circadian rhythm and regulate reproductive hormones. Reproductive Organs - main source of sex hormones Pancreas - Breaks down food and produces insulin Anna

6 Homeostasis (Role of insulin and glucagon in blood sugar)
Homeostasis is regulated by insulin and glucagon. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas and allows our body to use sugar from carbohydrates. It helps keep our blood sugar level from getting too high or too low. Glucagon is also a hormone produced by the pancreas, and it also helps to control blood sugar levels. It controls our blood level by stimulating the conversion of stored glycogen to glucose in the liver. The glucose is then is released into the bloodstream. (glycogenolysis) Anna

7 Endocrine System and Other Systems
Hypothalamus: a part of the brain with a variety of nuclei, one of it’s functions it to connect the nervous system to the endocrine system → controls the pituitary glands, which then controls the release of hormones from other glands in the endocrine system. Reproductive hormones affect the development of the nervous system Brinkley

8 Disorders and Diseases
Diabetes: Some hormones regulate blood glucose levels. Incretins, hormones that are released from the gut in response to eating, start the flow of insulin from the pancreas even before blood glucose levels rise, helping prevent glucose levels from getting too high after a meal. People with type 2 diabetes have low levels of incretins. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN 2b): This disease causes tumors and cancer in the body. Leads to elongated bones in youth, usually common in kids under 10 years old. aLEC

9 Works Cited

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