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Forward Exam Test Administration Overview

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1 Forward Exam Test Administration Overview
Spring 2016

2 Important Dates WI Forward Window is March 20 – May 5
DLM (Spec. Ed. Alternate Test) Window is March 20 – May 5 MAP Window is April 3 – May 19 Spring Break is April 14 – April 23 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip April 26 – 29

3 General Information WI Forward Exam is untimed
6-7th Grade have SIX tests with THREE testing sessions 8th Grade has TEN tests with FIVE testing sessions Test tickets will be printed for EACH testing session (they will be color coded again) Tickets and used scratch paper will need to be collected for destruction – you may not throw these in your classroom trash Once a test session is started, students need to finish the session the same day Students may not enter the testing session after testing has begun

4 Continued There isn’t a pause limit. After 20 minutes they will get kicked out and need the SAME ticket to reenter the test Tutorials and Tool practice are available: We recommend that you begin showing the tutorials and practicing during advisory time All schedules will be kept the same, except 6th and 7th grade will swap on 6th grade testing days ONLY!

5 Text Dependent Analysis (TDA)
The TDA requires students to read text and then respond in one of several ways: Identifying and explaining a theme or central idea, using textural evidence to support the claim about what that theme or central ideas is, and Analyzing the development of an event, character, central ideas, or theme, using textual evidence to support the explanation and analysis.

6 TDA The estimated time to respond to a TDA is 30 minutes
Students must complete the TDA in one day for test security purposes. The TDA is not a short answer question Directions have been written into the script Read them to the class to explain the session and to help students understand what is being asked of them

7 Test Buckets Test Group list with attendance & computer assignments
Proctor checklist Ticket Envelope Scratch Paper Headphones (Have students write their names on the baggies with a sharpie – 1st day) Testing Sign(s) – to post outside your classroom door No electronics sign(s) – to post in the classroom Pencils – let us know if you need more

8 Computers & Mice COWS will be marked with house name and classrooms that will be using them for testing Do not take computers from other carts without Dan, Jenn, or Barry knowing Should not have to split carts this year Mice will be marked with teachers houses and names There are about 18 in a box Not enough for all students; however, not all wanted to use them They will be passed to the other grade level teacher on the box

9 Gadget Gurus Turning off iPads Headphones
Gadget Gurus will assist you with: Computers Turning off iPads Passing out Collecting Ensuring they are all plugged into the cart and wall Returned to the correct house & plugged in/charging Mice Passing out to those who want one Headphones

10 Test Proctor Responsibilities:
Follow procedures included in the Test Administration Manual (TAM) to administer the Forward Exam Read ALL directions before each test session Monitor students during testing If there is any cheating on the test, report to Jenn immediately If a student needs to use the restroom during the test (emergencies only) Jenn & Dan

11 Test Proctors – Getting ready to Administer the Forward Exam
Proctors should: Read and become familiar with the Test Proctor Script and testing procedures Become familiar with the test structure, tools, and navigation tools using the online practice sessions for each subject area Become familiar with appropriate universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations

12 Organize Your Classroom
Remove or cover all instructional materials that might assist students in answering questions Ensure adequate spacing between students’ seating and/or visual barriers Place a “No Cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices” sign in the room. Place a “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the outside of each door of the testing room Provide a quiet environment without distractions Establish procedures for students that finish testing ahead of others – they MAY NOT be wandering, talking to others, playing on computers, listening to music, eating, or anything else that would be distracting to others

13 Prepare Your Students Inform students that unauthorized electronic devices and cell phones are not allowed in the testing environment (this includes: cell phones, smart watches, cameras, laptops, wireless communication devices, etc.)


