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TIARA Trust-management, Intrusion-tolerance, Accountability and Reconstitution Architecture Howie Shrobe, Andre de Hon, Tom Knight.

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Presentation on theme: "TIARA Trust-management, Intrusion-tolerance, Accountability and Reconstitution Architecture Howie Shrobe, Andre de Hon, Tom Knight."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIARA Trust-management, Intrusion-tolerance, Accountability and Reconstitution Architecture Howie Shrobe, Andre de Hon, Tom Knight

2 Outline For Meeting Review and progress on core ideas (30 minutes)
Upper level software (45 minutes) Wrapper methods, method dispatch, method combination Execution monitoring Access control Data tracing System software (45 minutes) Scheduler - Thread Manager Device Driver and I/O system Hardware design ideas (30 Minutes) Next steps, discussion, and wrapup (30 minutes)

3 What’s Wrong Hardware Architectures provide “Raw Seething Bits”
Programming languages (C) provide direct access to “Raw Seething Bits” without manifest: Identity Boundaries Invariant conditions Unifying computational model and constraints Anything important (e.g. the OS) must erect protection barriers to save itself from the “screaming ninnies” This breaks modularity in the infrastructure This interferes with introspection, adaptivity, etc. Ultimately doesn’t provide right isolation

4 Origin of the Problem? Good engineering tradeoffs based on 1970’s and 1980’s technology Gates and memory were expensive Challenge to build fast, capable systems Minimalist designs ruled the day - RISC Separate domains & context switch Known to be expensive (10K-100K cycles) System and software engineers know: Must avoid crossing domains Conclusion: Efficiency concerns require minimum compartmentalization Single barrier between system and user code System code runs with unlimited privilege Single penetration gives away everything

5 TIARA Philosophy Memory and processor resources are abundant
Use them to provide guarantees: Core system integrity Access control Accountability of results Controlled sharing in an object oriented model Everything lives in a common address space Everything obeys overall memory conventions Provide hardware supported metadata management Everything carries rich metadata Precise tainting of all data Hardware enforcement of access control matrix Provide support at many levels: Hardware, middleware, application frameworks

6 TIARA Approach Goal: Dramatically increase integrity, confidentiality, accountability of both system and user code Without significantly sacrificing performance Method: Add rich metadata to all runtime data structures Metadata defines how data structures can be used Spend modest hardware to process metadata in parallel with computation Enforce proper data usage, information flow, compartmentalization Structure: system code resides in many small compartments one for each conceptual usage No single, all privileged component Enforce structuring conventions to prevent and contain effects of common security breaches Organizing Principle: Least Privilege & strong compartmentalization Provide foundation for analysis and verification

7 TIARA’s Zero Kernal OS Operates on Structured, Object-Oriented Memory
Kernel functionality is partitioned into unitary components Kernel components are isolated from one another and from user code using compartment meta-data Each kernel component has the minimum privileges necessary for its task Kernel components and user code are all in single uniform address space System services are invoked via normal procedure calls without expensive context switch Privilege carried in per thread process credential All memory is viewed as consisting of Objects with Extent, Type, Identity, referenced only through Object-References, Object references are (nearly) immutable, Object references do not carry permissions, There are no raw pointers or pointer arithmetic, Reclamation is via Garbage Collection, No “Raw Seething Bits”

8 TIARA Review of Core Ideas

9 TIARA Layers We are here Application Substrate: Data Accountability:
Hardware: Security Tags Processing Object Abstraction: Structured Memory, Method Dispatch Operating System: Hardware Management, Hardware Level Policy Meta-Object Level: Wrapper Management Access Control: Policy Enforcement System Software Plan Level: Self Monitoring and Recovery Data Accountability: Provenance Tracking Application Substrate: Application Data Management Application Middleware We are here

10 Objects, Metadata, Tags Step 2: Step 1: Step 3:
Location represents identity Metadata is read into side cache at same time that object is read into cache Metadata available when data is Step 2: Step 1: Everything is an object. Every object has manifest: Type Bounds Identity Meta-data is in object-header Processor checks metadata while processing data Unique ID Data Cache Bounds Metadata Meta Data Cache Type Slot-1 Slot-2 Data Slot-n Merge most important metadata with object-reference (or value of immediate data) as a “tag” Avoid overhead of extra cache Eliminate redundant representation of metadata Process Tags and Data in Parallel Step 3: Data Register File Result Data Tags Unit Operand 1 Operand 2 Instruction Tag 1 Tag 2 PC Result Tag Trap Signal Trap Dispatch Address Tag A L U Process Identifier Tag-1 Data-1 Metadata not in tags Tag-n Data-n Memory

