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Pune Model United Nations 2017

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1 Pune Model United Nations 2017
UN4MUN Rules of Procedure

2 General Instructions Subject to slight modifications
All changes will be communicated to you early on. Procedure will be explained again by the conference officials Procedure by its very nature is technical, so if you don't understand concepts at the beginning, it is perfectly natural.

3 The Need For A Set Procedure
Principle of Sovereign Equality Equal Voice Systematic flow Emphasis on record-keeping and encouraging a democratic basis of dialogue amongst states.

4 Roles Member State Representatives. (Delegates) Conference Officials - Chairperson - Secretary

5 Your role as a Delegate Member State Representative Diplomat Learned and trusted by your government Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

6 How to address each other
The members of the Secretariat The Conference Officials The Representatives

7 Mandate of the Committee
Jurisdiction Matters of Competence Reporting body

8 Start Minute of Silence/Minute of Prayer Roll Call

9 Roll Call Present/Present and Voting Foreign Policy Considerations behind each roll call. How it influences your final vote on the outcome document.

10 Quorum Set at one-fourth of members present in the house.
Required for proceedings to continue Lobbying flexibility

11 Provisional Agenda Agenda is the topic of discussion
All agendas up to that point is temporary and needs to be adopted. Formality.

12 The General Speakers List
Debate and discussion is subsumed in the General Speakers List all through-out. The speaker's time on each speech may not exceed two minutes. Notification of time. Unwritten rule on subsequent speeches.


14 Deviations from the General Speakers List

15 Formal-Informal This is a deviation from the General Speakers List in order to facilitate discussions in a less formal manner Has different ways which it plays out. Can be effectively used for lobbying.

16 How to Propose a motion Formal request made by a Delegate to direct the Committee in a particular order Introduced simply by raising the placard.

17 Suspension of Meeting Used for smaller interruptions such as Lunch and Tea. Takes the highest precedence over other motions Time Period specified.

18 Adjournment of Meeting
When the proceedings for the day is complete, the adjournment of the meeting is proposed. The time at which the meeting is reconvened is specified.

19 Adjournment of Debate Also referred to as a no-action motion.
If passed, the committee ceases all discussion on the agenda and tables all drafts on the bureau. Two-For and Two-Against method.

20 Closure of Debate Required to vote on any drafts. If passed, the committee directly goes into identifying if there is consensus, or else it proceeds to a roll-call vote. If representatives wish to have a recorded vote, then a request must be filed prior to closure.

21 Point of Order Point of order is used for Procedural errors.
Extended to matters such as relevance, improper conduct and the like. Raised by making a “T” with the placard. Appeal process

22 Right Of Reply Started after the list is closed for the day.
Used for reply to previous statements. Rules regarding Right of Reply.

23 Criteria For Evaluation
Role realization Diplomacy Research/Understanding of Concepts Drafting Diplomatic Courtesy Note on Oratory Skills

24 If you have any procedural queries, please contact ashwathkomath
If you have any procedural queries, please contact

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