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Web Protocols, Technologies and Applications

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1 Web Protocols, Technologies and Applications
CS 3870/CS 5870 Web Protocols, Technologies and Applications

2 Instructor Dr. Qi Yang Office: Ullrich 213 Home page

3 Course Work: Undergraduate
Programs: 200 points Tests : 200 points Total : 400 points

4 Course Work: Graduate Programs: 200 points Tests : 200 points
Project : 100 points Total : 500 points

5 Grading: Undergraduate
Course Grade Points Percentage Grade Points A % A % B % B % B % C % C % C % D % D % F below No Curve

6 Grading: Graduate No Curve! Grade Total Points Percentage Grade Points
B % B % B % C % C % C % D % D % F Below No Curve!

7 Tests All Hands-on Final Exam: Test 4
Graduating Senior: Must take Test 4

8 Syllabus Any Questions?

9 What is a Computer? Network CPU Output Input MEMORY Storage

10 Local Network at UWP Ull 006 Res Hall Ull 213 Bears Den . . . Lab 206
File Server: J:\, S:\, K:\ Apps Rights Ull 213 Bears Den . . . Lab 206

11 The Internet SWUST UW UWP Townsville Australia Darmstadt Germany

12 The Internet A “network of networks” Origins: Core protocols: TCP/IP
Kleinrock (1960s): click here ARPANET (1969): click here Core protocols: TCP/IP Domain name system (DNS) Maps numeric “IP” addresses to “domain” names 1982: HOSTS.TXT Now: distributed, hierarchical database

13 Transmission Control Protocol /
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol Turing Award 2004

14 Internet Applications
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Post Office Protocol (POP) Internet Messaging Access Protocol (IMAP) Telnet: remote terminal FTP: File Transfer Protocol Gopher ... ...

15 Internet Applications
Console Applications GUI Applications

16 World Wide Web (WWW) GUI Internet Application
Information Super High Way Business Household HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Security HTML: Hypertext Makeup Language HTML5 W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

17 Application Protocols

18 A Brief History of the WWW
CERN 1989 (Geneva European Laboratory for Particle Physics) Initial Proposal A common and consistent user interface Incorporation of a wide range of technologies and document types A “universal readership” 1990: first line browser 1992: a few browsers and 50 web sites 1993: Mosaic browser for X Windows at NCSA (UIUC), 500 web sites Since 1994: more browsers, web sites, web servers, search engines Click here

19 WWW Basics Web sites: Web content providers Web browsers
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Web navigation and search tools Gateways to non-Web resources XML (eXtended Markup Language) XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language)

20 What makes up a web site? Three main components to every web site:
Web server (always-on program listening for requests from web browsers) Web objects (text and binary documents) Web browser Not really part of a website—or is it? If a tree falls in a forest but nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

21 Web browsers GUI, Client-Server application
Request content from web servers Download and display content to user First GUI browser What browser do YOU use? URL: Uniform/Universal Resource Locator

22 URL Format protocol://host:port/path Protocol
http, https, ftp, telnet, etc. Host IP address or name of server (DNS) Port default: 80 Path Where to find the desired web object

23 HTTP Application-level protocol
For collaborative, distributed, hypermedia information systems Client-Server LOTC Locate Open Transfer (request/response) Close

24 HTTP Connection Request URI Method GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
Example: GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n Server Response: 200, 403, 404, etc. Close

25 HTML Display data in browser using tags HTML History Patent

26 HTML If you don’t know HTML, You must teach yourself HTML
View page source Basic HTML elements

27 Non-Web Resources Legacy systems Databases

28 Advanced Web Technologies
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) PHP Java Applets ASP.NET

29 WWW and Windows Programs
Variables to keep track of state WWW and HTTP Stateless “Universal Readership” Web Applications How to keep state information?

30 Due 5:00 PM, Monday (Week 2) September 11, 2017
Program 1 Due 5:00 PM, Monday (Week 2) September 11, 2017

31 Create a Folder as Your Web Site
On Local File System Any Drive J: drive is my choice USB drive Lap top Create a folder as your Web site Any name Example: J:\WebPro

32 MS Visual Studio Every PC in Ullrich Free Copy on your PC
Will receive about it Follow instructions to get your copy Start VS 2015 Sign in: (not now, maybe later) Development Settings: Visual Basic You are encouraged to use C#

33 Open Web Site on File System
Start VS Open Web Site Do not try New Project or New Web Site! File System Select your Web site folder created earlier Example: J:\WebPro

34 Creating Folder Solution Explore Right Click on Web Site (Add)
New Folder Prog1

35 Creating HTML Pages Right click on Prog1 Add HTML Page
(Different Views) Design Source: HTML code Split Not for HTML pages

36 Deploy Your Web Site on Alpha
Build Publish Web App Create a Profile Server: Site name: UserName User name: ion\username Destination: Validate Connection Just once

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