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Impact of the CAP Reforms on U.S. – EU Cereal Trade

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1 Impact of the CAP Reforms on U.S. – EU Cereal Trade
Sachin Chintawar, Lynn Kennedy, John V. Westra

2 Introduction U.S. cereals exports account for over $13 billion dollars in annual sale. Policies in the EU as a major importer of cereals affect U.S. and world prices. Change in the trade flow attributed to the changes in domestic policies of the EU. Mac Sharry Reforms Agenda 2000 Reforms Exchange rates changes in the EU Expiration of the Blair House Accord GATT and WTO Compliance – compelling factors to reforms of the CAP

3 Common Agricultural Policy
Objectives: Increase Agricultural Productivity Ensure fair standard of living Stabilize markets Assure availability of supplies Consumers pay reasonable prices

4 Design of the CAP Common Agricultural Policy
Structural Policies Market European Agricultural Guidance & Guarantee Fund

5 Typical Design of the CAP for Cereals

6 Mac Sharry Reforms The Why Question?
Decreasing world prices for cereals & dairy GATT Compliance Objectives: Reduction of cereal support prices by 35% Area Payments to cereal producers Compulsory set-aside qualify for area payments Tradable bonds for milk quota system.

7 Significance for Cereals

8 Agenda 2000 Reforms Granting area payments
15% reduction in intervention prices for cereals Increase set-aside requirements . - Area Payment Scheme - Regionalization Scheme - Environmental measures

9 Objectives of the Study
Effects of the CAP Reforms on the bilateral cereal trade Welfare Implications to farmers, consumers and Government in each of the trading entities

10 Data and Methodology Five commodity fifteen country model.
U.S. considered as a trading partner. Variables included (A)

11 Modifications to the Raw Data
Prior to 1995 three prices were defined by the EU for calculating different support prices – Target Prices, Threshold Prices, Intervention Prices. Calculating Import Levies Calculating Export Refunds Calculating Production Refunds Apparent Production and Apparent Consumption

12 Econometric Model Specification
Static, Partial equilibrium model Simultaneous – Incorporating interdependence of Demand and Supply Iterative, Linear, Three Stage LS equation system is developed. Model incorporates two dummy variables to capture significant effects of the CAP Reforms on cereal trade.

13 Econometric Model Specification
Supply Equation (I) Demand Side System Inventory Demand (II) Import Demand (III) Export Demand (IV) Domestic Demand (V)

14 Estimation Results Results for Wheat (1) Results for Rye (2)
Results for Barley (3) Results for Maize (4) Results for Oats (5)

15 Results & Discussions Welfare effects – Producers in EU lose both due to removal of production refunds and decreased domestic prices U.S. exports show substantial increase since the ratio of U.S. exports to total exports to EU was significant in most cases. Price elasticities of demand indicate the degree to which consumers will increase their purchases in response to decline in domestic prices in the EU.

16 Conclusions and Summary
Reforms have had significant effect on cereal trade – Advocates Free Trade More open markets – higher export potential for the U.S. Decreased welfare of domestic farmers in EU – Can they be compensated? Forms impetus for analyzing effects of new policies


18 Cereal Imports by U.S. compared to ROW

19 BACK lndmpr Log of Domestic Price U.S. Dollars per Ton
Variable Name Definition Units lndmpr Log of Domestic Price U.S. Dollars per Ton (lnprod+lnimpq)/lnconp Log of Ratio of Apparent production to Apparent consumption 1000 Tons lnconp Log of Consumption mref Dummy Variable capturing the effect of Mac Sharry Reforms aref Dummy Variable capturing the effect of Agenda 2000 Reforms lnopstk Log of Opening Stocks lngdp Log of Gross Domestic Product Million U.S. Dollars lnworldp Log of World Price lnexpr Log of Export Refund lnexrt Log of Exchange Rates Domestic Currency per U.S. Dollar lnimpl Log of Import Levies lnimpqu/lnimpq Log of Ratio of Imports from United States to Total Imports lnprodr Log of Production Refunds lnexpq Log of Export Quantity lnimpq Log of Import Quantity lnprod Log of Domestic Production BACK

20 Calculating Import Levies

21 Calculating World Prices

22 Calculating Export Refunds

23 Calculating Production Refunds

24 Apparent Production & Consumption

25 Supply Equation BACK

26 Inventory Demand BACK

27 Import Demand BACK

28 Export Demand BACK

29 Domestic Demand BACK Inverse Demand Function – Equation Normalizing on Prices – thus closing the model

30 ESTIMATES FOR WHEAT Variable No. of Countries Comments Inventory Demand Domestic Price 8 Ratio of Production to Consumption 9 Domestic Demand Consumption 12 Opening Stocks 6 MREF 10 AREF 11 GDP Export Demand 4 World Price 2 Export Refunds Exchange Rates 5 Variable Countires Import Demand Domestic Price 4 World Price 6 Import Levies 3 Exchange Rates 5 MREF AREF Ratio of U.S. to total Imports 10 GDP 9 Supply 11 Production Refunds 8

31 ESTIMATES FOR RYE Variable No. of Countries Comments Inventory Demand Domestic Price 8 Ratio of Production to Consumption 10 Domestic Demand Consumption 7 Opening Stocks 2 MREF 4 AREF 9 GDP Export Demand 5 World Price 6 Export Refunds Exchange Rates 3 1 Variable Countries Import Demand Domestic Price 12 World Price Import Levies 4 Exchange Rates 3 MREF AREF Ratio of U.S. to total Imports GDP 6 Supply 10 Production Refunds 5 9

32 ESTIMATES FOR CORN Variable No. of Countries Comments Inventory Demand Domestic Price 9 Ratio of Production to Consumption 11 Domestic Demand Consumption 3 Opening Stocks 7 MREF 12 AREF GDP Export Demand 4 World Price 5 Export Refunds Exchange Rates 8 6 Variable Countries Import Demand Domestic Price 9 World Price 1 Import Levies 4 Exchange Rates 6 MREF AREF 5 Ratio of U.S. to total Imports GDP 7 Supply 11 Production Refunds 3

33 ESTIMATES FOR BARLEY Variable No. of Countries Comments Inventory Demand Domestic Price 7 Ratio of Production to Consumption 13 Domestic Demand Consumption Opening Stocks 4 MREF 11 AREF 12 GDP Export Demand 3 World Price Export Refunds 5 Exchange Rates 2 Variable Countires Import Demand Domestic Price 6 World Price 1 Import Levies 4 Exchange Rates MREF 5 AREF 3 Ratio of U.S. to total Imports GDP 7 Supply 11 Production Refunds 8

34 ESTIMATES FOR OATS Variable No. of Countries Comments Inventory Demand Domestic Price 5 Ratio of Production to Consumption 12 Domestic Demand Consumption 7 Opening Stocks 4 MREF AREF 10 GDP 9 Export Demand World Price 2 Export Refunds Exchange Rates 3 6 Variable Countries Import Demand Domestic Price 3 World Price Import Levies 2 Exchange Rates 6 MREF AREF 5 Ratio of U.S. to total Imports GDP 4 Supply Production Refunds

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