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By, Hunter, Jacob, and Naomi

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1 By, Hunter, Jacob, and Naomi
Okapi By, Hunter, Jacob, and Naomi

2 Okapi Okapis are mammals They are in the Giraffe family
They have Zebra like stripes on its hindquarters

3 Okapi The Okapi was not known outside of Africa until many species of plants and animals here are found nowhere else in the world

4 People cut down the trees Okapi eat for farmland
The Okapi face real dangers today from habitat loss and accidental captures in traps for smaller game

5 Okapi Our plan is to build a special habitat fenced in for the Okapi and once there is enough Okapi we would let them free to the wild

6 Okapi We hope you liked our presentation
we hope you'll help make a change for the Okapi


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