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PRESIDENTIAL TEAM Basic Training Click on screen to move on 1

2 1. First, find YOUR WHY: “If you could draw a picture of your life, as you would choose it to be, and then jump into it … what would it look like?” Write down the things you want in your life & write down the future as you would have it, then work at making it real Write down the things you don’t want in your life & write down the future that will be if you don’t change it, then burn it! BE TRUE TO YOURSELF VISUALISE: Get pictures, make a dream board VERBALISE: Talk to yourself, write it down & read it often. VITALISE: test drive it, view it ACTUALISE: imagine it as if you’ve got it BE AFRAID! Where do you want to be in 1-year? Where do you want to be in 3-years? Where do you want to be in 5-years? 2

3 1. Structure Goals You You
Always sponsor the FIRST to the POWERLINE … This gives you more chance of a BIG Mega Match whilst you bring others on board Put the next TWO into your PAYLINE to add to you Basic Commissions Keep on doing it that way until the POWERLINE is producing 10 times the turnover of the PAYLINE If in doubt – CHECK UPLINE 2 u1 3 Bronze ,500 CV Silver ,000 CV Gold ,500 CV Team Leader ,000 CV Team Manager ,000 CV Team Director ,000 CV Team Elite ,000 CV Pearl Exec ,000 CV Emerald Exec ,000 CV Diamond Exec ,000 CV Presidential Exec - 400,000 CV Divide the CV by 120 to work out how many people are needed. Times that by £ for turnover u2 1 3

4 1. The 4-step PATTERN: Share (STP): The ONLY way to a really BIG income Use & Retail: Gives you belief, covers your commitment Learn: The plan, the business, people skills, about yourself Coach: Follow our system and pass it on.. Show the Plan (STP) See the people - Sell the product - Stop the procrastination - Stuff the pockets! This can be done via an overview in person or across the net – followed by a full presentation in home, hotel or across the net Use & Retail: This is the only real way to know personally that the products are ‘world-class! It is also the very minimum, basic way for a family to cover their Auto Ship requirement. Because of the low monthly volume required by SYNERGY, selling is not something you have to do but, it is a good thing to do and will help for when you have to advise others in your team who want to retail. It’s also a good way of profiting from your Auto Ship. Simply use the information available and give out samples. Learn: Go to as many presentations and trainings as you can, review the online presentation often, take notes, practice and share it with others. Read PMA/Industry/people skill books & listen to audio information. Coach: Try not to alter the basic training that you have here and, above all, keep it simple. The main aim is to get duplication therefore you need everything to be simple, do-able and teachable both now and for the long-term. 4

5 Take the time to make a written list of names
2. First, make a BIG list Don’t pre-judge Take the time to make a written list of names The 1st section of questions will ID those who are at the same or higher levels of ambition. Who do you know whom you respect? Success - marriage - attitude - talent. Who do you know who's in business, self employed or tries? Who do you know who's a manager, foreman or supervisor? Who do you know who's a leader, active in clubs, associations or charities? Who do you know who's the life & soul of the party? The 2nd section will ID those who are at the same or higher social levels. Who are your CLOSEST friends/relations? Who would you invite to a party? Who was on your Xmas list/wedding list? The 3rd section will ID known acquaintances. Who are your neighbours/old neighbours? Who do you work with/have you worked with? Who do you do business with? Who have you done business with, sold you your house car etc? Who do you know because of; golf, church, school, sport etc? The 4th section is the biggest future list - A stranger is just a friend that you haven't met yet! Who do you know abroad or who has contacts abroad? Who can you get to know from 'Friends Reunited', , prospecting, adverts etc? If you’re working with a couple, make it a competition. When doing the “Closest friends & relatives’, tell them you’ll give them 30-seconds but don’t stop until they stop writing. Put a mark by: 25-45 Married Mortgaged Good job They should be called first! 5

With your upline: Ask them to help by doing full home meetings or ‘two on one’ overview presentations with you. But, be aware that you should still print off the presentations and learn them because, until you do your own presenting, you are at the mercy of your upline’s time! In person: Print off the overview presentation and either invite people to you, go to them or meet in hotel lobbies Set up a Web Conference: Send them online: Invite people to take a look and ask when they’re likely to do it; call them an hour later: Invite them to Hotel meetings: These are worth setting up if you &/or your local team have at least 50 people who say they will attend (expect 20 to 30% to actually come!) Established Hotel Presentations are a great place for a ‘2nd look’ and to invite credible people to see the plan and meet others in the team. The ideal Pattern: Either invite directly to a full plan or do an overview first. Ideally, everyone should start with 2-home meetings and have 3-sets of people at each To get 3-sets you need to have 9 saying they’ll be there because 1/3rd won’t turn up The aim is to follow up on them and to get 2-sets sponsored, for which you both book up 2-more meetings! You would then also go & do one-on-one presentations with those that did not come 6

