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Contractors Transportation Management Association

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1 Contractors Transportation Management Association
Packaging and Transportation Update in Environmental Management Cleanup Ashok Kapoor, Safety Engineer Office of Packaging and Transportation Office of Environmental Management Our vision is to make sure DOE will be regarded as the world leader in shipping radioactive material and hazardous wastes in the most safe, secure and efficient manner. Contractors Transportation Management Association May 24, 2017

2 Discussion Topics Environmental Management Cleanup
Site Information Waste Stream Information Transportation Activities Update on the Office of Packaging and Transportation Mission Core Values Activities I would like to brief you today on the following topics: Environmental Management Cleanup Site Information Waste Stream Information Transportation Activities Reorganization of the Office of Environmental Management Update on the Office of Packaging and Transportation Mission Core Values Programs and Activities-Status Packaging TEPP Order Revision Defense-in-Depth activities Operational Tools and Assistance OPT Staff

EM Cleanup Program EM is an operational federal program performing a wide variety of tasks to clean up the environmental legacy of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex: PACKAGE STORAGE BUILD & TREAT EXCAVATE EM is an operational federal program performing a wide variety of tasks to clean up the environmental legacy of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex: Authority and responsibility for management of all DOE-generated waste is under authority of the Atomic Energy Act, as amended DOE has unique waste streams because of historic and present missions Clear distinction between DOE and non-DOE waste in LLW Policy Amendments Act State and regional disposal compacts responsible for disposal of non-DOE and non-naval decommissioning LLW DOE does not accept LLW/MLLW from non-DOE generators unless there is documented DOE nexus or national security rationale in accordance with eligibility criteria TRANSPORT DEMOLISH SAFEGUARD

4 Making Cleanup Progress
Idaho Idaho National Laboratory Washington Hanford Richland Operations Office Office of River Protection Sites Remaining 2017 New York West Valley SPRU Kentucky Paducah California Energy Technology Engineering Center Lawrence Berkeley Lawrence Livermore Ohio Portsmouth South Carolina Savannah River EM has reduced its footprint by 90% to less than 300 square miles 16 sites in 11 states with remaining cleanup activities Additionally, this slide give you an indication of the site that will generate and transport waste. Nevada Nevada Field Office Utah Moab New Mexico Los Alamos Sandia Carlsbad Tennessee Oak Ridge EM has reduced its footprint by 90% to less than 300 square miles 16 sites in 11 states with remaining cleanup activities

5 Los Alamos National Laboratory
Facility deactivation and decommissioning Soil and ground water remediation Workers use a Spider Excavator to remove soil at town site area (TA-32) in Los Alamos. FACILITY DEACTIVATION AND DECOMMISSIONING (D&D) Several facilities require decommissioning and decontamination in order to complete the EM mission at LANL, including structures at TA-21 and TA-54. Included in this project are process contaminated plutonium and tritium facilities at TA-21 and over 100 waste management facilities and structures at TA-54. The majority of DP East/West buildings, and the Tritium Systems Test Assembly (TSTA) facility, have been removed under ARRA D&D projects. SOIL AND GROUNDWATER The environmental restoration and cleanup work at LANL is organized into several projects that have responsibility for different aspects of environmental restoration: The Corrective Actions Program (includes investigation and remediation in canyons); The Technical Area (TA) -21 Closure Project; and The TA-54 Closure Project. The goal of these programs is to ensure that residual contaminants from past Laboratory operations do not threaten human or environmental health and safety. To achieve this goal, the Laboratory is investigating and, as necessary, remediating sites contaminated by past Laboratory operations. Bags of contaminated soil are secured on flatbed trucks prior to transportation

6 Idaho Shipping Transuranic Waste
Background: DOE’s Idaho Site is the largest shipper of transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico for disposal. The Idaho Site has shipped more than 51,000 cubic meters of waste to WIPP and other licensed facilities for off-site disposal. Idaho State trooper talks to attendees at the kick-off of the WIPP Road Show for the western corridor shipping route at Fort Hall on March 27, 2017.

7 Oak Ridge OR Vision 2016: ETTP (K-25; K-31; K-27) D&D completed
Complete CEUSP disposition and begin processing U-233 Complete TRU debris processing OR Vision 2024 Complete construction Mercury Treatment Facility (MTF) Complete construction Environmental Management Disposal Facility (EMDF) Oak Ridge has completed demolition and waste disposal for all five of its former gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment buildings (K-25, K-27, K-29, K-31, and K-33), totaling a footprint of 4.5 million square. These were the largest buildings onsite, and they resulted in more than 55,000 truckloads of debris. Pre-demolition activities in the Poplar Creek Facilities and K-1037 is the current focus. DOE has focused on mercury cleanup at Y-12. The final design for a new mercury treatment facility is expected in Summer (June) 2017. Contact-handled and remote-handled TRU processing activities are continuing at the TRU Waste Processing Center. Currently, the site has processed 95 percent of its CH TRU and 83 percent of its RH TRU inventory.

