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Communication Skills Workshop Speech Analysis – 2014 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking Winning Speech by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi “I See.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Skills Workshop Speech Analysis – 2014 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking Winning Speech by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi “I See."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Skills Workshop Speech Analysis – 2014 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking Winning Speech by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi “I See Something" Every Wednesday 10PM Eastern Time Virtual classroom She will say anything and change nothing" - Barrack Obama 2008 Election "She is not qualified"--Bernie Sanders January 2016 "She is the most qualified person for the job"--Bernie Sanders July 2016 Subject: RE: 17(H) paper filers conversion to electronic filing using EDGAR Contact Name, Pdf naming conventioin: number and letters only; no special charaterist, no space, no dash, MAP © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or

2 Workshop Schedule 1. A as in Apple 5/7/15 10:00 PM EST
2. th as in thank and th as in those 5/14/15 10:00 PM EST 3. V vs W: e.g., very well; farewell 5/21/15 10:00 PM EST 4. dg: e.g., measure, treasure, or casual 6/4/15 10:00 PM EST 5. l vs n: e.g., labor vs neighbor 6/11/15 10:00 PM EST 6. Intonation: musicality in American English 6/18/15 10:00 PM EST 7. r-controlled vowels: e.g., Girl; Word; World 6/25/15 10:00 PM EST 8. linking: e.g., good day; a lot of; because of it 7/1/15 10:00 PM EST (Wednesday given the July 4th Holiday) 9. Z: e.g., president; business 7/9/15 10:00 PM EST 10. Dropped sound: e.g., camera; favorite 7/16/15 10:00 PM EST Record your speaking and submit for feedback – fee based service © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

3 Workshop Schedule 11. The American "t"- Recently; Clinton; Internet 7/30/15 10:00 PM EST 12. Vowel "OU" as in about, round, Brown 8/20/15 10:00 PM EST 13. Nasalize your sound - as in Banana, Amanda, Round 8/27/15 10:00 PM EST 14. Word Stress - as in classroom vs large room 9/3/15 10:00 PM EST 15. Weak form - as in big man; handbag 9/10/15 10:00 PM EST 16. Staircase Method 9/17/15 10:00 PM EST 17. Thought Group Method 9/24/15 10:00 PM EST 18. Pitch and Pace Method 10/1/15 10:00 PM EST 19. American "L" as in Yellow, Billion; Ability 10/8/15 10:00 PM EST 20. Reduced Sound - Like it, like him, like her, and like them 10/15/15 10:00 PM EST Record your speaking and submit for feedback – fee based service © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

4 Workshop Schedule 21. Ben Franklin Approach X
22. Vowel “O” as in Boss, Hot 23. Long Vowels vs Short Vowels x 24. Read a Great Letter (Zuckerberg) 25. Read a Great Letter 2 (Zuckerberg) 26. American Schwa as in Beautiful, California 27. Equal Opportunity for Education 1/13/2016 28. “I have a dream” speech analysis 1/20/2016 29. How to order a Starbucks Coffee 1/27/2016 30. Anti-Affirmative Actions 2/3/2016 Record your speaking and submit for feedback – fee based service © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

5 Workshop Schedule 31. Long, Complicated words 2/10/2016
32. Support Peter Liang 2/17/2016 33. Support Peter Liang – Second Wave 2/24/2016 34. Support Hydrologist, Sherry Chen 3/2/2016 35. Republican Presidential Candidates 3/9/2016 36. TED talk -Three Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed 5/11/2016 37. TED Talk - Eight Secrets of Success 5/18/2016 38. TED talk -Stacey Kramer: The best gift I ever survived 5/25/2016 39. Laura Trice: Remember to say thank you 6/1/2016 40. Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days 6/8/2016 Record your speaking and submit for feedback – fee based service © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

6 Workshop Schedule 41. Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids (Part 1) 6/15/2016 42. Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids (Part 2) 6/22/2016 43. David Cameron Speech after Brexit 6/29/2016 44. Sam Berns: My philosophy for a happy life (part 1) 7/6/2016 45. Sam Berns: My philosophy for a happy life (part 2) 7/13/2016 46. Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity (Part 1) 7/20/2016 47. Donald J. Trump: RNC Acceptance Speech (1) 7/27/2016 48. Donald J. Trump: Ashburn Rally Speech 2016 8/3/2016 Record your speaking and submit for feedback – fee based service © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