11 Objects, Metadata, Tags Step 4: Step 5: Introduce richer metadata:
Every object lives in a “Compartment” Any useful aggregation of data Step 4: Bounds Type Compartment Slot-1 Slot-2 Slot-n Data Data Cache Meta Data Cache Metadata Data Register File Result Data Tags Unit Operand 1 Operand 2 Instruction Tag 1 Tag 2 PC Result Tag Trap Signal Trap Dispatch Address Tag A L U Process Identifier Introduce Metadata for Threads The “Principal” represents who the thread is working on behalf of at the moment Held in processor register Principals have limited rights to access specific data in specific ways Step 5: Tag-1 Data-1 Metadata not in tags Tag-n Data-n Memory Principal

12 Tags Data Path Step 6: Data Register File Result Data Tags Unit Operand 1 Operand 2 Instruction Tag 1 Tag 2 PC Result Tag Trap Signal Trap Dispatch Address Tag A L U Process Identifier Tag-1 Data-1 Metadata not in tags Tag-n Data-n Memory Principal The tags data path determine if the operation is allowed and if so what the resulting tag is. It examines: The tags of the operands Data Type Compartment The principal The instruction This can be implemented in a Hash Execution (HashEx) unit whose contents are specified by the system software Different data in the HashEx represents different access control and information flow policies Compartment-1 Compartment-2 Compartment-3 Compartment-4 Compartment-5 Compartment-n Principal-1 R RW trap trap trap trap Principal-2 trap R R R trap trap Principal-3 RW trap trap trap RW trap trap trap RW trap trap R Principal-n

13 Tagged Data Path A L Data U Tags Tag Unit Register File Operand 1
Result Data Tags Unit Operand 1 Operand 2 Instruction Tag 1 Tag 2 PC Result Tag Trap Signal Trap Dispatch Address Tag A L U Process Principal

14 The HASHEX Hardware = Register File ALU Hash RAM Program Counter
Result Tag Result Register New PC Trap Flag Trap Vector Index OP1 Tag OP 2 Tag PC Tag Op Code ALU OP 1 OP 2 Register File Address Current Instruction OP R1 R2 R3 Instruction = Hit? Principal Principal Register

15 Compartments & Principals
Lattice of Collections of Data When combining data from 2 compartments results is in the LUB Policy restricts flows between compartments Principals: Lattice of Roles a process may play A process may switch Principal Access rights granted to Principals on compartments These imply flows that a principal can effect + = Both Principals and Compartments have representations as objects in a compartment.

16 Tag Unit implements policy table on cycle-by-cycle basis
Compartment C1 C2 C3 C4 P1 R/W R -- W P2 P3 Principal Can Principal P1 Load data in C1? Can Principal P1 store data in C1 over data in C2? Processor C1 Principal = P1 Memory Memory C1 C2

17 Hardware provided support
Every word is tagged with meta-data Every thread has an associated Principal Principals are objects like any other They have metadata that limit access to them Compartments are objects Instructions also have meta-data All internal registers have meta-data Including the PC On every operation the combination of operand meta- data, PC meta-data, the Principal, the instruction and instruction meta-data are checked. Every object reference is bounds checked

18 Summary Memory is treated as structured pool of objects
Base and Bounds All references are bounds checked No raw pointers Every word carries meta-data Data Type Instruction, Immediate data, Reference Compartment Metadata can be encoded in a tag Every thread has an associated Principal Compartment Base Bounds Type Data Example: 96 bit word 64 bits data Base and Bounds for references 8 bits data type 16 bits compartment 8 bits for other use Metadata Uses: Isolation between OS Data Compartments, Enforce OO model, Sandboxing, Multi Level Security (MLS), basic Integrity, Robust Error Handling, preventing Pointer abuse, Code bashing, buffer overflow, Policy enforcement, Auditing, Synchronization, etc. Each Principal has limited (or no) rights to each compartment These rights are checked on every instruction