8 TRU Pad 1 Culvert Excavation TRUPACT III Containers Processed
Savannah River Continue disposition of 12,000 cubic meters legacy transuranic (TRU) waste (1.2 million curies) Completed 1,536 TRU waste shipments to Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), New Mexico Completed shipments of Low Enriched Uranium to Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for blend-down of highly enriched uranium (HEU) Shipped down-blended non-Moxable plutonium to WIPP Contract signed for receipt and processing/uranium recovery of Canadian liquids containing US origin HEU Legacy TRU Waste Disposition Acceleration American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) Project Fuel Cask Unloading in L Basin TRU Pad 1 Culvert Excavation Pad 1 Drum Mining TRUPACT III Containers Processed Shipped to WIPP

9 Separations Process Research Unit
Separations Process Research Unit (New York) decommissioning activities are progressing; all tank sludges packaged and disposed off-site as LLW It is collocated with Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in Niskayuna, NY. Separations Process Research Unit (New York) decommissioning activities are progressing; all tank sludges packaged and disposed off-site as LLW

10 West Valley Demonstration Project
Three large Vitrification components arrived via train at Waste Control Specialists (WCS) at the end of November 2016. BACKGROUND: Notification of shipments was made to key officials in New York State because of the transportation (traffic) concerns, not because of the nature of the waste (LLW shipment).  Elected officials notified were Rep. Tom Reed and Rep. Brian Higgins (the trucks went through their districts), as well as staff in Sen Schumer and Sen Gillibrand.  Notification was also made to the Seneca Nation of Indians.  New York State Department of Transportation and New York State Police notified municipalities along the truck route.  Fact sheets were distributed to key local, state and federal officials, and to others upon request. Summary briefings on the shipment were provided in advance at Quarterly Public Meetings, Citizen Task Force meetings, Ashford Town Board meetings, State and Tribal Government Meetings, National Transportation Stakeholder Forum, 2016 National Clean-Up Workshop, and other forums.

11 FY16 DOE Shipments FY16 Air Air    Mileage Rail Rail   Mileage Highway Highway Mileage Total Shipments Total Mileage EM ,750 4, ,748 2,469 3,051, , ,290,529 NE 82 65, , ,339 SC 24 53, , ,312 NNSA , , ,107 DOE ,812 4, , ,740, , ,213,287

12 Route Map Still working to include routes around Las Vegas.
Routes will also be included in WebTRAGIS, our routing program. Tribal lands are going to be addressed, too.

13 Update on the Office of Packaging and Transportation

14 Our Mission Our mission is to provide guidance, tools, and support for DOE programs and contractors in order to assure safe, compliant, reliable, and efficient transportation of the Department's hazardous and nonhazardous materials. We work with: a wide variety of internal and external entities to assist the DOE sites in accomplishing the Agency’s mission regulatory agencies (e.g., DOT, NRC, IAEA, and other federal and state agencies) to assure compliance and informed exchange contractors providing transportation services at DOE sites by making information and tools available for safe and compliant shipments DOE programs and external regulators to certify the safety of packaging and assure transport security DOE sites to cut costs and avoid compliance issues, and state, local, and tribal communities to share information, maintain an open dialogue, provide emergency response training, and pave the way for successful DOE shipments. Our adherence to these core values enables us to assure safe, compliant, reliable and efficient transportation of hazardous and radioactive materials, and non-hazardous materials which is essential to the success of the Department’s missions. Our office staff works with a wide variety of internal and external entities to assist the DOE sites in accomplishing their mission Service (to the public, field, and stakeholders) Safety (prevent injuries to our personnel and members of the public) Compliance (with regulations and other requirements) Security (protect sensitive information and classified materials) Efficiency (through collaboration with internal and external stakeholders across organizational lines)

15 OPT Programs and Activities
Packaging Certification Certificates of Compliance DOE Exemptions DOT Special Permits Quality Assurance RAMPAC Outreach and Emergency Preparedness NTSF State Regional Groups Tribes TEPP Prospective Shipment Report Fact Sheets Regulations & Standards Support Domestic Federal Agencies International Community Nongovernmental Organizations DOE Orders, Policy, Guidance Transportation Risk Reduction Motor Carrier Evaluations Physical Protection Transportation Compliance Reviews Safety Metrics Program & Site Support DOE/Contractor Interfaces TMC & PMC EFCOG Tender Negotiations Automated Systems Quarterly Field Calls Annual Report The OPT program consists of five main areas and associated activities -- Packaging Certification, Emergency Preparedness & Outreach, Regulations & Standards Support, Transportation Risk Reduction, and Program & Site Support This diagram remains unchanged for years, reflective of a steadfast, consistent, and steady program These are the building blocks for the Department’s transportation and packaging program that provides a wide variety of tools, communication, and support to programs and field sites to accomplish their mission Let’s look at the current Status in each area:

