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Agenda Agenda Analysis Fundamentals
What’s New? (Overview of Analysis 3.0 functionality) Overview of Enhanced Data included as part of Analysis 3.0 Accessing the Analysis Tool / Login considerations Dashboard Navigation Analysis Dashboards / Features Customizing the Dashboard How do I add / remove items with the Dashboard feature? Available Reports / Sharing of Reports Available ‘Prepackaged’ Reports / New Reports in Analysis 3.0 Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories Exporting Reports Scenarios / When would I use Analysis? Where can I learn more?
Analysis Fundamentals: What is Analysis?
Analysis is a reporting tool that provides insight into the State of Florida’s spending patterns: How much are we spending? Who are we spending it with? On what products and services? Information needed to analyze spending data can come from several sources: Purchase orders Invoices Contracts / master agreements Registered vendor data (from VIP) FLAIR payment data FLAIR encumbrance data
Analysis Fundamentals: Reporting Concepts
Fact – Basic transaction data you are investigating Data field – Numerical data value that can be measured Dimensions – Details about the fact Fact: Purchase order Data field: PO spend (USD) Dimensions: Ordered date Supplier Agency name
Analysis Fundamentals: Reporting Concepts
Dimensions can be further divided into levels. Hierarchies impose a structure on the levels of data within a dimension or in other words further specifies how you want it presented. Dimension: Encumbered Hierarchy 1: Encumbered Status Hierarchy 2: Encumbrance ID Dimension: Ordered Date Hierarchy 1: Calendar Hierarchy 2: Fiscal
Analysis Fundamentals: Reporting Concepts
Page Layout: Analysis provides a ‘wizard’ feature to assist with navigating through the steps of creating a report. The ‘Next’ button advances you through the steps in the report creation process. The navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen allows you to see what step you are on as you create an Analytical Report.
Analysis Fundamentals: Reporting Concepts
Facts: The transaction data that you are analyzing i.e., your base ‘data source.’ The ‘Facts’ Drop Down Box provides you with the starting point of selecting the base data you would like to analyze. Analysis 3.0 includes additional fact tables which expands your reporting capabilities.
Analysis Fundamentals: Reporting Concepts
Data field: Actual data value from a fact that is always a numerical value. Data fields are added to the report by clicking the ‘Add to Report’ link next to the field in the ‘Pre-defined’ field list.
Analysis Fundamentals: Reporting Concepts
Dimension: An additional detail about the fact table Hierarchy: Additional structure about the selected dimension Dimension: Encumbrance Hierarchies: Encumbered Status and Encumbrance ID Clicking this icon will provide you additional details about the data element
Analysis Fundamentals: Pivot Table Concept
Pivot table: Spreadsheet-like structure consisting of page fields, row fields, column fields, and data fields. All dimensions can be added to the pivot table’s page, row, or column fields. (Clicking ‘Available Hierarchies’ shows all available fields) Page fields – filter other fields Column fields (max. of 2) – similar to columns on a spreadsheet Row fields (max. of 2) – similar to rows on a spreadsheet
Analysis Fundamentals: Pivot Table Concept
Data field Column field Page field Row fields You can drill down into your data by clicking on the row or column headings on a pivot table. Any filters that are applied to the pivot table as you drill down into the data are displayed in Applied Filters. You can also use the Field Browser to drag page fields to the pivot table.
Analysis Fundamentals: Scheduled Data Loads
Analysis is a separate database which is uploaded with information from Buyer, VIP, and FLAIR Daily: Buyer and VIP data loads Weekly: FLAIR Encumbrance data loads Monthly: FLAIR Payment data loads Analysis includes data from FY 08/09 to date Data loads are typically run after 6 p.m. Eastern time Decreased system performance during data loads Data loads are typically run outside of business hours, so customer impact of any system performance / slowness is minimized
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Step 1: Navigate to Analysis 3.0, and log in using your Buyer username and password. Analysis access is associated with your user profile, so please contact your agency System Administrator to request access to the tool. Note: Username and password are the same
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Step 2: On the Analysis Dashboard (i.e., your home screen), Click ‘Analytical Report.’
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Step 3: Choose your data fields (which are dependent on the ‘Fact’ selected from the ‘Facts’ drop down box). Create an appropriate title Enter a description Select the appropriate Fact for the data you need for your report. Each fact will give you a different list of data field choices.
