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1 Slavery

2 Slavery Review First ones arrive 1619.
Barbados slaves codes brought to South Carolina. Leads to massive Racism. Imported in large numbers following: Bacons Rebellion-1676 Invention of Cotton Gin- 1790 Compromise of the Constitution 3/5, Slave Trade Uprisings- Denmark Versey- 1820 Stono River Rebellion- 1739

3 Wealth= Cotton Cotton provide wealth for the North as well as the South. 50% of the worlds cotton comes from the south 50% of American exports is cotton 75% of cotton in British mills came from the South 1/3 of British workers in cotton industry South always thought they had a healthy economy and that the British would support them Abolition gained momentum slowly South Hated it…DUH North also hated it at first- Northern Banks owed 300,000,000 by Southern growers

4 Problems with the Southern Economy
Economy is monopolistic 1733 families that owned over 100 slaves- Control Everything, creating an oligarchy Soil Butchery- One crop at a time Leads to western expansion= more of one crop Non-Diversification All the wealth in cotton = No Factories = Dependence on North and Brits Most wealth is in cotton and land= overspeculation 1860- Southern Slaves worth- 2 billion North gets most profit from Cotton No white immigration

5 Free Blacks known as 3rd race
North 250,000 free blacks Could not do much, highly discriminated against *Could be sold back into slavery*

British emancipate slaves in West Indies-1833 (Carnival) Theodore Dwight Weld – Tappan Brothers fund Lane Theological Seminary Writes “American Slavery as it is” (1852) 4. Influences Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Toms Cabin

7 Paranoid Much? The South begins to develop a Siege Mentality
Feel they are under attack, Abolition does not help (1830) William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator (abolitionist newspaper) American Anti- Slavery Society (1833) Tariff =- SC Exposition Tariff of abominations- 45% % Compromise Tariff (1833)- 25% over 8 years **SIEGE MENTALITY BECAUSE IF THE GOV CAN PASS A HUGE TARIFF WHAT IS STOPPING THEM FROM ENDING SLAVERY

8 3. Nat Turners Rebellion Slaves killed 60 Whites- mostly woman and children Previous rebellions led to it Effect- More harsh slave codes, south becomes even more paranoid

9 Why Northerners Hate Abolitions
Northern textiles depend on Southern Cotton South Owes Northern Banks 300 million **Economic Blackmail** Gag Resolutions 1836 Congress will no speak of any resolutions against slavery John Q Adams fights against it

10 Abolition- Against Slavery
2 types of Abolition Elijah Lovejoy- Martyr Abolitionist Leads to Free Soil Party (1848) and Liberty Party (1840) Gradual Radical Gradual emancipation Calls for compensation Tallmadge Amendment (Mizzu) Free Soil Party Immediate end to slavery without compensation Leads to Violence Liberty Party

11 Abolition Radical used Moral Persuasion
David Walker- “Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World” Lyceum Association Liberator Garrison Uncle Toms Cabin SGA, Revivals, Anti- Slavery Society Black Abolitions- Sojourner Truth, Davis Walker, Martin Delany, Frederick Douglass Narrative of Fredrick Douglass

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