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Ancient Civilizations Religions

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1 Ancient Civilizations Religions
Brainstorm sheets

2 HINDUISM Gods – brahma –creator Vishnu – Preserver Shiva - Destroyer
Gods have own families Upanishads – religious text “sitting near a teacher” Reincarnation – rebirth of the soul - good life – reborn into a higher position Bad life – reborn into a lower position Perfect life – break the cycle of reincarnation (became one with Brahman) Ahisma – non violence Hindus do not eat meat Dharma – religious and moral duties Yoga – physical activity - *yoga of selfless deeds, *Yoga of knowledge, *Yoga of Devotion

3 Abraham-taught his people in the fertile crescent to follow monotheism
Abraham and his followers – go to Canaan to practice new religion Famine forces them to Egypt There, they become slaves for 600 years MOSES – new leader. Brings them back to Canaan (Isreal) Ten commandments – rules given by god Saul – 1st King David – made Jerusalem their capital Solomon – wise king After Solomon's death kingdom divided in 2–(Judah and Israel) Assyrians attack – Jewish people get exiled Torah – Jewish bible Judaism

4 Covenant – agreement between God and his people
Prophets – religious teachers that speak to people with messages from god All people are equal When romans attacked Jewish people scattered (diaspora) Had an impact on Christianity and Islam

5 Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama – young prince that saw human suffering
Went on a journey to find the cause Meditate/fast for 49 days for the answer CAUSE: selfish desires of power, pleasure, and wealth *must give these up* Buddha – “Enlightened one” Follow middle way – also called “Eightfold Path”- avoid a life of extreme pleasure or extreme unhappiness

6 Believe in non-violence
Nirvana – lasting peace All people are equal and can follow a path to nirvana Missionaries spread beliefs Buddhism encouraged by Asoka after battle of Kalinga Buddhism travels to China through silk road Religion flourished Still practiced today

7 Christianity Jesus – founder of Christianity
12 disciples – followers of Jesus – told stories of his life and teachings Matthew, mark, Luke and john, - New Testament – stories of Jesus’ life Jesus spoke of his father and his kingdom while preaching Sermon on the Mount – encouraged people to treat others kind Roman government feared Jesus would take over Roman Empire Arrested and crucified His followers spread the word of his teachings after his death

8 -Paul wrote letters to people all over Rome
-Roman government banned the practice of Christianity – people who practiced were fed to lions in the coliseum -Constantine – emperor who made Christianity legal -Peter – first bishop of Rome – called pope -Martyr – Christians that died in the name of god -Religion flourished and is practiced today

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