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Business Assets Chapter 7 pp. 209-252
2012 National Income Tax Workbook™
Business Assets pp. 209-252 Depreciation basics
First-year cost recovery Sales of business assets Installment sales Like-Kind Exchanges Casualty Gains and Losses
Learning Objectives p. 209 Determine if property is depreciable
Explain first-year options Prepare Form 4797 to report sale Compute installment sale gain Decide if exchange is like-kind Calculate casualty gain or loss
Depreciation Basics p. 210 Useful life that can be estimated
Owned by taxpayer Used in trade or business, or held for production of income Asset placed in service (ready and available for use)
Depreciation Methods pp. 210-212
MACRS assigns recovery periods and depreciation methods GDS generally shorter than ADS ADS is always straight-line Figure 7.1: Comparisons ADS is required for some assets
Listed Property pp Assets with sizeable potential for personal as well as business use ADS required unless asset is used more than half the time in business Assets include vehicles, audio and video equipment, computers used outside a business, and so forth
Conventions pp First and last years’ deductions are less than a full year’s cost recovery Tangible personal property usually limited to a half-year deduction, but substantial purchases late in year trigger mid-quarter convention Real estate treated as placed in service in middle of month
Mid-Quarter Convention p. 213
Look at non-real estate assets placed in service during last 3 months of tax year, no matter how short the year is If the depreciable basis of those assets > 40% of the basis of all such property placed in service during the year, mid-quarter convention must be used for all of the new non-real estate assets
Avoiding MQ Convention p. 213
Use of I.R.C. § 179 deduction removes assets from calculation Example 7.1: Taxpayer must use MQ convention (40.59%) Example 7.2: Small § 179 election gives taxpayer HY depreciation for other property (40%)
Applying MQ Convention p. 214
Divide tax year into quarters and assign assets (Example 7.3) Middle of quarter is 1½ months Pub. 947 includes tables Early disposition requires full-year depreciation modification (Examples 7.4 and 7.5)
MACRS pp Determine recovery class, select GDS or ADS, choose method, establish convention, use tables (Example 7.6) Early disposition requires adjustment (Example 7.7)
First-Year Options p. 216 I.R.C. § 179 deduction
Up to 100% of cost Dollar and investment limits Business income limitation Additional first-year depreciation Up to 50% of cost for 2012 Can create net operating loss
I.R.C. § 179 pp. 216-217 More than 50% use in active business
New or used tangible § 1245 property Acquired by purchase from unrelated party (trade-in basis is not eligible) Generally cannot be used for assets purchased for lease to others (two exceptions) or by lodging enterprise Exceptions: Taxpayer that is lessor is a C corporation Noncorporate lessor has related business expense deductions in first 12 months that exceed 15% of rental income (depreciation is not included in those expenses)
I.R.C. § 179 pp. 217 2012 dollar limit is $139,000
Dollar-for-dollar phaseout begins at $560,000 of eligible asset acquisitions (Example 7.8) Election made at entity level; dollar limit─but not investment limit─also applies at owner level (Example 7.9) Exceptions: Taxpayer that is lessor is a C corporation Noncorporate lessor has related business expense deductions in first 12 months that exceed 15% of rental income (depreciation is not included in those expenses)
I.R.C. § 179 pp Separate purchases by partners who contribute only the use of property can boost total deduction (Example 7.10) Elections by multiple flow-through entities can result in lost deductions (Example 7.11) For tax years 2003–2012, changes can be made on amended returns Exceptions: Taxpayer that is lessor is a C corporation Noncorporate lessor has related business expense deductions in first 12 months that exceed 15% of rental income (depreciation is not included in those expenses)