19 TIARA How these tools support our design philosophy: Rules that lead to least privilege, integrity and robustness

20 The Challenge Our goal is to make the core system difficult to compromise and to limit the effect of any compromise that can happen We’ve eliminated the traditional single, address- space boundary between OS and user code Instead, we provide hardware support for a set of structuring rules (supplied by the system software designer) that hopefully limit information flows to those actually desired Our goal is to show that we can design a reasonable OS that provides stronger protections than those provided by the conventional design Structuring rules help establish abstractions that support analysis and verification

21 Rules: Data Structures
There are no raw pointers, only object references Object references are created only by the memory allocator at the time an object is created Object references are immutable There are privileged retagging operations for special purposes As a consequence, a thread can access an object only if: It created the object It has access to a second object which contains a reference to the first object It is passed a reference to the object in a cross-thread call All data accesses are bounds checked by the hardware

22 Rules: Reading Hardware checks that the offset is within the object’s bounds The Tags management unit (TMU) checks that the thread’s principal is allowed to read from the object’s compartment) The Hash-Ex checks that the thread’s principal is allowed to load data from the compartment of the word in the specified slot of the object Can Principal read from Compartment-O? Can Principal load data in Compartment-S into a processor register? Is Offset less than Bounds? Principal Slot-n Compartment-S Object-2 Offset Bounds Compartment-O

23 Rules: Writing Hardware checks that the offset is within the object’s bounds The HashEx checks that the thread’s principal is allowed to write data into object’s compartment The Hash-Ex checks that the thread’s principal is allowed to overwrite the word in the specified slot of the object with data from the compartment of the write data (Compartment-W). Can Principal read from Compartment-O? Can Principal overwrite data in Compartment-S with data from Compartment-W? Is Offset less than Bounds? Principal Slot-n Compartment-S Object-2 Offset Bounds Compartment-O Write Data Compartment-W

24 Data Structures Act Like A Lockbox
= Principal-1 Object-1 Compartment-1 compartment = Slot-1 Compartment-2 Slot-2 An object’s compartment says which principals can look inside The data inside have other compartments You can safely pass arbitrary data between two threads by packing the data into an object whose compartment is only accessible to the principals of those threads compartment Slot-n Object-2 Compartment-3 Compartment-n compartment compartment Object-n is a string, this is it’s text. Object-3 Object-n

25 Information Flow Data can flow from compartment1 to compartmentn only if there is a sequence of principals P1, P2, … , Pn-1 and compartments C2, C3, …, Cn-1 such that each Pi can: Read data from compartment Ci Write data to compartment Ci+1 For any specific datum Dk in C1 these conditions may not suffice, since the thread may not have any way to obtain a reference to Dk Principal1 Principal2 Principaln-1 Compartment1 Compartment2 Compartment3 Compartmentn

26 Rules: Allocation & Reclamation
Memory is allocated only as well-formed objects All sub-fields initialized with value, datatype, compartment Typically with null value and null datatype A thread can only allocate storage in compartments sanctioned by policy Memory is only freed via garbage collection No explicit “free” operation An object’s memory is reclaimed when there are no remaining references to it There are no dangling pointers Meta data is immutable Except for a few highly specialized system services Consequence: There’s no way to “mint” or find a logically invalid reference to an object

27 Rules: Control Flow All instructions are contained in “code-objects”
A reference to a code-object is called a “procedure-reference” This is normal reference with datatype, compartment, etc. All branches are relative to the base of the code-object and are bounds checked The only non-local transfer of control is via procedure call Traps, throws, condition signaling and condition-handling are all performed via procedure calls A call can only be performed on a procedure-reference And only if the thread’s principal has procedure-call rights to the compartment of the code block Returns are performed by calling a “continuation” passed as part of the call A continuation is a just another code-block representing the rest of the procedure’s computation

28 Procedure Data Structures
Size All branches are to an offset from the base of the current code-object and are bounds checked as are all accesses of an object Principal Call Size Trap? HashEx The call is allowed only if the Principal has procedure-call rights to compartment of Code-Object-2 Code-object-1 Branch Procedure-reference Reference Meta-Data Code-object-2

29 Closures HashEx Principali Principalj
A procedure call is actually performed on a “Closure” Traditionally Closure = Code-object + Environment We add a slot to closures for the Principal If the principal is non-null, the called procedure runs with the new principal. Closures are objects with metadata, including a compartment This is the only way to change principal A call is trapped if the current principal doesn’t have rights to call something in the compartment of the closure Principal Register Principali Principalj Code Block Environment Principal Environment Continuation Arg0 Arg1 Local 1 Return Values Previous Frame Call allowed only if principali has call rights to Compartmentk Closure reference for call HashEx Compartmentk Closurem

