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Oriental Chinese Style

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1 Oriental Chinese Style
Design 6 –hospitality Done by: hannah Al-zaaim Instructor : Ghia Eido

2 Over view….. Style definition History overview
Influences on the Chinese design Materials used Furniture selection Concept Statement How concept will be applied in the project

3 History of Chinese design :
The Emperor FU his ( BC’) introduced his people to the arts of music, writing ,and painting; the custom of marriage ;the skills for catching fish with nets and the arts of extracting silk fiber. It was a major jump in the history of Chinese designs and development . The pacific ocean separated china from most of the developed world. the isolation of the country resulted in comparative security but also in design stagnation.

4 Chinese Design Style : Chinese design philosophy has always aimed at creating social order and improving the development of individuals. The Chinese as whole have had a passion for beauty & harmony in their daily lives. It was necessary for clothing and personal adornment, homes ,temples & every day utilitarian objects to have an excellent aesthetic quality. Chinese buildings , including homes and palaces, were not filled with large quantities of objects but rather a few focal objects of beauty.

5 Influences of Chinese Style :
The Chinese are influenced by tranquility ,nature and harmony , in order to reach that they employ land- scapes that include architectural features. Trees flowers, and other folige,and stylized clouds. Birds are favored subjects. The Chinese are also influenced by the Imperial family as dragons are symbolic of the emperor and males of empirical family . Animals were symbols for the lesser administrators, and each one is associated with a specific rank. There style is also influenced by religion and beliefs.

6 Materials used Granite Rose Wood Fired brick Chinese river shell Wood
Stone Bamboo Silk Mica sheets

7 Famous Furniture selections:
1- KE HUI (coromandel lacquer)

8 Famous Furniture selections:
2-ping(ornamental screens) 3-Zhedievi(stool chair) 4-Chanyi (for meditation)

9 Famous Furniture selections:
5- alter table 6-jia zi chuange



12 Influences of Chinese Style :
Feng shui: Feng shui is an ancient philosophy or discipline that examines the sites of cities and buildings, and determines the desirable arrangement of interior space to reach harmony by affecting the flow of energy. In the view of feng shui, man is part of nature. Feng shui depends on polarity , or opposites. In Chinese philosophy, opposites are identified as yin yang, a concept that originated in the fourth century BC.

13 Concept

14 What is Yin Yang? Based on the observation of the universal energy of the earth, the ancient Chinese believed that everything in the universe was produced by changes, which resulted from the balancing of yin and yang. feng shui practitioners analyzed landscape and interiors by considering the relationship between yin and yang. Yin and yang are not opposing forces (dualities), but complementary forces, unseen (hidden, feminine) and seen (manifest, masculine), that interact to form a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system. Everything has both yin and yang aspects as light could not be understood if darkness didn't exist, and shadow cannot exist without light.

15 YIN earth moon night shade rest stillness contraction below low downward soft cold water YANG sky sun day light activity motion expansion above high upward firm hot hard fire

16 Why I choose Ying Yang as my concept??
The concept of yin and yang describes the basic relationship, which feng shui uses to express the ideal that man and nature can be and should be in harmony. Thus, it is argued that design with feng shui principles follows natural law, and can help to accumulate a good energy field, and eventually improve the life cycle of nature. how to apply the Ying Yang effect in the project?? Five-element Concept: The five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The ancient Chinese believed that everything is composed of one or more of the five elements, and that these elements influence each other within both a creative order and a control order.





21 Thanks for listening …

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