16 Packaging Certification Portfolio
DOE Packaging Certification Program Performs six major functions Certification of fissile & Type B packagings Packaging QA approval Packaging Assistance Packaging University Radioactive Material Packaging (RAMPAC) website DOE Radio-Frequency Identification 17 dockets open at start of FY17 Department-wide program that provides for – 1. Certification of fissile and Type B packagings 2. Packaging quality assurance approval 3. Packaging assistance 4. Packaging university 5. RAMPAC 6. DOE Radio-frequency identification Review and approval of packaging designs Issuance of DOE Certificates of Compliance Review and recertification of Certificates of Compliance Curtails and/or suspends the use of specific packages, when warranted Review and approval of quality assurance programs for Type B and fissile radioactive material packaging activities 7 National labs – ANL, LLNL, ORNL, PNNL, SRNL, SNL and NNSS provide support to the PCP – e.g. Docket management, SARP reviews, Training courses (SARP reviews, Welding criteria, containment analysis and leak testing, QA, ASME Code, Transport Security…), Packaging University, Storage Standards and Aging Management, RAM packages tracking (ARG-US, RFID, Authenticable Container Tracking System development), audits, package testing, technical support Packaging Assistance Program AMWTP Packaging and Transportation Analysis 10 RTGs from Artic Circle to NNSS for USAF 3 Husman Irradiators from Mexico to NNSS for USDA Packaging University Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Packaging from UNR – University of Nevada, Reno, ME Department 6 Graduate Credit Courses Approved 4 Graduate Credit Courses in approval process Summer Intern Undergraduate Credit RAMPAC – Radioactive Material Packaging Over 1 million hits/year DOE RFID (Radiofrequency Identification) Program ARG-US - A remote tracking and monitoring system for packages RAMM - Remote Area Modular Monitor for nuclear and spent fuel storage facilities CommBox - All-in-one robust, compact - GSM/GPS module, Qualcomm gear, reader, and disposable batteries SAV-EM - Rapid Deployable Global Sensing Hazard Alert System InPAC - Internal Package sensor technology for monitoring package environments ACTS - Authenticatable Container Tracking System

17 National Transportation Stakeholders Forum
Outreach & Emergency Preparedness National Transportation Stakeholders Forum (NTSF) Transportation Emergency Planning and Preparedness TEPP Training – FY2016 Region Classes Students West 67 716 South 145 1972 Midwest 4 59 Northeast 15 185 National Transportation Stakeholders Forum (NTSF) shares information and collaborates with state, tribal, and other federal agencies along transportation routes. Transportation Emergency Planning and Preparedness

18 Defense in Depth for P&T Activities
Transportation Risk Reduction Motor Carrier Evaluation Program (MCEP) Transportation Safety and Operations Compliance Assurance Program (TCAP) Motor Carrier Evaluation Program (MCEP) -- Program has played a vital role in maintaining DOE’s excellent transportation safety record DOE’s recordable accident rate is much below the Industry (ACC) average rate In FY15, 14 MCEP reviews were completed Currently 39 carriers on the list: 31 Active National Carriers, 7 Active Local Carriers, and 1 Carrier on temporary non-use status Transportation Safety and Operations Compliance Assurance Program (TCAP) Ensures that all packaging and transportation operations across the DOE complex are compliant with all applicable international, federal, state, tribal, and local laws, rules, and regulations.

19 Operational Tools and Assistance
Packaging Management and Transportation Management Councils EFCOG Coordination & Communication Across the Complex Automated Tools ATLAS - logistics RADCALC – analytical tool RADTRAN – risk assessment WebTRAGIS - tracking Program and Site Support Coordination & Communication Across the Complex Transportation Management Council (TMC) Packaging Management Council (PMC) Energy Facility Contractors Group’s (EFCOG) Automated Tools TRAGIS RADTRAN RADCALC ATLAS RAMPAC P&T Wiki TMC - mission is to promote cooperation and communication; effective resource utilization; and standardization of traffic management, and motor carrier safety activities – this is where DOE gets Subject Matter Experts (SME) to assist with DOE tender negotiations among other transportation expertise PMC - Packaging Management Council has been instituted for identification, analysis and resolution of packaging issues to support the programmatic needs of the Department – this is where DOE Contractor SMEs provide packaging support to address site specific and complex wide transportation packaging issues EFCOG - Energy Facility Contractor Group (EFCOG) promotes excellence in all aspects of the operation, management, and integration of DOE facilities in a safe, environmentally sound, efficient and cost-effective manner through the ongoing exchange of information on lessons learned

20 Summary Disposition of radioactive material and sources ultimately requires safe, secure, and compliant packaging and transport operations DOE maintains excellent performance record for safely, securely, and efficiently transporting materials Through partnership with regulators, tribes, stakeholders and industry DOE continues to support domestic and international safety and security efforts. Disposition of radioactive material and sources ultimately requires safe, secure, and compliant packaging and transport operations DOE maintains excellent performance record for safely, securely, and efficiently transporting materials DOE continues to support domestic and international safety and security efforts

21 Contact for Additional Information
Joanne Lorence, Director EM-4.24/FORS Office of Packaging and Transportation U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20585 Ashok Kapoor, Safety Engineer EM-4.24/FORS 5B-171 Office of Packaging and Transportation U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC

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