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Turkey: Model for the Arab Spring

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1 Turkey: Model for the Arab Spring

2 Turkey History Byzantine Empire

3 Turkey History Ottoman Empire

4 Geography of Turkey (Boulder CO & Ankara Turkey are both 40 degrees north Latitude and 5300 and 4000ft. respectively)

5 Turkish Economy (Per capita GDP 14k-4k)

6 Turkey Demographics Dark Red – 80% Kurdish

7 Turkey - Provinces

8 Atatürk

9 Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha
At Gallipoli

10 Mustafa Kemal – Nation Builder

11 Mustafa Kemal - Diplomat

12 Mustafa Kemal President

13 Atatürk’s Reforms – “6 Arrows” 1924
Mustafa Kemal - President Atatürk’s Reforms – “6 Arrows” 1924 Secular government: Elimination of the Caliphate/ Sharia Law replaced by Western Law No Islamic/Ottoman Dress Change to Latin Alphabet Literacy campaign Surnames Women’s Rights/Coeducation Moving the Capital away from Istanbul

14 Mustafa Kemal President

15 Mustafa Kemal - Family Man
Wife, Latife & 13 Adopted Daughters, including Sabiha, Zehra & Rukiye

16 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Icon

17 Funeral 9 Nov 38 – 9:05am

18 Atatürk – Cult of Personality
Heykel nerede?

19 Parties represented in the current Parliament (Meclis) 2014
Party Ideology Political Position Leader MPs[1] Justice and Development Party Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi AKP Economic liberalism Social conservatism Islamism (disputed by party)[2] Center-right Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 313 Republican People's Party Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi CHP Kemalism Social democracy Center-left Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu 131 Nationalist Movement Party Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi MHP Social conservatism Pan-Turkism Turkish nationalism Right-wing Devlet Bahçeli 52 Peoples' Democratic Party Halkların Demokratik Partisi HDP Kurdish nationalism Democratic socialism Feminism Left-wing Ertuğrul Kürkçü Sebahat Tuncel 27 Peace and Democracy Party Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi BDP Feminism Kurdish nationalism Social democracy Gültan Kışanak Selahattin Demirtaş 2

20 İsmet İnönü

21 Adnan Menderes

22 Turkish Civil-Military Relations

23 Theories of Civil/Military Relations
Huntington, “The Soldier and the State” – Professional Soldier Janowitz, “The Professional Soldier” – Soldier/Statesman “The military needs coercive power to protect society, but once established, the power is itself a potential threat to the interests of the group it is meant to protect.” Objective v. subjective control

24 Turkish Military Interventions
1960 – Guardian Guardian 1980 – Guardian 1997 – Displacement None were the military ruler type.

25 Süleyman Demirel Primeminister seven times President

26 Bülent Ecevit Prime Minister four times between 1974-99
Succeeded Inonu as leader of CHP Ordered the invasion of Cyprus in 1974

27 Turgut Özal Prime Minister President (Died in office)

28 Tansu Çiller Prime Minister 1993-96 for DYP Turkey’s only female PM

29 Necmettin Erbakan Refah (Welfare) Partisi PM from 1996-97
Removed by the 28 February Movement

30 Turkey - Laiklik

31 7.8 on the Richter Scale 45K died/500k homeless
Golcuk 17 Aug 99 7.8 on the Richter Scale 45K died/500k homeless

32 Orhan Pamuk 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature
2005 Prosecuted under Art. 301 for insulting Turkey

33 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

34 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan AKP

35 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

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