7 Workshop Schedule 49. TED’s Secrete to Great Public Speaking 8/10/16
50. “Your body language shapes who you are” by Amy Cuddy 8/17/16 51. Joe Wong at Radio-Television Correspondents Association Dinner 8/24/16 52. “Outsmart; Outlast” by Darren Tay, Toastmasters of World Champion of Public Speaking 8/31/16 53. “The power of words” by MOHAMMED QAHTANI, 2015 Toastmasters of World Champion of Public Speaking 9/7/16 54. “I See Something” by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi , World Champion of Public Speaking 9/13/16 Record your speaking and submit for feedback – fee based service © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

8 Powerful Lines when you are broken, it’s not easy to feel special;
when you are lost, it’s difficult to feel special; when you are worried, it’s too hard to feel special. Life lessons: trust/mentor/Love © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

9 Speech Techniques Dramatic entrance and exit Open the stage pause and level of your energy Avoid talking and speaking the same time Start with a prop: smell the rose; I am broken; flower petals in trash can End with “I am broken; reach into the trash can and make me whole again.” Structure of the speech with story telling Personal story is compelling; show your vulnerability Transition among stories Use key words to transition: I can remember the first time I broke So my dad took me to meet one his friends called Sam. So I went back to my cool dad © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

10 Speech Techniques Structure of the speech with story telling
When you are broken, it’s not easy to feel special: Jail / Sam story When you are lost, it’s difficult to feel special: the Toastmasters story When you are worried, it’s too hard to feel special. My wife’s story © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

11 Speech Techniques Body language
Great speakers keep body open Raise your hand if you have an emotional mother; put all together, you get my mom Have your palms open; turn around and look at the inside palms again: looking at the inside palms relaxes your eyes Don’t show the back of your hand I have a dream; I am a speaker; learned the unfailing quality of unconditional love from my wife © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

12 Speech Techniques Body language
Get comfortable with the stage; move around comfortably Constrict your move = be uncomfortable And when a son sees a mother cry tears of shame, that’s a life changing moment. She looked at me and said “son, I want to be a better man”. Don’t touch the podium Speaker avoids leaning or resting on the podium Keep a comfortable distance between you and the podium Keep notes on podium; use your hands with gesture; and don’t put your hands on podium © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

13 Speech Techniques Body language (more) Visual aid Vocal variety
Hold the iron bar I saw a tear coming down her face tears of joy, tears of sorrow and tears of shame I see something in you (toward left, toward right, and toward the audience) I wake up my beautiful wife strange club that had a strange name, with strange people Throw the flower to the audience Visual aid Break the rose to pieces and put into trash can Pick up a whole rose from a trash can Vocal variety Pitch: I want you to be a better man Pace: wow, that’s the first time in my whole life somebody has ever told they see something in me Power: If you come here twice a month maybe we can find that something © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

14 Speech Techniques User humor Create humor with repetition
My fellow flowers I can hear her scream outside the police station. Even the cops were afraid. [exaggeration] I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is. I found a great girl, but not a job [contrast] Create humor with repetition Raise your hand if you had an emotional mother / cool dad. Let me see. Put them all together you get my mama / dad [twice] You get that from your mother side. / You are like your mother I see something in your eyes; but I don’t know what it is [four times] Power of three Mothers cry three types of tear: tears of joy, tears of sorrow and tears of shame Strange club that had a strange name, with strange people © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

15 Speech Techniques Dialogue with the audience
Sharing personal details - three personal stories Making yourself vulnerable – prison / jobless Reading the energy of everyone in the crowd Asks rhetorical questions to the audience Have you ever had that problem? Use alteration and echo So my dad introduced me to this strange club that had a strange name, with strange people – talking; a strange man sitting in the back of the room humble, simple unfailing quality of unconditional love Analogy and metaphor Just like this flower is unique, you are unique. Life has a cruel way of picking out your petals, breaking you in two and throwing you into the trash can Piece you back together © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

