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The DBQ Exposed 2014-15 DBQ EXAMPLES.

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2 A Note The student samples presented here are based on the 2015 AP US Exam. The 2016 rubric has been changed slightly from the 2015 Rubric--- keep this in mind when looking at these samples. The Rubric Mr. Busch and I have given you this year IS the new Rubric. These samples are included because there are no other student samples available---I may want you to do things a little differently--- the purpose of these samples is to give you an idea about how this looks on paper.

3 The 2015 DBQ Prompt Explain the reasons why a new conservatism rose to prominence in the United States between Which “Thinking Skill” is the prompt based on? Continuity and Change, Comparison, Historical Causation, or Periodization?

4 The Thesis & Argumentation
Thesis & Argumentation: 2 Points Possible Point: Your thesis must make a historically defensible claim and respond to all parts of the question (prompt). Short intro---then Thesis. Point Develops and supports a cohesive ARGUMENT that recognizes by explicitly illustrating relationships among historical evidence such as contradiction , corroboration, and/or qualification---this appears throughout your essay. A thesis, body paragraphs based on major arguments from thesis with outside evidence (2 per paragraph) and document usage (preferably 7 but at least 6) to support in each body paragraph. You should recognize and acknowledge historical complexity through discussion of contradictions (in docs. Or evidence), corroboration (of docs. & evidence), and/or qualification (explanation of evidence and docs.)

5 Thesis Student Sample #1
Prompt: Explain the reasons why a new conservatism rose to prominence in the United States between Sample Response #1 : “The time period of marked the beginning of an increasingly conservative American society. Differing greatly from the increasing role of the central government through FDR’s New Deal plan, many American citizens began to call for a less involved federal government. This was also prevalent in the backlash to the central government’s involvement in foreign affairs and the growing gap between the counter-culture of the 1960’s and a more conservative society. These tensions would lead to middle class America yearning for a more traditional lifestyle. College Board: “Thesis clearly establishes reason for the growth of a new conservatism (increasing role of federal government, gap between counterculture and traditional values, dissatisfaction with foreign policy.” Thesis Point: Point Awarded

6 Thesis: Student Sample #2
Prompt: Explain the reasons why a new conservatism rose to prominence in the United States between “During the 1960 and 1989 era there were many stronged believed conflicts going on. The people didn’t want to live in a corrupt environment and so they wanted a change. Within the United States government the office holders decided to give the change. The new conservatism arose to prominence. The reason why, was because the change was needed, enough was enough. With the people’s complains. Plus with the change new hopes were brought up and so were new chances.” College Board: “Rambling first paragraph fails to produce a thesis that addresses the question. Thesis Point: No Point Awarded

7 Historical Context Paragraph aka “Contextualization”
Using Evidence BEYOND THE DOCUMENTS PROVIDED: 2 Points Possible. Contextualization: 1 Point Historical Context is the 1st paragraph AFTER your very short intro sentence and Thesis statement. Purpose: “SITUATE” your argument through discussion of broader historical events, developments, or processes immediately relevant to the question or prompt. Use knowledge NOT provided in documents to situate your argument. Evidence Beyond the Documents: 1 Point Example or additional piece of evidence (specific factual/Term-based) NOT found in documents to support your argument. Must be different from evidence used to earn other points in your essay. Not just a phrase or reference---you must use the evidence then explain how it support your argument.

8 Document Analysis: 2 Points
1 Point: Uses the CONTENT of at least 6 Documents (use 7 if possible) to support your stated Thesis or relevant argument. 1 Point: Explains the SIGNIFICANCE or author’s point of view, author’s purpose, historical context, or audience for at least 4 Documents (if you can do it for more docs.—do it).

9 How to incorporate and cite Documents in your essay.
Document 1: (Source: Barry Goldwater, a Republican Senator from Arizona, The Conscience of a Conservative. 1960) “Franklin Roosevelt’s rapid conversion from Constitutionalism to the doctrine of unlimited government is an oft told story…I am here concerned…by the unmistakable tendency of the Republican Party to adopt the same course. The result is that today neither of our two parties maintains a meaningful commitment to the principle of State’s Rights. Thus, the cornerstone of the Republic, our chief bulwark against the encroachment of the individual freedom by Big Government, is fast disappearing under the piling sands of absolutism. The root evil is that the government is engaged in activities in which it has no legitimate business. As long as the federal government acknowledges responsibility in a given social or economic field, its spending in that field cannot be reduced.” Student Sample use of Document 1: “Beginning in the 1960’s, there was a developing backlash against the increasing role of the federal government both domestically and foreign. While the effects of the Democrats control of the executive branch and FDR’s New Deal were still visible in the 1960’s, many Americans argued the impact of “Big Government” (Doc. 1).---I’m not saying I like this …I want a little explanation. College Board: The student utilized “historical context” for Document 1 by relating it to fear of big government.

10 Synthesis: 1 POINT 1 POINT
Extends the essay argument by explaining the connections between the essay argument and ONE of the following. A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area. Connects your argument to a course theme and/or approach to history that is NOT the focus of the essay (such as political, economic, cultural, or intellectual history). Connects your argument to a different discipline (economics, government, art history, or anthropology). *** You must explain the connections with evidence (1-2 pieces) and it must be relevant.

11 Synthesis Sample #1 Explain the reasons why a new conservatism rose to prominence in the United States between “Along with the opposition to the central government involvement many American citizens, particularly the middle class, grew to oppose the dominating counter-culture of the youth of the 1960’s … “ “This was similar to both the Red Scares in the past. Where an increasingly defensive middle class worried and accused those of different viewpoints as radicals endangering American society and traditional values and ideals.” Synthesis Point: Awarded * Restate your thesis and write Your Synthesis. YOUR Synthesis should be 3-4 sentences with a piece of specific factual (Term-Based) evidence to support at the end of your essay. * Only about 40% of students earned the synthesis point on the 2015 AP US EXAM! You can do it!!

12 Note On Accuracy: Your essay, evidence, and doc. usage must be based on historically defensible content knowledge. Essay may contain errors which DO NOT DETRACT from overall quality as long as historical content used to support your argument is accurate. On Clarity: These essays are 1st drafts and may contain grammar errors. No point loss unless errors obscure the successful demonstration of the content knowledge and skills described above.

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