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1st English Colonies to French and Indian War

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1 1st English Colonies to French and Indian War
Review 1st English Colonies to French and Indian War

2 Motivations for English Colonization
Rise in middle class Joint-Stock Companies More money = Opportunity to invest Surplus Population Georgia: debtors’ refuge Religious Freedom Puritans and Pilgrims (Mass), Quakers (Penn), Catholics (Maryland)

3 Jamestown, VA 1st Successful Eng Col. Settled on James R.
Key Contributors John Smith Pocahontas John Rolfe Nathaniel Bacon Indentured Servants

4 Key Contributors to Jamestown
Capt. John Smith John Rolfe

5 Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon 1676 Former Indentured Servants
Demanded government protect them Burned House of Burgesses Failed when Bacon died Led to African Slavery

6 The Middle Passage = Slavery

7 The Puritans Massachusetts Bay Col Purify Church of Eng. John Winthrop
Town Meetings fostered self-government Religion dominated life--theocracy

8 Puritan Dissenters Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams

9 The Pilgrims Plymouth Colony William Bradford
Separate from Church of England Helped by Squanto—1st Thanksgiving Mayflower Compact

10 Pennsylvania and the Quakers
Haven for Quakers William Penn Tolerance = diversity Settled Philadelphia Got along well with Natives

11 James Oglethorpe’s Georgia
Last Colony to be settled--1730s Debtors’ Colony Buffer Zone from Spanish Florida

12 The Original Thirteen Colonies

13 Self-Government in the Colonies
Virginia Charter Massachusetts Bay Charter House of Burgesses (VA) Mayflower Compact (MA) Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Maryland Toleration Act Salutary Neglect also helped

14 1st Great Awakening 1730s Purely American Movement
J. Edwards and G. Whitefield Return to religious roots

15 Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanac
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Albany Plan of Union

16 John Peter Zenger Trial
Wrote against NY government Punished, but sued Helped w/ principle of freedom of the press

17 English vs. French Colonies

18 French and Indian War Battle over Ohio Country
French allied w/ Natives Iroquois did side w British Battles of Quebec and Montreal were turning points G. Ft. Necessity started war Fort Loudon Massacre in Tennessee English won, claimed LOTS of LAND

19 Results of French and Indian War

20 Westward Ho! Daniel Boone Wilderness Road

21 Westward Whoa! Colonists wanted to move west of App. Mts.
Created conflict with Native Americans Pontiac’s Rebellion Proclamation of 1763 banned western migration Infuriated colonists!

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