16 Speech Transcript 1 You and I are not very different from this flower. Just like this flower is unique, you are unique. All of us have something special that makes us as beautiful. Do you know what makes you special?  Now the answer to that can be a little difficult of find, because sometimes life has a cruel way of picking out your petals, breaking you in two and throwing you into the trash. Now when you’re broken, it’s very difficult to feel special. Mr. Contest Chair, my fellow flowers. I can remember the first time I broke. I was seventeen years old. I had already flunked high school and managed to get myself arrested. Now, I wasn’t afraid of the cops, but there was one person I was very afraid of and that was my mama. Raise your hand if you had an emotional mother. Let me see. Put them all together you get my mama. I can hear her scream outside the police station. Even the cops were afraid. She came up to me, held the iron bars, looked into my eyes and I saw a tear coming down her face. © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

17 Speech Transcript 1 Now I’ve seen my mama crying before, but mothers cry three types of tear: tears of joy, tears of sorrow and tears of shame. And when a son sees a mother cry tears of shame, that’s a life changing moment. She looked at me and said “son, I want to be a better man”. That night when I drove home my dad was waiting for me at home. Now my dad is a cool dad. Raise your hand if you have a cool dad. Put them all together you get my dad. My dad came up to me and said “son it’s okay. You flunked your exams. You already got arrested. That’s fine. You get that from your mother side. I want you to start working immediately”. And I said, okay. So my dad took me to meet one his friends called Sam. Now, Sam was an accountant who had an accounting firm and had generously decided to make me his personal assistant and there he was. He looked like a teddy bear, but this man was special. I looked at him and he looked at me and then he said the most amazing thing. He said “son, I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is. If you decide to work with me, I can help you find that something”. And I was like, wow, that’s the first time in my whole life somebody has ever told they see something in me and I started working for Sam. © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

18 Speech Transcript 1 And everyday after work he used to tell me stories about the world, about history, about culture, about philosophy and it was much more interesting than what I learned in school. And I discovered I can dream and I started dreaming, ladies and gentleman. After one year I went back into high school, completed my exams and went into college. After successfully completing college I found a great girl, but not a job. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Have you ever had that problem? And when you’re lost it’s difficult to feel special. So I went back to my cool dad and I said “dad, I feel lost”. He said, “you are like your mother.” So my dad introduced me to this strange club that had a strange name, with strange people – talking. On the first meeting they told me to do something called a table topic. I aced it! But while I was speaking I see a strange man seated in the back row, humble, simple, the unfailing quality of kindness in his eyes. As soon I finished he walked up to me, looked me dead straight in the eye and said, “son, I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is. If you come here twice a month maybe we can find that something.” © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

19 Speech Transcript 1 And ladies and gentlemen, I discovered I could speak and I love speaking and that led me to become a teacher. I know what it’s like to not have enough money in your bank account. I know what it’s like to worry when the bills start coming in. And sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up my beautiful wife and ask her “honey, why did you marry me?” She says, “I saw something in you, but I still I don’t know what it is?” Ladies and gentleman today I’m a dreamer, I’m a speaker and I learned the unfailing quality of unconditional love from my wife. I was broken and I’ve been broken, lost and broke many times in my life, but the people in my life were able to reach into the trash can and make me whole again. If it was up to me, I would have never been able to do that. And this is why if you have great people in your life no matter how broke, how lost or how broken you become they can piece you back together. Ladies and gentleman, when I look at you I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is? Over to you. © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

20 Coach Mike’s Bio 教练Mike拥有19年美国知名公司经验(包括13年以上领导层经验(四大会计师事务所及美国联邦金融监管机构),持有特许金融师(CFA)和注册会计师(CPA)执照,工商管理硕士(MBA, Smith School) Mike是Toastmasters的成员。Toastmasters是一个专门培养沟通和领导能力的国际组织,在全球116个国家拥有分支机构。Mike拥有Distinguished Toastmasters (“ DTM”) 称号 Mike在Washington, DC地区的Toastmasters演讲(励志,幽默及即兴演讲)比赛中取得过冠亚军的成绩 Coached immigrants, professionals and youths in pubic speaking, critical listening, and social intelligence for over five years Accent Reduction, Public Speaking, Job Interview and Soft Skills Training (Fee based, one-to-one coaching) (703) / / “mnie0002” on WeChat Coach Mike's website at: Prior weeks’ workshops can be found at © Speak to Lead, LLC Contact Coach Mike at or © Speak to Lead, LLC

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