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Westhampton Fire Department

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1 Westhampton Fire Department
Informational presentation May 2017

2 Department Overview Public Safety Complex
Police/Fire/EMS/Emergency Management Original structure built in 1948 with additions completed over the year 30 Volunteers on Department 8 EMT’s

3 Value & Outcomes Emergency Response House numbers School Education
Smoke/CO detectors Fire Extinguisher training Inspections Car seat installations Public events- Fall Festival/Health Fair Chimney Cleanings CPR/AED classes

4 Apparatus

5 Engine 1 2004 Engine Carries 1000 gallons water
Compressed air foam system Carries extrication equipment Ground ladders Supply hose Self contained breathing apparatus

6 Engine 2 1987 Engine (30 years old) 500 Gallons of water
Self contained breathing apparatus Supply hose Refurbished this vehicle last year New seals and packings around the pump and valves Upgraded all lights Added some lights for safety of personnel Improved compartment space and carrying capacity Prolong life of unit for 8-10 yrs.

7 Rescue 1 2009 Custom made and designed Rescue equipment
Water rescue equipment Hazardous materials response EMS supplies Chain saws Spare air cylinders Ancillary equipment $74,000 appropriation-valued and insured at $125,000

8 Brush 1 2004 Brush truck Forestry unit 300 gallons water 4X4
Used as Utility vehicle

9 Tanker 1 2017 Vacuum Tanker More versatile and provides greater flexibility for both drafting and pumping Provides a for a reliable safe vehicle for a community that has no water supply 2015 Grant award $226,000 In service November 2016

10 Air Unit Air supply Generator Light tower
2009 unit that was obtained free from a federal grant for $80,000

11 Ambulance 1996 Ambulance FF Association purchased from Easthampton for $3,000 and sold to Town for $1 Licensed at the Basic Life Support level Grant application for 2016

12 Other Capital Items

13 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
New units in 2014 15 Units & 5 spare training units Facepieces FF Safety Used in area IDLH Purchased with $124,000 grant

14 Thermal Imaging Camera
Grant funded in 2008 $15,000 Used for increasing safety of FF’s and finding victims in smoke filled buildings Department has 1 kept on Engine 1

15 Fire Hose Approximately 13,000 feet of assorted hose sizes
Some in reserves Required on apparatus Service tested every year per NFPA standard Standard states any hose older than 1987 needs to be replaced- Grant application for 2016

16 Vehicle extrication equipment
Grant funded in 2008 for about $35,000 Service tested every year Motor vehicle accidents Rescues Carried on Engine 1 & Rescue

17 Communications Pagers Portables Mobiles
Primary means of emergency notifications Every members has portable radio-FF safety Pagers- $400, portable $900, mobiles $1,500 E-dispatch CodeRed- Reverse 911

18 Protective Equipment Grant funded for 30 sets in 2008
Total amount $110,000 Each member has two sets NFPA standard states cannot have gear more than ten years old

19 Stretcher 2014 – Stretcher obtained through a $13,000 grant
2014- Stair chair obtained through a $4,000 grant Annual service required Required in ambulance

20 Competitive Federal Grants
Year Equipment Federal award town match 2006 communications equipment, extrication eqipment, TIC $90,050.00 $4,500.00 2007 CPR equipment, training $4,351.00 $220.00 2008 turn out gear, washer extractor, grid gear $67,878.00 $3,393.00 2009 mobile air compressor, EMS equip., alarm system $153,693.00 $7,684.00 2013 SCBA, facepieces $115,416.00 $5,800.00 2014 turn out gear $15,429.00 $5,000.00 tanker truck $226,667.00 $84,333 TOTALS $673,484.00 $110,930.00 *Mostly all Capital Items *Provides indirect benefit to other Departments as these come off of the Capital Improvements list* 2013- $35,000 appropriated for SCBA’s- we got the grant and those funds went towards snow and ice deficit

21 FY 18 Proposals Fire Department budget developed with input from every member- 30 day review Fire Department is the largest organization for personnel in Town Position of Fire Chief oversees Fire/EMS/Emergency Management, Public Safety building, most personnel, most expensive capital equipment Fire Department budget EMS budget Public Safety budget Revolving account-Fire Inspections Budget development done with input from all members- Sent out to everyone for 30 days for review and suggestions/input

22 Current Grants Pending
Request for new ambulance - $180,000 If awarded- town match would be $8,571 Request for replacement of fire hose- $25,000 If awarded- match would be $1,250 to come from FD regular operating budget