7 2. Basic Invitation : Keep small-talk to a minimum: Be in a hurry
Clear the date & time first KEY: If we had a way that you could create a very good income, alongside of your job, would you want to find out more about it? Take away: “I can’t promise anything at this stage but, it’ll be great if we can work together!” In answer to questions: I'd love to tell you more but I really can't do it justice on the phone ...Imagine that I had a £150,000 car for sale and I sent you the tail-light through the post, you wouldn't buy it based on that and that's the same problem if I try to explain on the phone! The deal is this, if you like what you see we’ll be working together, if not you can still help us by passing on the information to others. Keep the call short Don’t try to sell or explain it all on the phone Remember you are doing them a huge favour 7

8 2. Format For Presenting:
One on One: If with upline just follow their advice … Edify Call the night before; did I say (time) or (time) Break the ice, remind them why you’re there Show the overview Ask; “Did that leave you wanting more information”? Arrange for them to see the full presentation Home Meeting: It saves time if you can get groups of people to your home As always, call night before Keep the meeting room normal Just tidy where people will be Remove any distractions Don’t show concern about others who should be coming Be exited about speaker coming Introduce speaker as a friend who is successful etc Take notes/record Coffee/tea after Take positive people to the presenter, remove negative people Ask; what do you think Register/activate or give more information & arrange a follow up meeting as above OK, before we relieve you of your curiosity I’d like to introduce you to Stuart. Stuart is friend of mine and he’s very successful in this business and is going to share it with you on our behalf because we’re still learning. I’d like you to make sure your mobiles are off and reserve your questions until the end Here’s Stuart 8

9 3. Learn how to EDIFY (It’s the GLUE of your business!)
Simple example – You edify with your: Words - Always find the good to say. Never use the 4-C’s Deeds - Arrive early, stay late, promote & participate Heart – You can’t fake it, it becomes a way of life Look for reasons to praise, edify, uplift & recognise … make OTHERS the star! Brag up your upline to your prospect before you bring them together then, when your upline edifies you, your prospect will have more reason to follow you!. 9

10 3. Answers to questions: Is it a pyramid? Looks like a pyramid?
That’s a pyramid ! Don’t have time. Don’t know anyone. Not sure about product? Don’t have money to do it. Worried about Auto-Ship? Seen this sort of thing before. It’s only those at the top that make money. How much are you making? How many have you sponsored? There’s a difference between questions and excuses …. Don’t sell or convert … just sort & sift! 10

Remember … You are doing them the favour, what you have could permanently change their lives! OUR QUESTIONS If we can answer that for you … Is there anything else that’s stopping you? The bottom line is that if you want to do this, we’ll find the answer … If you don’t want to do this we won’t! So the real question is; are your questions being asked because you want to find out how to make it work or because you want to prove it won’t work? Don’t be desperate and don’t be afraid to ‘take-away’. 11

12 3. Follow Up: After the meeting: Give Disc pack, arrange to meet within 24 to 48 hours to answer questions. Set up a 3-way with upline, get to a web conference and/or ANY meetings in your area. READY TO GO – If not local do this via telephone/web conference: Follow the 1st steps, A4 double sided sheet format Make a list of names using the ‘name nudger’ shown earlier Book 2-meetings about 3-days apart or set up a series of 1-on1/web presentations Fill in & sign the registration form with them ASAP making sure the bank account details are correct.  Use a CREDIT CARD for the registration fee and include a password then fax it to:   or securely it to Within 24 to 48-hours have them call to make sure they received the registration and have taken the correct fee and have the correct details then, help them set up their activation and autoship on the same card.  They pay for autoship on the 10th of the month. Help them personally or via 3-way to call their guests if they need help or have a poor show at the first meeting using the scripts shown earlier. Guide them through the steps shown earlier on how to have meetings Repeat the process with their positive guests 90% of people won’t make their mind up on the day so … always have a diary with you and give them 2-alternatives for an appointment. 12

