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DVB-S2 The User Experience

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Presentation on theme: "DVB-S2 The User Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 DVB-S2 The User Experience
David Taylor SatSignal Software Edinburgh

2 DVB-S2 Requirements Making the transition
Antenna & LNB Receiver Making the transition Resolving problems you may encounter Outstanding issues Still to come…

3 Antennas The new satellite footprint is weaker The bandwidth is larger
A better signal-to-noise is required So …. …. a bigger antenna may be required

4 LNB A critical component Don’t believe a 0.1 dB noise factor!
Need a low-noise LNB Extensive tests by Arne van Belle Inverto Black Ultra IDLB-TWNL40-ULTRA-OPP Adjust skew for best Es/No Adjust focus (move LNB in and out)

5 Receivers PCIe card inside your PC – single PC
TBS 6925 & TBS 6983 External USB box – single PC TBS 5925 – software still relatively new External IP receiver – serves many PCs Ayecka SR 1 Novra S300E … and others

6 PCs DVB-S2 may stress your PC more, especially the High Volume Service
There may be compatibility issues with some PCIe cards and some PCs Suck it and see approach! IP receivers need a network port May need a second network card, and one with up-to-date drivers Try Edimax Ethernet-to-USB 2.0 adapter

7 Making the transition Start with DVB-S Set up your new receiver
Re-point the antenna Switch to DVB-S2

8 Starting with DVB-S Assume you have a working DVB-S system looking at the 9° East satellite Study receiver options and decide which is best for you – USB, PCI card, IP RX Procure DVB-S2 receiver Run in parallel with your existing receiver

9 Setting up the receiver
For Ayecka, Novra & TBS EUMETSAT provide configuration guides Ayecka and Novra configuration files are provided, automating the setup over a USB or network link TBS setup is currently a much more manual process, which may require 3rd party software running on your PC

10 Setting up the PC IP receivers – 2nd network card USB/PCIe receivers
Either: add second network card or Ethernet-USB adapter & configure its address Or: Wi-Fi connect the PC Wi-Fi, use existing LAN port Connect Management port to house LAN USB/PCIe receivers Follow configuration guide for the device

11 Configuring TelliCast
Just one step! Edit your recv.ini file to point to the new network device (card or virtual device) But not the IP Receiver’s address!

12 Re-pointing the antenna
Change between 9° East and 10° East will depend where you are, a little east and very slight elevation change Having peaked on 9A originally, tweak the disk azimuth just a little, then optimise both azimuth and elevation Use a professional meter, or watch the graphical output from the Ayecka or other software.

13 Can I still get DVB-S? Antenna has only moved a small amount, so likely you will still get enough DVB-S signal to continue with the service Ayecka particularly easy to switch between the services

14 LNB adjustment Adjust the skew (rotation) of the LNB for best signal-to-noise. Objective is to reduce the amount of cross-polarised signal received from other transponders Adjust the focus of the LNB (in and out) for best SNR Keep tweaking!

15 Switching to DVB-S2 Ayecka – already has two receiver configuration sets programmed so just make setting 2 (DBV-S2) active Novra – re-run the configuration process selecting the DVB-S2 CFG file TBS – type in all the new RF and PID configuration details Edit recv.ini if not already done before

16 What can possibly go wrong!
Dish issues Network issues

17 LNBs too far apart

18 LNB fallen off

19 LNB pointing in the wrong direction

20 Wrong IP address Tempting to use the address of the IP receiver when editing recv.ini. Not right! You need the address of the network card in the PC. Not the address of the sender But the address of the receiving card

21 Not using a separate network
The full EUMETCast stream which comes out of the IP Receiver will saturate a Wi-Fi or 100 Mb/s network. So use a separate LAN Not complicated – simply connect a network lead between the IP Receiver and a port on your PC. Or use a small switch like Netgear GS605 for multiple PCs.

22 Using poor cables or 100 Mb/s network
Using 100 Mb/s switch and random cables, found some odd missed packet events in early tests, but most packets recovered. Not seen since using 1 Gb/s switch and 1 Gb/s LAN cards. Should check cables are “gigabit” certified. Cat 5E likely good enough.

23 Need to wake network card?
On one PC, found the need to PING the remote receiver before starting TelliCast. Perhaps the LAN port sleeps even though UDP packets are present? Solved with a simple .CMD file: PING <LAN adapter> Wait a little PING <SR 1 receiver> Start tc-recv.exe

24 Problems seeing the network?
TelliCast may have problems identifying which network to use. Solve by: Setting the network address to in recv.ini Leaving out the interface_address altogether

25 Outstanding Issues – 1 Lower Link Margin
Because of small antenna or rain fade When taking Basic & HV services Link margin becomes too low for HVS Results in many errors on the Basic Service Arne van Belle has done many tests


27 Resolving Lower Link Margin
Fix – change Ayecka receiver settings: Tweak the thresholds, low: 0.6 high: 0.7 dB Fix – prevent HVS reception Ayecka, set dual receiver mode TBS requires software setting, but BDADataEx doesn’t allow this Novra receiver?

28 Outstanding Issues – 2 The High Volume Service?
Problems taking BS & HVS on one receiver? Receiver, driver or TelliCast resolution? Request for more open and complete information about HVS tests Changes seen but not announced? Need to know the number of files being sent so we can check whether all files are received

29 Outstanding Issues – 3 The new TelliCast software Support
Resolve multicast join/leave problem? Beta test programme? Signed Java application? Support PC & OS requirements? Compatibility with disk defragmenters Compatibility with NTFS file system Easy to update?

30 Acknowledgements To Ayecka, Novra, TBS and GEO for procuring test receivers. To EUMETSAT for answering many questions and providing extensive User Guides To David Simmons, Alan Banks, Arne van Belle, Douglas Deans, James Brown, Ernst Lobsiger, and others for their testing and for discovering some of the issues and asking helpful questions!

31 Next The User Feedback Session

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