23 Ambulance Service

24 Public Private Partnership
Previous history with ambulance services (Southampton, Easthampton, Northampton) Pioneer Valley Ambulance primary provider midnight thru 1600 hours Westhampton ambulance primary provider 1600-midnight EMT’s response 24/7 with personal vehicles and/or Rescue or fire apparatus This system provides for 24/7 paramedic coverage FY 17 budget for EMS- $17,000

25 Benefits of our EMS system
Provides increased level of service to community Improved transport times from time of incident to arrival of patient at a health care facility Provides for improved continuity of care Allows us to take care of our own & knowledge of our community Provides for motivation and recruitment of additional personnel Enable personnel to increase skill level Eliminates community from continually being a bargaining piece for other services Eliminates potential retainer fees from other services that will continually go up each year Will provide revenue stream to help offset costs for providing expected services to the community

26 EMS Costs for other communities
FY 15 EMS budget (prior to ambulance) - $8,550 in addition to $18,600 for retainer fee. Total cost $27,150 Prior to ambulance there was still a need for EMS expenses. Examples include EMS supplies, defib pads, certifications cards, training, etc. FY 16 EMS allocation was $17,000. Ambulance receipts were $8,267 for FY 16. The Department also turned back $1,762 in used funds. Total expenditure for FY 16 for full paramedic service to the Town of Westhampton for FY 16 was $6,971 This was less than was used prior to Westhampton not doing the ambulance service and more importantly does not take into consideration the increase in service with this implementation Was not able to recover any costs to help offset cost of service Town Population FY 17 cost FY 18 cost Difference Ashfield 1751 $64,010.00 $87,365 $23,355 Chesterfield 1282 $46,553.00 $63,537 $16,984 Cummington 941 $29,094.00 $47,653 $18,559 Goshen 981 $34,916.00 $12,737 Plainfield 592 $23,278.00 $27,798 $4,520 Williamsburg 2545 $93,107.00 $123,104 $29,997 Average 1349 $48,493.00 $66,185 $17,692 Westhampton 1586 $17,000* $0 * NOT ACTUAL COST

27 *Cost / Capita for FY 16 for Town of Westhampton- $31.00*
Pop. Fire Budget EMS budget Fire Chief Salary Fire Chief Vehicle Total Cost Cost/Capita Town Budget % of town budget Leverett 1,851 $85,699.00 $27,800.00 $20,123.00 Yes $133,622.00 $72.19 $5,969,805 2.20% Pelham 1,321 $64,599.00 $30,000.00 $25,393.00 $119,992.00 $90.83 $4,376,891 2.70% Shutesbury 1,756 $54,031.00 $29,000.00 $54,590.00 $137,621.00 $78.37 $6,155,690 Russell 1,769 $107,197.00 $33,892.00 $28,000.00 $169,089.00 $95.58 Chesterfield 1,247 $20,000.00 $63,537.00 $6,000.00 $89,537.00 $71.80 $3,395,034 2.60% Westhampton 1,586 $42,200.00 $17,000.00 $12,048.00 No- personal vehicle has to be used $71,248.00 $44.92 $5,455,920 1.30% Average 1,588 $62,287.67 $33,538.17 $24,359.00 Westhampton only Town in data set with no Chief vehicle $120,184.83 $75.62 $5,070,668 *No revenue collections for any of these other communities due to no ambulance transports* *Towns with Fire Chief vehicles- Goshen, Williamsburg, Southampton, Huntington, Worthington* *Cost / Capita for FY 16 for Town of Westhampton- $31.00*

28 What does it mean having a volunteer Department?
The potential of not having anyone from our organization show up Additional need for automatic aid / mutual aid Longer response times Reduced flexibility for services (brush burning, inspections, etc.) Unknown of how many people will show up to perform operations Need for greater preventative efforts (smoke detectors, public education, residential sprinklers) Need for community support to help maintain morale

29 Challenges………. No municipal water supply
Ongoing training requirements to maintain safety Recruitment of personnel Retention of personnel

30 Replacement/Renovation Public Safety Complex
Requesting $40-$50K for feasibility study and architectural designs Bring structure up to par with current operational and administrative needs Non compliant with American with Disabilities Act Roof in need of repairs Public building without water during winter months due to freezing No personal office space Not up to Building Code- two means of egress in PD No diesel exhaust systems No separate storage areas for protective clothing No decontamination area for cleaning gear and equipment Cannot replace Engine 2 without replacement/modification of building due to size Limited space around vehicles from movement- personnel safety issue and property damage concern

31 Closing thoughts…… We will continue to do the best we can
We will continue to be fiscally responsible and good stewards of the taxpayers money We will continue to provide the best possible resources for our personnel and community Each community must determine the level of service they want-It’s my responsibility to present you the information and recommendations Thank you!

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