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Information Science to Data Science: from the Aspect of Research

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1 Information Science to Data Science: from the Aspect of Research
Information Science to Data Science: from the Aspect of Research Wei Jingzhu Professor, School of Information Management Sun Yat-sen University,China Researcher, Advanced Research Center of Intellectual Property of Wuhan University

2 Data Data Resource: China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database Theme of retrieval: Data Science Period: Valid Record: 579 Analysis Tool: Citespace collection

3 High frequency keywords
PART 1 High frequency keywords

4 High frequency of data science research papers(Frequency>7)
Serial Number Keywords Frequency 1 Big Data 88 20 Data Literacy 12 2 Science Data 86 21 Data Reference 3 University Library 82 22 Data Integration 4 Library 70 23 Open Access 11 5 Data Management 59 24 Bibliometrics 6 Data Sharing 32 25 Scientific Research Service 10 7 Scientific Research Data 30 26 University 8 Digital Library 27 Data Regulation 9 Science Data Management 28 Cloud Computing Data Service 29 Information Service Management 19 Subject Librarian Data Curation 18 31 Open Data 13 Resource Integration 17 Institutional Knowledge Base 14 Data Mining 16 33 Ontology 15 Metadata 34 Science Data Service Associated Data 35 Research Hotspot Knowledge Service 36 Digital Source Knowledge Map 37 Integration Big Data Era 38 Data Literacy Education

5 The timezone graph of the sample keyword

6 The hotspot of 2016: Data Literacy Integration Data Literacy Education The hot words of 2014: Big Data Science Data University Library Library Data Management Data Sharing Scientific Data Digital Library Science Data Management Data Service Data Curation The hotspot of 2015: Knowledge Map Data Integration Open Access Scientific Research Service From extensiveness to refinement. That is, from a number of research hotspots to several focuses of research.

7 PART 2 Research branches 1.Open Scientific Data and its Access
Current researches on open access to scientific data mainly focus on the barriers of public access to scientific data, policies related to open scientific data, open registration and citations of scientific data, open scientific data warehousing and data sharing platform. Research branches 2.Data Curation (DC) Domestic research mainly focus on: foreign data curation institutions, university libraries and other DC-related meetings, trainings, projects, practice and its latest progress. DC service provided by domestic libraries. DC methods and implementation ways. PART 2

8 PART 2 Research branches 3.Research data and scientific data services
Contents and methods of data services. Technology Application of data service. Library participation in data services. Research branches 4. Data mining and analysis Many scholars have explored how to improve the efficiency and precision of mining by using traditional data mining methods, including decision tree-based methods, neural network-based methods, genetic algorithm-based methods, and Bayesian methods. PART 2

9 PART 2 Research branches 5.Scientific data management
Case study of other countries Management tools and models Policy Training in scientific data management Research branches 6.Data literacy Connotation & requirement data utilization behavior data literacy education PART 2

10 High cited literatures
High Cited Literature about Data Science (Frequency> 14) Serial Number Frequency Author The name of the paper Time 1 52 Meng Xiangbao; Li Aiguo Scientific Data Literacy Education in Overseas Academic Libraries 2014/03 2 45 Chen Chuanfu; Qian ou Study on the Construction of Digital Library in the Age of Big Data 2014/07 3 34 Deng Zhonghua; Li Lirui Analysis on Model of Information Services Embedded Process of Scientific Research in Big Data Environment 2014/01 4 22 Shen Xiuqiong Discussion on the Resource Construction Strategies for University Library Oriented on MOOC 2014/22 5 20 Song Yanhui; Wu Yishan A Comparative Study on Author Bibliographic-coupling Analysis and Author Keyword-coupling Analysis Based on Scientometrics 6 17 Zhang Jilong; Yin Shenqin Social Scientific Data Sharing and Serving -An Example of Fu Dan University Social Scientific Data Platform 2015/01 7 16 Zhang han; Wang Zhong Comparison Research on Open Data of International Government 2015/08 8 15 Dong Zhenge; Chen Huilan Investigation into Library Service Model of University Discipline Evaluation on the Basis of ESI and InCites Databases 2014/11 9 Shen Tingting Data Literacy and Its Impact on Scientific Data Management PART 3 High cited literatures

11 Cases cited in research of data science in LIS
International Cases Purdue University Warehousing and its support for scientific data management services New Mexico University Data ONE Oxford university Embedding Institutional Data Curation Services in Research, EIDCSR Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences,DataPASS Domestic Cases Fu Dan University Social science data sharing platform Renmin University of China Chinese Social Survey Open Database,CSSOD Sun Yat-sen University Sharing Plan of Academic research Database Wu Han University China Academic Scientific Data Service Shang Hai Library New Visualization Data Service

12 Data science has become a hot topic in scientific field in China, and interdisciplinary research of library science and information science, computer science, management, finance, statistics, medicine, geography and other disciplines, together with data science, has already show rich research output. Summary

13 Conclusions Not much research output in focus on data science in LIS both in the aspect of quantity and quality Not systematic Most are introduction or expansion of international research or experience Focus more on application but theoretical level

14 Not much discussion about the core and the scope of data science, no architecture of the data science realm. There are research projects chaired by individual scholars in LIS, most are entrusted by government departments and big enterprises,which have need to data analysis to support their decision and add value,reflecting social needs of data analysis from LIS,which often cooperated with scholars from other disciplines such as computer science and economy science. Not much research on how to reform the current curricula system and how to construct a new one for data science.

15 While undoubtedly, data era is upon us, so how LIS contribute to the social development and scientific field and embody its value is what we should think about.

16 At the year of 2016, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), collaborated with Cornell University, Business School for the World(INSEAD), issued the report of Global Innovation Index Rankings at Geneva, Switzerland, China ranks 25 across the world. At the year of 2016,an officer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China pointed out that the total amount of data in China is increasing at 50% per year and is expected to be accounted for 21% of the world in China is now becoming a country holding huge data resource.

17 Data-driving is a different path to innovation, which provides a new chance for China if talent need of data science can be satisfied.

18 Further directions for iSchools in research and curriculum in DC
Data user Data need Data policy Data management(classification, organization,aggregation,visualization) The model data enable knowledge creation and innovation The model data facilitate prompt and better decision How library and other institutions provide data service to scientists to improve their scientific process * Data itself; data need and use; data management; data policy; data service

19 Thank you!

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