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Step 4: Add the chosen data fields into your table. Tip: You can also drag and drop fields into your report. Click each data field you would like to include and then choose ‘Add to report.’ It will then populate in the pivot table.
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Step 5: Set up your pivot table. Choose the fields that will be the row, column, and page fields by clicking the field under the ‘Available Hierarchies’ area and choosing to add as a row/column/page field. Tip: The fields that you choose for your row/column/page can be moved around once you run the report and when you export it.
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Step 6: Refine data to provide a timeline for your report. Refining data provides you with the ability to adjust items such as the date range prior to running the report. Click the ‘Customize this form’ link to refine fields on your row or column.
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Step 7: This is what the final report looks like. From here, you can take actions such as editing, saving, or exporting the report.
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
Clicking ‘Save’ will default to saving the report to your ‘Personal Workspace.’
Analysis Fundamentals: Creating Analytical Reports
You also have the option to save a report to a ‘Public Report’ folder and tie the report to an ‘Agency Folder.’
Agenda Agenda Analysis Fundamentals
What’s New? (Overview of Analysis 3.0 functionality) Overview of Enhanced Data included as part of Analysis 3.0 Accessing the Analysis Tool / Login considerations Dashboard Navigation Analysis Dashboards / Features Customizing the Dashboard How do I add / remove items with the Dashboard feature? Available Reports / Sharing of Reports Available ‘Prepackaged’ Reports / New Reports in Analysis 3.0 Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories Exporting Reports Scenarios / When would I use Analysis? Where can I learn more?
What’s New in Analysis 3.0? What’s New in Analysis 3.0?
What’s New (and Improved!) in Analysis 3.0?
Addition of FLAIR Encumbrance and Payment Data: This expands available data to include both MFMP and FLAIR information, which assists agencies in reconciling obligated funds (encumbrances). Additionally, agencies will have improved visibility into all areas of spend including payments not processed through MFMP. Additional accounting information for Purchase Orders and Invoice Reconciliations in Analysis (as a result of “Change Request 42” which is being implemented as part of the Analysis upgrade). Improved Contract Data: This enhancement includes additional contract information from MFMP, enabling agencies to improve contract spend reporting. Improved Invoice Data: Additional FLAIR payment information related to invoice reconciliations will now be included in Analysis. This will assist agencies in their reconciliation efforts.
What’s New (and Improved!) in Analysis 3.0?
Improved Visibility to “Green” Spend: Additional purchase order information related to ‘MyGreenFlorida’ spend will assist agencies in meeting green and recycled reporting requirements and visibility. Additional VIP Vendor Data in Analysis: Additional Vendor Information Portal (VIP) vendor information in Analysis will allow agencies to analyze vendor data such as spend by minority status or vendor location. Updated Dashboard and Report Scheduling: There is an updated Analysis ‘dashboard’ (or desktop) where customers can create a customized view of Analysis and easily search for published reports. Report scheduling also allows customers to see favorite reports refreshed on a daily basis. Enhanced System Reports (a.k.a. “Prepackaged Reports”): Available to all Analysis customers, these reports include reporting templates that provide users with a starting point for organizing and analyzing their agency data.
What’s New in Analysis 3.0? What’s New in Analysis 3.0?
Analysis 3.0 is a separate website (i.e., there is not an automatic sign-in from the ‘Buyer’ application as there is today). The “separate sign-in” will only be temporary, and will be resolved as the remainder of the Buyer system is upgraded to the new Ariba platform (also referred to as “Ariba 9r1”). Link to Analysis 3.0:
Agenda Agenda Analysis Fundamentals
What’s New? (Overview of Analysis 3.0 functionality) Overview of Enhanced Data included as part of Analysis 3.0 Accessing the Analysis Tool / Login considerations Dashboard Navigation Analysis Dashboards / Features Customizing the Dashboard How do I add / remove items with the Dashboard feature? Available Reports / Sharing of Reports Available ‘Prepackaged’ Reports / New Reports in Analysis 3.0 Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories Exporting Reports Scenarios / When would I use Analysis? Where can I learn more?
Analysis Dashboard Analysis Dashboard
The Analysis Dashboard is your home page in Analysis. It allows you to create direct links to your favorite reports, including charts and pivot tables you need to refer to often…and it is refreshed daily!
