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Unit 1: world religions Buddhism.

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1 Unit 1: world religions Buddhism

2 History of Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama Son of Royalty
Founder of Buddhism Buddha-Enlightened One Son of Royalty After marriage & 1 child he went outside royal enclosure

3 Life Changing Experience
Leaves wife and son to search for Enlightenment Saw an sick man, old man, and a corpse & finally a holy man

4 Siddartha’s revelation
Every living thing experiences old age, sickness & death Only religious life offers refuge from suffering Sought Enlightenment – six years After 49 days of meditation - achieved understanding of suffering – “Buddha” or enlightened one

5 Buddhist Leaders Monks and Nuns Took vows (solemn promises)
live a life of poverty be non-violent not marry

6 4 Noble Truths Life is Full of Pain and Suffering
Desires Cause this Pain End desire and you end Suffering The Eightfold Path is how you eliminate Desire Nirvana- Release from Pain and Suffering

7 Leading a Buddhist Life
4th Noble Truth – Follow the Eight Fold Path: Guide to behavior - Mastery over many life times Follow to achieve Nirvana: perfect state of understanding release from selfishness and pain break from chain of reincarnations, rebirths

8 Eightfold Path Right to View/Know High and Worth intentions
Kind and truthful Speech Right to Conduct Right to livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right meditation

9 Buddhism Buddha Accepted idea of reincarnation Rejected Hindu gods Rejected caste system Most Buddhists in China, Japan, and Vietnam – spread by missionaries (monks and nuns) and trade 6.4 million in India 376 million world wide


11 Jainism Founded in the 500’s BC
Since everything in Universe has a soul - should not be harmed Few followers because it teaches tolerance & shuns forced conversion

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