15 Create a Positive Atmosphere
Help students approach testing in a relaxed, positive way Reassure students they will have ample time to do their best as the Forward Exam is an untimed test. Emphasize that scores will not affect their grades, it is only to find out which skills they have mastered and which need further development. Encourage students to attempt all items

16 Test Tickets Test tickets have the student name, student ID, grade level, test session, username/password and accommodations printed on it. (If you know a student should have an accommodation(s) ensure they are printed on the ticket – if not, let Jenn know. ) Test tickets have confidential and a username and password on it. They must be kept secure and shredded upon completion of all content assessments.


18 Test Tickets Each subject area has one ticket for all tests
Math has one ticket for both tests ELA has one ticket for all four tests SS has one ticket for both tests Science has one ticket for both tests A grade 6, or 7 student will have 2 test tickets printed (1 for ELA and 1 for Mathematics.) A grade 8 student will have 4 test tickets printed (1 for ELA, 1 for Mathematics, 1 for Science, and 1 for Social Studies.)

19 Test Tickets Students will use the same test ticket each time they log into a particular content area. For example: If a student takes ELA tests #2 -4 on Wednesday, they will need the same ticket for ELA test Session #1 on Thursday Make sure they have selected the correct test session!

20 Absences Each day collect all test tickets right after the students log in and put them back in your folder If a student misses a test session, mark that on your test attendance sheet and keep their ticket in your folder with the others until after that subject area is done. Jenn will take all of the completed tickets in the shred bucket Jenn will collect the absent tickets in the absent envelope for your entire house Math teachers will collect this year

21 INSIGHT: Secure Browser

22 Make sure they select the
Begin the Test Students must use INSIGHT (the secure browser) to log on to take the Forward Exam – Students using Chrome books do not log in. They select the DRC Insight APP on the login screen (bottom left hand corner) Make sure they select the correct test session!

23 Log In Process Students select “Test Sign In” link on portal page to be taken to the login screen Enter username and password from test ticket and select “Sign in” Verify that the username and test information match the student (Student Verification Screen) Select the test to be taken (Test Selection screen displays a hyperlink for each portion of the test) according to proctor’s instructions. If the test includes Passage audio files (ELA Listening) a sound check will be presented to verify that the student can hear the audio Review the content of the Test Directions screens Begin the test

24 Login & Test Session

25 Sound Check Confirms functionality of sound for the listening session
Troubleshooting sound check Headphones plugged in Volume up on device Try other audio sources on the device such as CDs, audio files, etc.

26 Directions Page Test Proctors will go over ALL directions with students as a class. The directions page covers: Review of navigation features Back & Next Review/ End Review of universal tools Review of answering tools YES, you must read all of the directions for each test

27 During Test Administration
Remain in the room throughout the entire test administration and periodically walk around the room to: Ensure that students are not using any prohibited electronic devices Monitor student progress Make sure that the students are on task Answer questions about technology only (ex. how do I access the calculator), not content Remind students to check their test for any items marked for review or not attempted prior to taking a long break or logging out for the day. (Proctors should not check student answers. To do so would be considered a security violation.)

28 Pause and End Test Tell students that the button to end the test in the real test is different than the practice screen. Practice Test Real Test In the actual Forward Exam To take a break (up to 20 min.) click the blue pause button

29 ELA Test 1/Session 1 If you are done for the day but not finished with the test session (not all test questions are answered) you need to click on the button then click on the gray exit button This will end the test without submitting it. Allowing the student to log in again using the same test ticket.

30 Test Security Do not share test question information with anyone
All test tickets and materials must remain secure All test tickets are returned to Jenn and Dan after testing to be locked up. They will be returned the next testing day, if necessary, or destroyed All used scratch paper must be returned after each test session If any test breaches happen, please report them to Jenn ASAP

31 Test Security Test items and materials must not be discussed with or released to anyone via any media, including fax, , social media websites, etc. Do not use any test items, stimuli, reading passages, or writing prompts for instruction Staff must not log on to Forward Exam using student credentials.

32 Make-Ups See calendar for make-up days (More may be necessary)
Mark absent student’s names on your attendance sheet. Place the tickets into the absent envelope so that we have their tickets for make-up days. We will send an with student names on make-up days

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