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Presentation on theme: "ECOLOGY CRAM SESSION: Biology EOC at SCHS"— Presentation transcript:

the study of how organisms interact with their environment

2 Biotic vs. Abiotic Factors
BIOtic = is or was alive Abiotic = not alive (never was or will be) alvie

3 FA: abiotic or biotic? 1 2 3.b 3.a 4 5 Leather jacket

4 Producers/autotrophs
Energy Pyramid Top predator Secondary consumer Primary consumer Producers/autotrophs

5 Trophic levels are DIFFERENT from consumer levels!!
Trophic levels -hierarchical levels in an ecosystem always start at the bottom of the energy pyramid with trophic level & count upward Trophic levels are DIFFERENT from consumer levels!! 4 3 2 1

6 Ask questions: consumer/trophic level

7 Carrying Capacity max population size an area can support (with enough density dependent factors) density-dependent factors are______

8 Test Taking Strategies
does the question say “best,” “most correct” “not,” or “all” bold? PAY ATTENTION!!!! You may not know what the answer IS, but you may know which choices are NOT the answer! Choose an answer that answers the question! If answers have a “,” “and:” BOTH statements before and after the “,” “and” must be correct for the statement to be the answer!

9 Which of the following descriptions about the organization of an ecosystem is correct? a. Communities make up organisms, which make up populations. b. Populations make up ecosystems, which make up communities. c. Organisms make up communities, which make up populations. d. Organisms make up populations, which make up communities.

10 Break for students to work
on page 1 questions 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B

11 Carbon Cycle Carbon cycles as ____
Which 2 processes cause carbon to recycle on Eath?

12 Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen recycles because of ____ & bacteria in the soil

13 Symbiosis Relationships
1.which is mutualism? 2. parasitism? 1. B A

14 Niche-organisms role; where lives,
Habitat vs. Niche habitat/home Niche-organisms role; where lives, hunts, predator, prey habitat/home

15 Non-Native/Invasive Species
any organism brought into an area to live (not naturally found there) HYBRID Japanese Lady Bug NC Lady Bug What issues are caused? Kudzu

16 Predator/Prey Relationship
How does a predator population effect its prey population?

17 Human Impact depleting natural resources
pollution (acid rain, carbon, water, air, and nitrogen) habitat destruction & depletion deforestation (carbon cycle)

18 Break for students to work
on page 2-3 questions 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. A

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