Analysis Dashboard Analysis Dashboard And don’t forget to check out:
The ‘MFMP Hot Topics / Bulletin Board’ will keep you up to date on key MFMP announcements! The ‘Recently Viewed’ window allows you to quickly navigate to recent reports as well as the new ‘Prepackaged Reports’ feature.
Analysis Dashboard Analysis Dashboard
A sample dashboard has been deployed as part of go-live. What does this mean? The MFMP team has set up some standard reports that will refresh on a daily basis for you as a starting point…feel free to add / remove / customize the dashboard to include the reports that are most important to you! How often are my dashboard reports refreshed? There are data loads that happen daily, weekly, and monthly; therefore, your reports are refreshed daily as well (i.e., when you login to Analysis and launch your dashboard- you are seeing the latest and greatest available data). What if I refresh my reports throughout the day? Will there be updated data? Because the Analysis data is loaded on a nightly basis, there is no value to refreshing the report data throughout the day.
Customizing the Dashboard
Customizing Your Dashboard Step 1: The Dashboard can be customized by adding tabs and items. Click the Configure Tabs icon on the dashboard to begin. Click the ‘Add New Tab’ link to include additional tabs on your dashboard view
Customizing the Dashboard: Adding New Tabs
Customizing Your Dashboard: Add New Tabs Step 2: You can add a ‘Tab Name’ that will display on your dashboard once you click ‘OK.’
Customizing the Dashboard: Adding New Tabs
Customizing Your Dashboard: Add New Tabs Step 3: Your new tab is now viewable on the Dashboard, and content can be added by using the ‘Add Content’ menu on the right side of the page. Additional tabs show across the top of the page Drag and drop items from the ‘Add Content’ menu onto the Dashboard screen in order to create your custom view.
Agenda Agenda Analysis Fundamentals
What’s New? (Overview of Analysis 3.0 functionality) Overview of Enhanced Data included as part of Analysis 3.0 Accessing the Analysis Tool / Login considerations Dashboard Navigation Analysis Dashboards / Features Customizing the Dashboard How do I add / remove items with the Dashboard feature? Available Reports / Sharing of Reports Available ‘Prepackaged’ Reports / New Reports in Analysis 3.0 Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories Exporting Reports Scenarios / When would I use Analysis? Where can I learn more?
New Reports in Analysis 3.0
In addition to creating your own analytical reports, Analysis 3.0 is enhanced to include a set of ‘Prepackaged Reports’ to assist as a starting point for customizing your agency reports! New reports include: Contract Count FLAIR Encumbrance FLAIR Payments Invoice Count and Spend Invoice Reconciliation Cycle Time Master Agreement Request Cycle Time PO Count and Spend Requisition Cycle Time Vendor Count
New Reports in Analysis 3.0
To navigate to the ‘Prepackaged Reports,’ click the link under the ‘Manage’ area on the Dashboard.
New Reports in Analysis 3.0
Once you are on the ‘Prepackaged Reports’ page, you can view the report templates.
New Reports in Analysis 3.0
When you Open a report, it will run displaying the most current information. You have the option to change the report parameters by clicking Edit.
Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories in Analysis 3.0
Public Folders / Agency Subdirectories To navigate to the ‘Public Reports,’ and related agency folders, click the link under the ‘Manage’ area on the Dashboard.
Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories in Analysis 3.0
Public Folders / Agency Subdirectories After clicking on ‘Public Reports,’ you can view the list of agency folders. Reports from these folders can be accessed and used as a starting point as well for customizing your agency’s reports. Simply launch the report and ‘Save As’ a new report in your personal workplace or agency folder.
Analysis Dashboard Analysis Search Click Search from your toolbar:
Analysis 3.0 also includes a “Search” feature to help you locate reports by keyword, title, etc. This could be helpful if you are looking for a “starting point” for your own report….maybe leveraging another agency’s report format….or just doing some research!
Exporting Reports Exporting Reports
Analysis reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel or to a CSV file (2003 or 2007) You can use Excel or another spreadsheet application for further investigation and presentation of the data Exporting data allows you to customize the format of the report, including moving, deleting, or adding additional rows and columns After running a report, click the ‘Export’ button to send the report data to Excel
Exporting Reports Exporting Reports
While the export is taking place, you will see a screen that shows the status of the export process.
Exporting Reports Exporting Reports
The report will be exported to Excel. You can click on the ‘Pivot’ tab to view the report. The export also provides you with auto-generated pie charts, bar charts, and the source data so that you can customize the presentation of the spreadsheet for your reporting purposes.
