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Department of Education

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1 Department of Education
* 07/16/96 Department of Education edi – Staff/HR Dashboard *

2 Justin Netherton Senior HR Consultant HR Systems
* 07/16/96 Justin Netherton Senior HR Consultant HR Systems Initial Phase Development we had discussions with Learning Services, TSAA & SAWM Work Group Representatives. This is the first phase and there will be future phase developments, so any feedback or suggestions are welcome. *

3 * 07/16/96 Access The Staff/HR Dashboard is accessed through edi ( by selecting the Staff/HR Dashboard link from the left menu Access is currently available to Principals, Assistant Principals and School Business Managers. *

4 Staff/HR Dashboard Expiring Employments/Registrations
* Staff/HR Dashboard 07/16/96 Expiring Employments/Registrations Key Reports/All Reports Alerts The Staff/HR Dashboard has 4 main components, more detail will be provided as we go through the presenation. These are: - The Staff with Expiring Employments, Leave Without Pay and Registrations Table - Alerts Key Reports/All Reports Staff Listing Graph Staff Listing Graph *

5 Expiring Employments Table
* 07/16/96 Expiring Employments Table Shows all employments/registrations expiring within the next 8 weeks Expiries move between boxes starting at 8 weeks. Boxes are clickable to drill down into detail. The first element of the Staff/HR Dashboard is the Staff With Expiring Employments & Registrations Table. This table is broken down into six sections (SLOW) - Expiring Fixed Term Contracts - Expiring Workload Variations - Expiring Higher Duties Allowances - Expiring More Responsible Duties Allowances (MRDA) - Expiring Leave Without Pay - Expiring Teachers Registrations. When the expiring employment is 8 weeks from the expiry it will appear in the table and move between the boxes as the expiry date gets closer. From the table each of the coloured boxes can be clicked which will drill down into the report to show the detail of the expiry. *

6 Expiring Employments Reports
* 07/16/96 Expiring Employments Reports Outlines details of selected expiry, including expiry date and remaining days. Other reports are selectable from the Expiry Type Drop down box Once you click on one of the expiring employment boxes to drill down into the report, a screen similar to this will display and outline all expiring employments relating to the type that was clicked. In this example the Expiring Fixed Term Contracts was selected and the 3 relevant employees are displayed along with their expiry date and remaining days. The reports will be sorted by expiry date. With all reports there are filters at the top of the report allowing you to change the criteria. In this example the ability to select the expiry type is available which allows easy access to the other expiry types in the dashboard table. All reports also have the option to be printed by selecting the printer icon. Or to be exported to Excel or PDF by selecting the save icon and selecting the desired output from the list. *

7 Teachers Registration Details Report
* 07/16/96 Teachers Registration Details Report This report is broken into 2 sections. Unregistered Teachers and Registered Teachers If selecting the expiring teachers registration from the table, this will take you to the Teachers Registration Details Report which contains 2 different sections. The data contained in these reports comes from a feed straight from TRB and this information is then matched to our employees. The first part of the report will display any unregistered teachers who are currently working. It will also show any unregistered teacher who is currently on long term leave or workers compensation. *

8 Teachers Registration Details Report
* 07/16/96 Teachers Registration Details Report The registered teacher list will display a full list of teachers for the work location, including their registration type and expiry date. The second section of the teachers registration report will show a full list of all teachers for the work location including their registration type and expiry date. *

9 * 07/16/96 Alerts There are currently 6 alerts that can appear on the Staff/HR Dashboard. There are reports that sit behind each of the alerts containing the detail The alerts will only show if there are employees in these categories. The next part of the staff/hr dashboard is the alerts section. There are currently 6 alerts that could appear on the dashboard. These are: (SLOW) - Employee Clearances - Employees Requiring Fixed Term & HDA Management - Employees with Excess Leave Balances - Employees Overdue or Approaching Salary Progression and Advancement Assessment Points - Total Personal Leave Days Taken for the previous month - Employees With Workers Compensation Claims There are reports that sit behind each of these alerts and alerts will only show if there are currently employees in these categories. *

10 Employee Clearances Report
* 07/16/96 Employee Clearances Report The clearances report contains 3 different sections. Uncleared, Staff with Clearance/RWVP and Volunteers with Clearance/RWVP. Both GCC & RWVP numbers and expiry dates currently show in edi. The Employee Clearances Report contains 3 different parts The first section of the report will show any employees who currently do no have a Clearance or Registration to work with Vulnerable People. These are the employees that will appear on the alert on the dashboard for action. The second section of the report displays a full list of all staff members along with their clearance & registration to work with Vulnerable People details. The third section of the report displays a full list of volunteers including clearance & registration to work with Vulnerable People details. *