I.R.C. § 179 pp Business income limit uses aggregate of all business income, such as wages If joint return is filed, both spouses’ net business income is considered Taxpayer can elect larger amount, but excess carries forward (indefinite number of years) Exceptions: Taxpayer that is lessor is a C corporation Noncorporate lessor has related business expense deductions in first 12 months that exceed 15% of rental income (depreciation is not included in those expenses)
I.R.C. § 179 pp Active trade or business income does not include passive activity or hobby “Meaningful participation” in business’s management or operation Examples include Schedule C or F profit or loss, partnership/S corporation flow-through, Form 4797 gains and losses, salaries and wages Exceptions: Taxpayer that is lessor is a C corporation Noncorporate lessor has related business expense deductions in first 12 months that exceed 15% of rental income (depreciation is not included in those expenses)
I.R.C. § 179 p. 220 Elected amount reduces asset’s basis, basis in flow-through entity Recapture required if business use drops to 50% or less Recapture amount is the excess of the deduction over allowable MACRS Reported on Form 4797 and business income schedule Exceptions: Taxpayer that is lessor is a C corporation Noncorporate lessor has related business expense deductions in first 12 months that exceed 15% of rental income (depreciation is not included in those expenses)
Additional First-Year Depreciation pp. 220-223
Qualifying MACRS property New property (original user) Acquired by purchase after 2007 Placed in service before 2013 AFYD is default; taxpayer must elect out to avoid its application Some corporations may use credit
Comparison pp. 221-222 Used property: § 179 only
20-year property: AFYD only Transferred basis: AFYD only Trigger MQ convention: § 179 only Limits on amounts: § 179 only Year (calendar/AFYD; tax/§ 179) Recapture (all/§ 179; listed/AFYD)
Example 7.12 pp Cost of asset $439,000 § 179 election (139,000) Basis for MACRS $300,000 AFYD (150,000) Remaining basis 150, % MACRS (21,435) Total deduction $310,435
Sales of Business Assets p. 223
§ 1231 is best of both worlds Net gain is treated as capital Net loss is treated as ordinary Depreciable and nondepreciable assets if holding period is met Net all sales on Form 4797
Sales of Business Assets p. 224
5-year recapture period if gains follow losses (gain is ordinary income to extent of prior loss) Example 7.13: Sales in same year are netted; tax benefit is maximized by timing gain in Year 1 and loss in Year 2
§ 1245 Property pp Most depreciable or amortizable property except for buildings Includes other land improvements Gain on disposition is ordinary income to extent of prior basis reductions (not just depreciation)
§ 1250 Property pp Depreciable real property that was never and is not § 1245 property Gain equal to basis reductions in excess of straight-line depreciation is ordinary income Top tax rate on capital gain equal to straight-line depreciation is 25%
§ 1250 Property pp Gain due to appreciation is taxed at regular capital gain rate Example 7.14: Gain on pole barn includes ordinary income, § 1250 gain, and other capital gain Corporations must treat 20% of §.1250 gain as ordinary income
§§ 1252 and 1255 Property pp 10-year recapture period for soil and water conservation expenses (Example 7.15) 20-year recapture period for conservation payment exclusion
Form 4797 pp. 227-230 Part I: § 1231 gains and losses
Part II: Ordinary gains and losses Part III: Basis reduction recapture (§§ 1245, 1250, 1252, 1254, 1255) Part IV: § 179, §280F recapture Examples 7.16 and 7.17 § 1254 is recapture of depletion, intangible drilling costs, exploration, and development expenditures for oil, gas, geothermal, or other mineral properties.
