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2 County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Progress

3 County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Progress
Arenac County Group – To be developed. Currently working with other members of the Arenac Multi-Purpose Collaborative Body and the Arenac Community Needs Assessment Planning Subcommittee. Recent Activities Jan/Feb ’11 – M. Kushion coordinating with Pam Sook of the Bay/Arenac Regional Education School District (RESD), as well as Roger Rushlow, Holly Bender, Amy Lynch, and Kim Bejek in preparation for the survey. Upcoming Activities Week of 02/21/11 – M. Kushion to coordinate survey release

4 County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Progress
Clare-Gladwin Health Improvement Planning Working Group - Also known as the Health Advisory Subcommittee under the Clare/Gladwin Systems of Care Co-occurring Leadership Recent Activities 01/27/11 – 2:30 PM – Meeting 7 with 24 attendees – Developed the following Health Services Objectives and signed up for Topic Teams. Increase access to medical, mental, dental, and vision services for the uninsured, the underinsured, and all other community members. Increase the number of providers of primary care and specialty services, including prenatal, maternal, pediatric, geriatric, dental, and vision care. Increase awareness among individuals of the need for health care services and increase awareness of the availability of health services Integrate services and improve continuity between acute and chronic needs. Increase the quality of health care services Retain current health care providers. Increase “wellness” checks. Obtain current local area data. Increase use of technology, including electronic medical records systems. Upcoming Activities 02/24/11 – 2:30 PM – Meeting 8 – Topics to be determined

5 County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Progress
Isabella Health Improvement Planning Working Group In conjunction with the Isabella County Community Collaborative Recent Activities 02/04/11 – 10:30 AM – Meeting 6 with 21 attendees, including 3 interns – Developed the following preliminary Health Services Objectives and signed up for Topic Teams. Increase access to medical, mental, dental, and vision services for the uninsured, the underinsured, and all other community members. Increase/provide affordable health care services, including dental and vision/optical services. Improve the integration of mental and physical health services. Integrate services and improve continuity between acute and chronic needs and encourage the development of a “medical home” for health services/prevention. Improve appropriate utilization of medical, mental, and physical healthcare services (hospital emergency rooms, urgent care/walk-in clinics, etc.) Increase access to affordable health/dental/vision insurance. Increase awareness among individuals of the need to access health care services and resources and increase awareness of existing health services and resources (insurance, medication resources, health care providers' services, free screenings, referral assistance, etc.). Upcoming Activities 03/04/11 – 10:30 AM – Meeting 7 – Topics to be determined

6 County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Progress
Osceola County Group – To be developed. Recent Activities 02/15/11 – Osceola Health Issues Survey released Upcoming Activities 02/25/11 - Osceola Health Issues Survey due

7 County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Progress
Roscommon County Health Improvement Planning Working Group in conjunction with the Roscommon Human Services Collaborative Body Recent Activities 02/16/11 – 9:30 AM – Meeting 6 with 12 attendees – Finalized topic areas, including sub-setting mental health under health services and prioritized topics of focus as follows. Health Services Family Life Abusive and Violent Behavior Housing Transportation Nutrition and Physical Activity Substance Abuse Environmental Health Upcoming Activities 03/16/11 – 9:30 AM – Meeting 7 – Topics to be determined

8 County Health Improvement Planning Working Groups Topics of Focus
Clare-Gladwin Isabella Roscommon Health Services Nutrition and Weight Status (Clare-Gladwin and Isabella) - Nutrition and Physical Activity (Roscommon) Violence (Clare-Gladwin) - Abusive/Controlling/Violent Behavior (Isabella) - Abusive and Violent Behavior (Roscommon) Substance Abuse Mental Health Issues Maternal and Infant Health Reproductive/Sexual Health (Clare-Gladwin) - Reproductive and Sexual Health (Isabella) Lifestyle and Living Conditions Family Life Housing Transportation Environmental Issues (Isabella) - Environmental Health (Roscommon) Water Quality

9 Action Items: Approval of Core Values Approval of Logo
Approval of Operating Agreements




13 Approval of Operating Agreements
Organizational Structure and Governance Meetings Code of Conduct Decision Making (on hold – may be merged with other agreements)

14 Demonstration of Team Room


16 Priority Tasks (for each Objective) - What needs to be done?
Who will do what by when? Objective: Health Summit 2 Priority Tasks Who will do them Timeline Determine Location – Doherty Hotel CMDHD – A. Bradac; M. Kushion January 2011 Confirm Date April 14 Council February 1, 2011 Budget/Funding/Sponsorship Food Refreshments February Agenda development March 2011 Establish event roles – Host, greeters, facilitators, speakers, technical Save the date announcement sent CMDHD February 2011 Confirm speakers M. Kushion Develop invitations/flyers March 1, 2011 Send invitations Media announcement – pre and post event Pre – April 1, 2011 Post – April 22, 2011 Determine/order supplies and equipment

17 Our timeline – What are the big events that we should be aware of?
Phase Start - Up Launch Perform Delivery Test Date Milestones Dates Results Feb. 17, 2011 Establish TWC Governance Structure March 1, 2011 Develop Media Plan for County Health Rankings April 14, 2011 Public Health Summit 2 April 21, 2011 Develop Communication Platform (Team Room) June 16, 2011 Develop Comprehensive Community Health Improvement Plan May 2011 Increase participation on HIP Working Groups in all six counties January 2012 Centralize Health Services/Service Info Directories/211 March 2012 Increase awareness of access to health services

18 Our objectives and results – What are we trying to accomplish?
Top Objectives Results Timeline Establish TWC HI-C governance – operating agreements, financial plans, communication plan, IM/KM plan, relationships with HIP groups Documents produced and approved By Feb 2011 Meeting Media Plan to address County Health Rankings – Press releases; interviews (increase in quantity and quality); positive media and public response By March 1, 2011 Health Summit 2 Increase attendance; additional sectors represented April 14, 2011 Develop comprehensive Health Improvement Plan Plan document produced and published June 16, 2011 Develop Communication Platform (Team Room) Populated and used April 21, 2011 Centralize Health Services/Service Information Directories/211 – increase community awareness Increased number of calls, conduct surveys, ads and marketing By January 2012 Increase awareness of health service & alternative options. Decrease in ER visits for non-emergency reasons By March 2012 Increase participation on HIP boards/groups in all six counties Increased membership By May 2011


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