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Aviation Operational Measures for Fuel Use and Emissions Reduction

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1 Aviation Operational Measures for Fuel Use and Emissions Reduction
AVIATION OPERATIONAL MEASURES FOR FUEL AND EMISSIONS REDUCTION WORKSHOP Aviation Operational Measures for Fuel Use and Emissions Reduction Alec Simpson Transport Canada Moderator Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

2 Airport Groundside Panel
Introduction This session outlines operational opportunities at airports to minimise emissions from ground-side operations. Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

3 International Survey - 1999
ICAO/CAEP WG4 conducted an international survey to assess various operational opportunities to minimise fuel use and emissions (Operational Opportunities to Improve Air Quality Management at Airports, May 2000). Recommendations are included in Chapter 3 of the ICAO circular on Operational Opportunities to Minimise Fuel Use and Reduce Emissions. Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

4 International Survey - 1999
Surveys were provided to a total of 151 airports and airport authorities; 58 responses were received. Summary of recommendations made by survey respondents to further reduce gaseous emissions are included. Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

5 Minimise Fuel Use and Emissions
Areas to focus on for reductions: Airport Design and Facilities Ground Support Equipment Ground Transportation Ground Access Vehicles Aircraft Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

6 Airport Design and Facilities
Fuel and emissions reductions possible in airport design when facility planned or expanded: Layout of buildings and pavement Sufficient runways and taxiways Scheduling improvements Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

7 Ground Transportation
Reduce amount of travel to and from airports made by: Employees of airlines, airport authorities and other companies located at airports, Passengers and freight. Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

8 Ground Transportation
Employee trip reductions: Telecommuting, Rideshare Passenger transportation: Parking pricing Public transit Alternative fuels for airport vehicles Idling restrictions for vehicles Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

9 Operational Opportunities
Zurich International Airport Greater Toronto Airports Authority British Airports Authority - Heathrow Airport Groundside Panel Madrid May 2002

10 Airport Groundside Panel

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