11 Employees Requiring Fixed Term & HDA Management Report
* 07/16/96 Employees Requiring Fixed Term & HDA Management Report This report will show fixed term employees who are approaching 2 years continuous service as a teacher and could potentially be eligible for conversion under ED9 This report will show fixed term employees who are approaching 3 years continuous service. The Employees Requiring Fixed Term & HDA Management alert will drill down into a report containing 3 different sections. These are: - The Flexible Teaching Pool (FTP) Potential Eligibility Report – which will display fixed term employees who are approaching 2 years continuous service as a teacher and could potentially be eligible for conversion under ED9 (FTP) - The Fixed Term Non-Teaching Report – which will display fixed term employees who are approaching 3 years continuous service. The Higher Duties Allowance (HDA) Management Report – which will display employees who are approaching 3 years continuous service receiving a Higher duties allowance. Reports 2 & 3 have been developed to assist principals/managers & SBMs in relation to management of fixed term employment & HDA Management in accordance with ED1. To assist with the management of these reports, employees will start displaying once they have reached 18 months continuous service. This report will show employees who are approaching 3 years continuous service receiving a Higher duties allowance. *

12 Employees With Excess Leave Balances Report
* 07/16/96 Employees With Excess Leave Balances Report Two different reports are available from this alert The first outlines any staff with excess recreation leave The second displays staff who are currently in excess of 80 days long service leave, and approaching the maximum entitlement of 100 days. The Employees with Excess Leave Balances report is broken down to display any staff with excess recreation leave and any staff with long service leave in excess of 80 days. The excess recreation leave section will display any staff member who has a recreation leave balance in excess of 40 days based on their current FTE. There is a column showing the current balance as well as a column showing the amount of hours that the staff member is in excess of the limit by. The long service leave section of the report will show any staff members who are in excess of 80 days long service leave, these employees are approaching the 100 day limit. Any employees who exceed the 100 day limit have their balances reduced to 100 days. *

13 * 07/16/96 Employees Overdue or Approaching Salary Progression and Advancement Assessment Points The two sections of this report show staff who are already overdue or staff who are approaching salary progression or advancement assessment. Current level and next level are shown, as well as Progression Type, Progression Date and Remaining Days/Days Overdue. The Employees Overdue or Approaching Salary Progression and Advancement Assessment Points Alert will drill down into a report that will display all employees who are currently overdue for salary progression/advancement assessment, this will outline the employees current level, their next level, the date they were due for salary progression as well as how many days their progression is overdue by. Salary Progression forms for overdue employees are to be completed as soon as possible. The report also lists all staff who are approaching salary progression/advancement assessment with the same details as the overdue employees, with the only difference being it will be counting down the remaining days until the salary progression/advancement assessment is due. Salary progression forms for employees approaching their due dates are to be completed as close to due dates as possible. Advanced Assessment points s will continue to be provided directly to principals to assist with process. *

14 * 07/16/96 Absenteeism Graphs The alert on the dashboard titled Total Personal Leave Days Taken, will always display the amount of personal leave taken for the previous calendar month. Personal leave is made up of any sick leave or carers leave bookings that have been processed. Clicking the alert will take you to a set of 4 graphs to use for tracking personal leave. – explain each graph and filter options available. *

15 Workers Compensation Report
* 07/16/96 Workers Compensation Report The workers compensation report will by default show any claims with an Open status. This can be changed to view closed claims also by using the drop down box at the top of the screen. The workers compensation alert will display any open workers compensation claims and the report will by default only show open claims. These is the option to use a drop down box to display closed claims also. Basic details of the claims will be shown, including the employee, dates, and status of the claim. *

16 Key Reports/All Reports
* 07/16/96 Key Reports/All Reports There are some key reports shown in the left hand side of the dashboard. All reports can also be accessed by selecting the green ALL REPORTS link under the key reports section. The staff by position report is available though the key reports, and contains a full listing of all staff members including substantive and acting arrangements. *

17 * 07/16/96 Staff Listing The Staff Listing Pie Graph displayed at the bottom of the dashboard shows a breakdown of staff FTE for the prior pay period with a total FTE listed at the bottom. This graph is clickable and has a details report that sits behind it to show the make up of these FTE. - The Staff Listing Pie Graph displayed at the bottom of the dashboard shows a breakdown of staff FTE for the prior pay period with a total FTE listed at the bottom. - This graph is clickable and has a details report that sits behind it to show the make up of these FTE. *

18 Upcoming Clearances Alert moving to Expiring Employments Table
* 07/16/96 Upcoming Clearances Alert moving to Expiring Employments Table New Workforce Planning Graphs (In Development) Leave Bookings & Balances Report/Graphs (In Development) Staff Query Report (In Development) *

19 Email Telephone 03 6165 6256
* 07/16/96 Questions & Feedback HR Systems Telephone Thank you for your time today! *

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