30 Procedure Calls and Threads
Associated with every thread is a “process queue” This is a queue of closures There is a variant of the call instruction that makes a call between two separate threads The call is not made immediately The called closure is added to the process queue of the called thread The instruction has both blocking and non-blocking variants When the called thread completes the operation, it calls the return closure using a cross thread call to the calling thread (but doesn’t block) Asks the scheduler to wakeup the original calling thread. To avoid unintended information leakage the stack is compartmentalized

31 Compartmented Stack Structure
Caller Callee Callee R/W Callee W Caller R/W Return Values Local 1 Local 0 Return Values Caller R/W Local 1 Caller R Local 0 Caller W Callee R/W Frame Pointer Locals Pointer Local Pointer Arg1 Arg1 Arg0 Arg0 Continuation Continuation Previous Frame Previous Frame

32 System Software How much “magic happens here” is in the design?
The system has a flat address space There is no traditional memory barrier between OS components and user components No additional overhead to OS calls Must show that OS can’t be compromised Must show that OS doesn’t create unintended information flows File System Dynamic Loader I/O Systems Memory Allocation Virtual Memory Manager Device Managers Garbage Collector Scheduler and Thread Management Inter-thread Communication Compartment and Principal Management Control Flow Data Formats Boot Loader HashEx Management How much “magic happens here” is in the design?

33 Review of Known Exploits and Effectiveness of the TIARA Approach

34 Firefox Exploits In a separate project we reviewed the documented attacks against Firefox version 1.0 Part of DARPA Application Communities project There are over 100 categories of exploits One Group, “Code Injection”, was examined for vulnerabilities within TIARA design 33 of original categories 6 sub-categories TIARA would be impervious to all Basic structuring conventions explain robustness

35 Firefox Exploits Arb-code (91): The exploiter can execute arbitrary code on the user's machine. Binary Code Injection (33) Application Specific (6) JS Privilege Escalation (41) Spoof (11) Destroy (2): The exploiter can destroy information (files) on the user's machine. DOS (1): The exploiter can crash the application (Denial- of-Service) Info (29): The exploiter can access some of the users information. Often information related to other websites (logins, passwords, etc), but sometimes files on the users machine. Not-security (4): The bug isn't related to security

36 Code Injection Exploits
stack-overflow (2): A buffer on the stack is overflowed. Arbitrary code can be executed if the user can control the bytes that are written after the overflow. The most common method is to overwrite the return pointer with a pointer to exploit code. array-access (2): Binary code injection via out of bound array accesses (normally reads). Arbitrary code can be executed if the memory accessed can be controlled by the user and virtual calls are executed on it. heap-overflow (11): A buffer in the heap is overflowed. dead-pointer (3): Pointers remain to memory that has been freed. Arbitrary code can be executed if the memory can be controlled by the user and virtual calls are made through the dead pointers. js-trampoline (2): The type of a javascript object passed to a system routine is not checked. This allows the caller to pass in a different type of object (such as a dobuble) that can contain user controlled data where to pointer to the virtual table would be in a correctly typed object. If a virtual call is ever made on the object in C++, arbitrary code can be executed (by placing the code in the heap in allocated JS objects). js-gc (13): Java script garbage collection error. This error results when a javascript writer can obtain a reference to an object that has been garbage collected. Arbitrary data can be placed in the object (since it points to an active object of a different type). The object can be exploited by calling a virtual function through it.

37 Code Injection Protections in Tiara
Stack overflow Bounds & execution permission checks Array access Heap overflow Dead pointers Garbage collection and execution checks JS trampolines Data type & execution permission checks JS GC Garbage collection & type checks and execution permission checks JS Privilege escalation Principal transition checks

38 Summary Operating system is structured as a set of independent, isolated, least privilege components Using many system specific compartments, principals, data-types and instructions Structuring rules provide strong limits on unintended control and information flows These are the building blocks in the design of new style of operating system Hardware enforces the rules Examination of Firefox exploits shows that TIARA design is far more robust Provides strong platform for high level abstraction infrastructure

39 Rest of What’s to come Overview of application substrate
More macroscopic use of metadata for access control Information flow tracing Execution monitoring Core system software Scheduler and thread management I/O design and device drivers Hardware micro-architectual ideas

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