Related Issues p. 231 Allowable depreciation must be recaptured even if not deducted File Form 3115 to deduct catch-up amount in year of disposition Below-market sale is partly a gift Prorate basis on Form 4797 File Form 706 to start statute
Installment Sale Rules pp. 231-232
Seller-financing can spread out taxation of gain on eligible sale Need to balance tax, credit risks At least 1 payment in later year Ordinary income not deferred, regardless of payment received
Installment Sales p. 232 Selling price: Total value received
Contract price: Sales price minus debt assumed by buyer (not > than basis) Gross profit: Gain on sale reduced by ordinary income recapture and (for sale of main home) excludable gain Gross profit percentage: Gross profit divided by contract price
Payments in Year of Sale pp. 232-233
Debt relief in excess of basis Buyer’s payment of seller’s costs Buyer’s note only if is payable on demand or readily tradable Prior deposit (earnest money)
Installment Sales pp Example 7.18: Sale of machinery Gain $ 150,000 Depreciation (60,000) Gross profit $ 90,000 Gross profit percentage $90,000 ÷ $350,000 = %
Installment Sales pp Example 7.18: Sale of machine $100,000 × % $ 25,714 Depreciation recapture* 60,000 Gross income for 2012 $ 85,714 (See Figures 7.12 and 7.13) * Recognized even if no payment
Unstated and Imputed Interest p. 238
Sellers usually prefer capital gain Buyers usually want deduction instead of capital expense Arm’s length transaction generally results in adequate interest so that buyer gets some deduction and seller gets FMV for property
Unstated and Imputed Interest p. 238
I.R.C. §§ 483 and 1274 require interest on installment sales IRS publishes AFRs each month If stated interest is inadequate, part of principal is recharacterized Lower sales price reduces gross profit, but difference is interest paid by buyer and received by seller
Related Party Resale Rule pp. 238-239
Installment sale made to related party Buyer resells property within 2 years but does not pay off installment debt Seller is deemed to receive resale price up to amount due on contract, thus accelerating gain recognition Waived if no tax avoidance motive
Like-Kind Exchanges pp. 239
I.R.C. § 1031 mandates deferral of realized gain in like-kind exchange Used in business or for income Not held for personal use Same nature or character Report transaction on Form 8824
Like-Kind Exchanges p. 240 Basis transfers to new property
Boot = cash or unlike property Boot received is taxable to extent of realized gain Boot paid increases basis of property received in exchange
Example 7.19 pp FMV received $1,500,000 Basis in old asset $ 800,000 Boot (cash) paid 250,000 Basis transferred (1,050,000) Gain realized $ 450,000 Deferred gain $ 450,000
Example 7.20 pp FMV relinquished $1,250,000 FMV received $1,000,000 Boot received 250,000 Basis transferred (800,000) Gain realized $ 450,000 Gain recognized $ 250,000
Like-Kind Exchange p. 244 Potential depreciation recapture transfers to new property I.R.C. § 1031 is not elective Separate sale can avoid deferral of built-in loss or lower basis for depreciation of new asset Example 7.21 (Rev. Rul )
Casualty Gains and Losses pp. 244-245
Sudden, unexpected, or unusual Loss if business asset is destroyed is tax basis minus any recovery Loss if business asset is damaged is lesser of decrease in FMV or tax basis, minus any recovery
Example 7.22 p. 245 FMV before fire $225,000 Adjusted basis $212,377 Insurance settlement (155,000) Casualty loss $ 57,377 Report on: Form 4684 (Form 4797) Form 1040
Example 7.23 pp FMV before fire $225,000 Adjusted basis $212,377 Insurance settlement (225,000) Casualty gain $ 12,623 If no reinvestment, report on: Form 4684, Form 4797, Form 1040 Text has digits transposed for $12,263 gain; forms are correct.
Example 7.24 pp Cost of bulldozer $125,000 FMV before loss $142,000 Basis (after § 179) 0 Insurance settlement $142,000 § 1245 recapture $125,000 § 1231 gain $ 17,000
Postponement of Gain p. 251 Reinvest entire proceeds to avoid recognizing any gain Similar or related in service or use Attach statement to tax return in gain year and replacement year Time limits vary from 2 to 5 years
Example 7.25 p. 252 Replacement property $185,000 Insurance settlement (deferred gain) (142,000) Additional cost $ 43,000 Basis in lost asset 0 Basis in replacement $43,000
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