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The Historical Archives of the European Union Presentation

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1 The Historical Archives of the European Union Presentation
17th Meeting of the European Archives Group EAG Turin, 3 November 2014

2 Historical Archives of the European Union
1) Mission Specialised archives on European Integration and cooperation Main mission: Collect, preserve and make accessible historical archives of the EU Institutions Another mission is to collect private archives of individuals and organisations with European scope Established 1984 at the European University Institute, an internationally renowned centre of academic learning EU historical archives declassified and open for consultation after 30 years

3 Historical Archives of the European Union
New seat of the HAEU at the historical Villa Salviati in Florence

4 Historical Archives of the European Union
2) Historical Archives of EU Institutions 3,600 linear meters of paper files covering the years 1951 to 1983. Yearly transfers with growth rates of 250 lm/10,000 files EU-Institutional fonds: European Parliament Council of the EU European Commission Court of Auditors European Investment Bank Court of Justice

5 Historical Archives of the European Union
3) Private archives and collections 1,400 linear meters dating from 1890s to early 2000 with yearly growth of approx. 50 lm a) Individuals: Founders of the European Communities: Alcide De Gasperi, Paul-Henri Spaak (digital copy) High EU Officials: Franco Maria Malfatti, Francois-Xavier Ortoli, Piero Malvestiti (digital copy), Romano Prodi Pioneers and Federalists: Altiero Spinelli, Pierre Uri

6 Historical Archives of the European Union
b) Private Archives of Organisations, Associations and Political Groups Political Groups of the European Parliament: Socialists and Liberals European Federalists: European Movement, Young European Federalists, Council of European Municipalities and Regions European Non-EU Organisations: Western European Union, European Space Agency (ESA)

7 Historical Archives of the European Union
The new reading room at Villa Salviati The new storage facilities providing 11,000 linear meters space

8 Historical Archives of the European Union
4) Oral History Sources Since 1997 the Archives has been collecting oral history sources Today the collection contains 600 interviews, mostly oral history programmes of the European Commission The Archives preserves these collections and makes them available to users via an online database The database contains abstracts and keywords for each interview, text transcriptions and, when available and open to consultation, digital audio recordings

9 Historical Archives of the European Union
5) Online Services Online database containing approx. 170 fonds and records (mostly file level description) 13,000 paper files have been digitised and made available either in-house or online Archival description is based on ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) More than web site visitors per year 35,000 file downloads per year

10 Historical Archives of the European Union
6) EU Historical Archives and APEX HAEU coordinates the presentation of all EU Institutions’ archival holdings in APEX HAEU online database built on EAC/EAD metadata framework which allows for data import from EU Institutions’ database systems and for data export into APEX Launch of the presentation of EU historical archives in the European Archives Portal on 1 November 2014

11 Historical Archives of the European Union
7) Digital Archives Common priority of EU Institutions to digitise and make available online paper-based archival holdings using the HAEU portal as central entry point HAEU digitises selected private archives, e.g. Alcide De Gasperi and Piero Malvestiti Current development of a repository for digitised and digitally born records, planned to be operational in 2015 Alfresco platform used to manage digital records and archival deposits

12 Historical Archives of the European Union
8) Research, Training and Partnerships 800 researchers in the reading room per year Open Day of the HAEU at Villa Salviati on 10 May with visitors (Co-) organises academic workshops and conferences: 8 May 2014 on the Commission’s oral history programmes; 14 November 2014 on Alcide De Gasperi Traineeship programme based on conventions with Archival Schools in Florence, Paris, Madrid and Rome Educational programmes for primary and secondary school classes Host for guided tours and cultural events

13 Thank you Visit of José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, to the Archives on 8 May 2014

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