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1619-1865 Slavery.

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1 Slavery

2 Slavery to the Nation Slavery was hugely important to America
Lasted from It is important because we still to this day struggle with its legacy

3 Slavery in the North The North had outlawed slavery early on in the nations history The Slave based economy is not at all separate from the Market Revolution Both intermingled The North couldn't have industrialized without southern cotton South produced ¾ of the worlds cotton This made the North super rich Northern textile mills used Southern Cotton Often returning the cloth made back to the south to clothe slaves Northern Banks financed land for southern plantations Northern Insurance companies insured slaves because they were protected as property

4 Slavery in the South The South will remain largely agrarian and rural
Only produced 10% of the nations manufactured goods Cities like Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis Slavery was so profitable that people had no need to invest in industry or transportation innovations. This will hurt the south greatly in the civil war

5 Slavery was Supported in the South
1860: 4 million slaves in the south, and 1/3 of the southern population Most Slave holders only had fewer than 5 slaves Most whites in the south had no slaves at all They would rent slaves if they were able to Yeoman Farmer Poor farmers that worked the poorest of land Supported Slavery because it kept them from being at the bottom of society Southern Intellectuals Saw it as a necessary evil Argued that slaves benefitted from Slavery Fed them, Took care of them in old age ”Family oriented slavery was better than working in a Northern factory Good for the Social order

6 John C. Calhoun South Carolina Slaveholder
United States Sec. of State United States Sec. of War United States Vice President Claimed that Slavery was a very positive thing because slaves were inherently inferior to whites

7 How it worked Justified Slavery through Christianity
It was forced labor that relied on intimidation, brutality, and dehumanization Louisiana Law “(Slaves) Owes his master a respect without bounds and absolute obedience.”

8 Slave Labor Worked from Sun up to Sun down
South Carolina Rice fields- Task System Cotton Plantations- Gang system under the control of a slave driver

9 Sales of Slaves Northern portion of the South began to sell slaves “Down the River” because they were switching to a much less labor intensive thing. As slaves moved further down south the treatment of slaves became increasingly more harsh. Southern Cotton plantations in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi were the worst!

10 Dehumanization Very harsh and Arbitrary
In order for slavery to function they had to be dehumanized Wanted to reduce slaves to animal property Chattel Slavery Slavery did resist this dehumanization Families were a central focal point for slavery stability One plantation owner stated “ I have one rule above all other rules! Slaves should not marry outside of the plantation because it gives them a sense of independence.” Many slave families had two parent households, but could be broken up at any time due to the sale of slaves.

11 Story of Brutality [Overseer] “Bob, I’m going to whip you this morning!” [Bob] “Why? I an’t done nothing!” [Overseer] “I know you an’t done nothing, I’m going to whip you to keep you from doing nothing!” Then he whipped him with the cow hide. The cow hide will cut the blood right out of you if he whipped you hard enough! Bob killed his overseer later on.

12 Resistance Many slaves did escape their bonds an moved up to the northern free states. However, fugitive slave laws forced states to return run away slaves. Slaves would try and make it to Canada because they had abolished the practice of slavery when the British Empire abolished the practice. Roughly 1,000 would flee every year. Harriett ”Moses” Tubman helped slaves from Maryland escape bondage.

13 Armed Rebellion Gabriels Rebellion- 1800
This plot was foiled prior to it being executed New Orleans Slave Rebellion- 1811 Seized cane knives and guns and march to the city before a militia stopped them Denmark Vessey-1822 Freed slave who MAY have created a plot to destroy Charleston, South Carolina Trial and evidence very suspect!

14 Nat Turner 1831 Turner was a preacher who, along with 80 other slaves, March from farm to farm killing several women and children in Southampton County, VA Most of the men were away at a religious revival meeting in North Carolina This has to do with the second great awakening. Turner and 17 others were executed The Nat Turner rebellion created harsher treatment of slaves, and there was an incredible fear of slaves becoming free in the south. Passed laws prohibiting teaching slaves to read or write, and slaves could no longer preach.

15 Other Forms of Resistance
Work slowdowns, intentionally breaking tools, and “Not understanding instructions” The most powerful resistance of all was finding a sense of individualism, in a system that was set up to dehumanize. Slaves fought back! And in the end they won!

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