Considerations for Exporting Reports
Exporting your data is the only way to take a snapshot of the exact data in your report as of the particular day you run the report . When you save a report, you are only saving the parameters of the report. Data in Analysis changes as the data in Buyer, FLAIR and VIP changes. Change orders, cancel orders, etc can affect your data. Excel export limitations Based on the version of Excel you have, there will be a limit on the amount of data you can export (For example, if you have “Excel 2003” installed on your computer, you have a maximum of 64,000 rows of data that can be exported; anything in excess must exported as a .csv file) You must have administrator rights on your desktop to export to Excel.
Additional Considerations when Running Reports / Exporting Data
Additional Considerations for Exporting Reports “I run a report and it doesn’t come up immediately” System response time is dependent on the size of the data being queried and the speed of your Internet connection Wait out the query Run the query in the background Filter the data by changing your report parameters “I run a report and it times out” Export the data “I run a report and not all the data is displayed” Max of 201 rows for pivot table display Export the data to view the remaining rows
Agenda Agenda Analysis Fundamentals
What’s New? (Overview of Analysis 3.0 functionality) Overview of Enhanced Data included as part of Analysis 3.0 Accessing the Analysis Tool / Login considerations Dashboard Navigation Analysis Dashboards / Features Customizing the Dashboard How do I add / remove items with the Dashboard feature? Available Reports / Sharing of Reports Available ‘Prepackaged’ Reports / New Reports in Analysis 3.0 Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories Exporting Reports Scenarios / When would I use Analysis? Where can I learn more?
Scenarios / When Would I Use Analysis?
In order to best determine what fields would be most appropriate, you must start with a clear purpose for your report and what data it needs to contain. You must also try to think of what fields in Buyer, VIP and FLAIR answer the question you are asking. Example #1: The Legislature has asked you to provide how much spend you have done on advertising for FY 09/10? What fields in Buyer give you that information? Consider using commodity codes You could search using Radio Advertising, TV Advertising, etc. commodity codes
Scenarios / When Would I Use Analysis?
Example #2: A vendor submits a public records request and asks you to provide how much state contract IT Consulting spend your agency has done in FY 09/10? What fields in Buyer give you that information? Commodity codes- IT Consulting commodity codes Method of procurement (MOP) A- STC w/o RFQ B-STC w/RFQ State Contract ID IT Consulting STC number (this isn’t always completed by the customer as it is not a required field)
When Would I Use Analysis?
Example #3: You are asked for a list of all the vendors your agency has issued purchase orders to in the last year including the minority code designation. What fields in Buyer give you that information? Supplier Name Minority Designation SDVBE Woman-Owned
Agenda Agenda Analysis Fundamentals
What’s New? (Overview of Analysis 3.0 functionality) Overview of Enhanced Data included as part of Analysis 3.0 Accessing the Analysis Tool / Login considerations Dashboard Navigation Analysis Dashboards / Features Customizing the Dashboard How do I add / remove items with the Dashboard feature? Available Reports / Sharing of Reports Available ‘Prepackaged’ Reports / New Reports in Analysis 3.0 Public Folder / Agency Subdirectories Exporting Reports Scenarios / When would I use Analysis? Where can I learn more?
Where Can I Learn More? Where Can I Learn More?
The key to Analysis is practice! Biweekly ‘Analysis Office Hours’ will be held August 6 and August 13 Opportunity for open question / answer time about Analysis Ability for you to share best practices you’ve learned in your Analysis use WebEx sessions are continuing through Friday, July 30. Sign up for another session (or encourage your agency team members to sign up for a session) via the buyer toolkit at Web-based training will be updated over the next quarter. Once complete, a notice will be sent to liaisons announcing that updated training is available. Contact our MFMP customer service desk with questions (866) or
Questions? Wrap-Up Any questions?
We have covered a lot of information in today’s training. I appreciate your participation. Your participant’s guide is yours to keep for reference for when you return to your office. Does anyone have any additional questions that we have not covered today? Instructor’s Note: Review the parking lot questions. For questions that you cannot answer, make note of the questions and indicate to the participants that you will forward answers at a later date. Let’s wrap up with the course evaluations. Please take a moment to complete the “Participant’s Evaluation Form” on page 65 of your participant’s guide. Thank you again for your participation and have a safe trip back home.
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