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Web Portal tricks.

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1 Web Portal tricks

2 COPC Manager Bulk Upload of CHWS

3 Invite Users – Bulk Upload
1 This feature will help you when you have a group of CHWs you want to create. As the COPC Program Manager role, go to “Invite Users”. Select “Bulk Upload”

4 Upload Team Users (CSV)
2 On this view you will upload the CSV file of CHW details. Select the file or drag and drop the file in the area provided.

5 Upload format Above is an example of the correct upload format.
3 Above is an example of the correct upload format. The excel file needs to be saved as a comma separated value CSV format (normal excel format won’t work). Remember to check the IMEI & Sim before saving the file (sometimes the numbers adjust because of length – the best would be to add a ‘ in front of the number. Please make sure the column names are exactly the same as stated above. It is important that the spelling of the team name in the upload format is 100% aligned with the spelling of the team name on the web portal. If they are not, then the upload won’t work.

6 The “Upload” action 4 When you have added the CSV file, click on “Upload”. That will upload the data and populate the table below the action buttons. You will see the “Status” of data that is incorrect. You can’t upload cell numbers that already exists. The name of the team needs to be spelled exactly like the name of the team on the web portal.

7 Validate the data 5 When you “Validate” the data it will populate the second table with the data that can be uploaded. Click on “Save” to save & upload the validated data. CHWs who’s data is validated and saved will then be created.

8 Team Leader Web Portal Triage Dashboard

9 Triage Dashboard – Default View
1 This is a new feature that was introduced two weeks ago. You can select your own time period for reporting – it will populate the table. With this dashboard you can keep an eye on the conditions that was flagged during Triage Assessments.

10 Triage Dashboard – Time period selected & table populated
2 Here I selected “Past Month” as my time period for reporting. You will see that we clearly state the “From Date” and “To Date”. This will help you to understand exactly what time period the table is populated for. You can now “View” a specific condition to see the details of the members who were flagged.

11 Triage Dashboard – “View” a condition
3 Here I have selected “ANC – Pregnant” on the previous screen. I can now see the names of the women who were flagged as pregnant during all the Household Triage Assessments completed by my CHWs in the past month. From this view you can now “View Household” or “Map View” for more detail.

12 Triage Dashboard – View Map
4 On the map view you will see the GPS locations of the households flagged for the specific Triage condition you selected. Click on a GPS marker to see the name of the household. From there you can also “View Household” to see more details on the household.

13 Team Leader Tasks & Management

14 Changes to Task Management
1 1 Task at a time: A Household Member can only have one task assigned to them at a time. A task must first be completed or deleted before the CHW can continue to schedule a new task for a Household Member. (In the past a HH Member could have more than one task scheduled for them). Overdue = Missed: There are no more references to “Overdue Tasks”. All tasks that are past their due date will be defined as “Missed Tasks”. Rescheduled: Only “Tasks Today” and “Upcoming Tasks” can be “Rescheduled”. Missed can’t be rescheduled: A Missed Task can not be “Rescheduled” – the only actions a CHW can take with a Missed Task is to either schedule a “New Task” or “Delete” the missed task. Why? Why are we saying that a Household Member can only have one task assigned to them at a time? Or that a Missed Task can’t be Rescheduled? The definitions were adapted because the conditions within a household could change. This means reason why the CHW scheduled a specific task could have changed over time and that is why a new task must be scheduled.

15 Task Management 2 Select the “Tasks” menu item. You will now see a list of task statuses. Each status represents a time or action that was taken on a specific task.

16 Task Status Definitions
3 Deleted Tasks This will show you the number of “Upcoming Tasks” and “Tasks Today” that were deleted. The reason why a CHW deletes a task is because the task isn’t relevant anymore. Missed – Unactioned Tasks This will show you the number of Missed Tasks that the CHW is yet to take action on. This means the CHW hasn’t “Deleted” or scheduled a “New Task” for a task they missed. A CHW should always action a Missed Task – that is why “Missed – Unactioned Tasks” will help you to identify CHWs who haven’t done anything about their missed tasks yet. Missed – Deleted This will show you the number of tasks that were Missed and then “Deleted”. This means the CHW decided that the Missed Task isn’t relevant anymore. Missed – New Task Scheduled This will show you the number of tasks that were Missed and then a “New Task” was scheduled for that Member. It could mean that the CHW decided that the specific Member still requires a follow-up visit – but the reason for the new task might be different than the old Missed Task. Tasks Today This will show you the number of Tasks due today. During your morning planning with your CHWs you should make them aware that you know they have a Task Today. Upcoming Tasks This will show you the number of Tasks still coming in the future. Resolved Tasks – This is the number of tasks completed.

17 Select “Upcoming Tasks”
4 Here you will see all your CHWs and the number of “Upcoming Tasks” (or whatever Task Status you selected) they have assigned to them. You can now click on “View” next to CHW’s name to see more detail on the specific task type.

18 View specific tasks for a CHW
5 Here you selected “View” to see all the “Upcoming” tasks for your CHW. You can now select a specific Task to see more details on the task. Take note of the “Date Scheduled”, “Planned Follow-up Date” and “Date Completed” columns. This will give you an idea on the time passed between certain actions.

19 View specific Task details
6 You will now see the details of the Household, the Household Member, the Task Details, the Flags that were identified during the Triage Assessment and the Reason the Task was scheduled by the CHW. Remember – the Triage Flags are set automatically based on the answers given by the Head of the Household during the Triage Assessment. A CHW selects their own “Reasons” for a Task.

20 Scroll down for more Task detail
7 When you scroll down you will see all the details of the task. You will also see for “Upcoming Tasks” and “Tasks Today” that you have the option to “Reschedule” the task. You can either assign the task to another CHW or you can select a different date for the task to take place. In this example I can see that the Task was scheduled to be completed in 2020 – obviously I’ll update that for the CHW.

21 Web Navigation and Table features
Team Leader Web Navigation and Table features

22 Navigation 1 Be on the lookout for handy navigation buttons on every page. On the Task Management pages where you are viewing a specific task, spot the buttons in the top right hand corner. These buttons will navigate you to other useful views such as: 1. “All Tasks for Household” – showing you a history of all the tasks for that household, 2. “All tasks for Member” – showing you history of all the tasks for that member.

23 Sorting, Searching and Expanding
2 2 1 4 3 In a table you can: 1. Sort the table (A-Z, Z-A, lowest to highest, highest to lowest) by clicking on the column name. 2. Search for a specific item in the table by typing the name of the item in the search box. 3. Expand the selection by paging or selecting more rows. 4. Download the content of the table to CSV.

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