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Windows 8 + Windows Phone + cloud

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Presentation on theme: "Windows 8 + Windows Phone + cloud"— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows 8 + Windows Phone + cloud
Create your first windows 8 & Windows Phone app powered by the cloud

2 WHO AM I? David Giard Microsoft Technical Evangelist Twitter: @David

3 Visual Studio 2012 Professional or above Visual Studio 2012 Update 3
What do I need? Windows 8 Pro 64 bit Visual Studio 2012 Professional or above Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 Windows Phone 8 SDK GitHub for Windows XPlatformCloudKit (XPlat) Microsoft PowerPoint

4 What’s xplat? A starter kit for creating cross platform apps powered by Windows Azure Mobile Services Supports Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Android, and iOS Code sharing using Portable Class Libraries (PCL) It’s free Hosted on PRO TIP: Find a bug? Fix it and submit a pull request via GitHub

5 What kind of apps can I create with xplat?

6 Xplat success story – candy crush
$3,500 in one week 10,000 downloads in one week

7 Xplat success story – street fighter
Free app 20k downloads in one week

8 Getting started with xplat
A 50k foot view of xplat

One Visual Studio solution file Three projects (Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and PCL)

10 Xplat – one configuration file
One file to edit and configure AppSettings.cs (under the PCL project)

11 Three data services supported:
Xplat – data support Three data services supported: Local RSS Windows Azure Mobile Service Configured via AppSettings.cs

12 Xplat – data support / local
LocalItemsFileService – Obtains items from the file “LocalItemsFile.xml” Pro Tip: Use Excel to edit this file

13 Xplat – data support / rss
RSSDataService – Obtains items from RSS 2.0 feeds Configured in AppSettings.cs

14 Xplat – data support / Azure mobile services
AzureMobileService – Obtains items from Windows Azure Mobile Service Configured in AppSettings.cs

15 Xplat demo let’s see a quick demo of an app created by xplat

16 Create robust apps which support local, RSS, or cloud data
Xplat summary Easy to use Create robust apps which support local, RSS, or cloud data Cross-platform support for Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, iOS, and Android

17 Once downloaded, open “XPlatformCloudKit.pptx” and start on slide #11
What’s next? Download XPlat using GitHub for Once downloaded, open “XPlatformCloudKit.pptx” and start on slide #11 PRO TIP: Try the instructional videos found on the GitHub page for Xplat Retargeting b/w Win 8 and 8.1: us/library/windows/apps/dn aspx


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