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Epimed to assist critical care research

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1 Epimed to assist critical care research
Jorge Salluh Intensive care dept, Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Ensino Founder Epimed Solutions Researcher FAPERJ and CNPq BRICNet – Brazilian Research in Intensive Care Network Paris, 2017

2 Founder and shareholder at Epimed Solutions
Conflicts of Interest Founder and shareholder at Epimed Solutions

3 Critical Care in Brazil
A quick overview Critical Care in Brazil Salluh & Lisboa, ICU management, 2016

4 Critical Care in Brazil
A quick overview Critical Care in Brazil Salluh & Lisboa, ICU management, 2016

5 Distribution of ICU beds
Brasil - public Brasil - private Salluh & Lisboa, ICU management, 2016

6 Some Landmarks for critical care in Brazil
1998 – Ministry of Health regulations determine that all adult ICUs must calculate Standardized Mortality Ratios Brazilian Critical Care Society (AMIB) establish its updated (second) set of quality of care standard metrics. 2010 – Governmental regulatory agency (ANVISA) establishes 11 quality of care indicators that must be recorded by every adult ICU in the country 2015 – Epimed and AMIB establishes the National ICU registry based on Epimed ICU module data

7 Challenges Develop and implement a QI program
Ability to collect data in a large scale Heterogeneous adoption of EMRs Need to make not only data collection, but QI feasible in real world scenario

8 What is Epimed Monitor ? Cloud-based quality improvement ICU analytics
Brazilian company founded in 2008 by ICU physicians Focus on QI, Epidemiology, advanced analytics and research

9 Answers to the Challenge
Multiplatform easy to use interface Full Cloud Solution (Safe, Privacy secured, Encrypted, Anonimyzed) Real-time reports and Interactive Dashboards Clear Definition of Core data, additional QI data, Checklists and Bundle plugins to be adopted as stand-alone or to allow a stepwise implementation Fully exportable dataset and reports in friendly format Monthly Local meetings + National annual meeting for feedback and training

10 Premises Light and easy to use Mobile compatible
Able to interface with EMRs Real-Time availability of information as a driver of CHANGE (data on Process/Outcomes) Accessible and up to date (near-real-time/ real-time) Benchmarking

11 Landmarks of our Project
2008 5 ICUS 2 Cities 2009 49 Hospitals 69 ICUs 759 Beds 2011 134 Hospitals 203 ICUs 2728 Beds End of 2014 600 ICUs 8200 Beds 1 Million patients 2015 Brazilian Registry Beginning of activities in Colombia Partership with AMCI (Colombia Crit Care Society) Activities in Uruguay

12 Epimed in numbers (2017) EPIMED MONITOR 5 Countries 180 Cities
400 HOSPITALS 800 ICUs ICU beds ICU admissions

13 What makes Epimed a hub for research ?
11,000 users (ICU physicians and Nurses) Structured core data on clinical characteristics, outcomes and process of care Real-time reports + 30,000 adult ICU admissions/month

14 A robust database for cohort studies;
Validated in single and multicenter international studies in intensive care; Potential to identify patients for clinical trial entry More than 20 publications (abstracts and full-papers) per year use and cite Epimed Monitor; Some studies in major Journals that used Epimed as database: Crit Care. 2010;14(6):R210. doi: /cc9333 Crit Care Apr 4;17(2):R63. doi: /cc12594 Crit Care Jul 21;18(4):R156. doi: /cc13995. Ann Oncol Sep;25(9): doi: /annonc/mdu234 Crit Care. 2014,18:580 doi: /s Intensive Care Med Dec;41(12): JAMA Apr 12;315(14): J Clin Oncol Sep 20;34(27): Intensive Care Med Jan;43(1):39-47

15 Knowledge on Epidemiology to design RCTs and Govt Projects
Sample Size Calculation for Observational Studies and RCTs recently published in Top Journals (ex-JAMA Apr 12;315(14): ) Background information to design and apply for Grant propositions (ie- Recent wellcome trust and Gates foundation applications; BASICS trial) Information on Sepsis Mortality for the Brazilian MOH sepsis project

16 Epidemiology and Cohort studies

17 Delirium epidemiology in critical care (DECCA): an international study
Delirium is frequent (32-65%) and doubles the risk of death. Preventable causes were identified and led to QI projects Crit Care. 2010;14(6):R210.

18 Early Sedation and Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients (Crit Care. 2014 Jul 21;18(4):R156)
Early oversedation is associated with worst outcomes and is a target for QI initiatives

19 Quality Improvement studies

20 Implementation of a multifaceted sepsis education program in an emerging country setting: clinical outcomes and cost- effectiveness in a long-term follow-up study Noritomi et al, Intensive Care Med (2014) 40:182–191 12 Hospitals in Sao Paulo implemented electronic-driven bundles and sepsis case management for 18 months – a before-and-after study

21 Ranzani et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:580
Evaluation of a minimal sedation protocol using ICU sedative consumption as a monitoring tool: a quality improvement multicenter project 10 Hospitals in Sao Paulo implemented electronic-driven and pharmacist management of sedative consumption for 2– a before-and-after study resulted in decreased sedative consumption and MV days

22 Optimizing the connection between researchers…
The ORCHESTRA (ORganizational CHaractEriSTics in cRitical cAre) Study

23 THE ORCHESTRA studies 78 Brazilian intensive care units: the ORCHESTRA study. Data from 2013 60,000 ICU patients Surveys on Structure and Process of Care

24 THE ORCHESTRA studies Organizational characteristics, outcomes, and resource use in 78 Brazilian intensive care units: the ORCHESTRA study. (Intensive Care Med Dec;41(12): ) Effects of Organizational Characteristics on Outcomes and Resource Use in Patients With Cancer Admitted to Intensive Care Units. (J Clin Oncol Sep 20;34(27): ) The effects of performance status one week before hospital admission on the outcomes of critically ill patients. (Intensive Care Med Jan;43(1):39-47) Family care, visiting policies, ICU performance, and efficiency in resource use: insights from the ORCHESTRA study. (Intensive Care Med , in press) 5 additional papers being drafted

25 THE ORCHESTRA far 92 Brazilian intensive care units ICU beds Data from 2014 and 2015 130,000 ICU patients

26 International Collaboration
Current research collaborations with… ICNARC –UK – Improving Sepsis Reporting Characteristics and Outcomes Project MIMIC-II USA/ANZICS-CORE – Global open source Scoring system development study

27 Conclusions Epimed is currently one of the largest systems for quality improvement and ICU performance management and opens interesting possibilities for ICU research in a large and well-structured database There is a great potential for studies on both highly frequent/relevant ICU topics as well as rare diseases

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