13 This is all covered in the 1st steps A4 double sided sheet
4. The first 4 IMMEDIATE steps: This is all covered in the 1st steps A4 double sided sheet Make a list: And book up 2 to 3 home meetings or a series of one on one dates. Register: This costs £20 and reserves your place and gives you access to your ‘Back Office’. Activate: This costs £145 and enables you to get an initial batch of discounted product which you can then try for yourself and use as samples. Auto Ship: This facility is the easiest way to make sure that your monthly commitment is met. It ensures that you’re doing 120CV PM and enables you to be paid bonuses. It helps to motivate you to retail and sponsor and shows your upline team that you are a serious player which will, in turn, draw them and their help to you. It costs £ PM and enables you to obtain £ worth of product. People who do all are potential winners – work hard with them. People who do the first two only may still have serious doubts – get them moving quickly and look for winners People who only register maybe ‘freeloaders’. Get to work FAST on building their team and finding winners. If they won’t let you help them sponsor … MOVE ON! In any event: They ALL have to do 1 & 3! 13

14 4. The importance of autoship
One of your first priorities should be for you to be on autoship yourself … This will MOTIVATE you to work your business … without this it’s very hard to get true duplication A couple will use 2-bottles a month each You use the product for your health You use the product to understand it You can’t be sincere without self use To make the plan work you need as many of your team on autoship as possible Autoship is the best way for them to be covering their 120 CV (£100.00) Per Month So … How do you cover the cost of the rest of your own autoship and teach others to do the same? 14

4. 17 – reasons to drink Açai Protects Cells Scavengers For Free Radicals Strengthens Cell Membrane Builds Proteins Restores Antioxidant Number Strengthens Immune System Strengthens Nervous System Helps Reduce The Risk Of Cancer Relieves Inflammation Fights Bacteria Fights Viruses Provides Essential Oils Combats Effects Of Diabetes Strengthens Vision Strengthens Heart Helps Prostate Increases Mental Clarity Stabilizes Proper Cholesterol Levels In a ‘nutshell’ Açai can help you to live longer and die healthy! £1.64 A DAY - WHAT PRICE DO YOU PUT ON YOUR HEALTH? 15

16 4. Sell your product to cover autoship
Method-1: Use 2-bottles a month yourself Sell 6-bottles of Mistify a month All this requires is 3-customers Retail Profit covers you own use! HOW? To people who say no to the plan To friends, relations & health conscious To clubs, health businesses etc To downline who haven’t activated If you can afford to; give one of your bottles for free. If you can’t … Offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 16

17 4. Find 4 each month who activate
Method-2: Each activation pays you £25 £100 PM Fast Start Bonuses You 25 25 25 25 17

18 4. Build a team to cover autoship
You Method-3: Build a team of 17-active people They should duplicate you £100 PM Basic Commission 100 100 100 For Example … 17 people on autoship in your PAYLINE equals £1,000 in net sales & makes you £100 pm in Basic Commission 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 18

19 4. Find a winner to cover autoship
You Method-4: When they have 17-active … £100 PM Mega Match This could also be a number of smaller Mega Matches that add up to 1,000 Bill 1000 DO ALL OF THESE STEPS AND YOU’LL BE IN PROFIT! 19

20 Keep the list alive - think MEGA - MATCH!
5. What if I run out of people?: THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN! First you have your own list. Next you help others with their lists. Finally you can do ACTIVITY on your own or with your team to create new lists of prospects/customers: Learn the art of prospecting/contacting people Buy Internet leads Use the 1m rule Use street surveying Put flyers through letter boxes/hand them out in the street Put Cards on drivers doors Make up ‘hot pockets/opportunity grabbers Put advertising on your car Put up posters (on your own door/window first) Keep the list alive - think MEGA - MATCH! Make it consistent … a little everyday is better than a ‘one off’ of 1000’s! Expand your comfort Zone 20

21 Let them know that Stuart Walden recommended you.
5. Best source for leads: We have an excellent source for leads at a  price of £22.50 for 10- local leads or £15.00 for 10-national leads! These leads have not been sold to anyone else!  They are up to 5-days old and have been pre-qualified with the advert below: Let them know that Stuart Walden recommended you. Work from home! The '45 year plan' has most of us too busy earning a living to take control of our lives. Fact: We work 45 years to make others wealthy and reach 65 with spare time and a poor pension. Why not join people already making a huge difference to their lifestyle, no previous experience necessary. Join a leading international network marketing company offering innovative products to their customers as well as a fantastic opportunity to grow your own successful business as a distributor. For free no obligation information on how you can earn good money and have a great lifestyle, enter your name, address, & telephone number here 21

22 5. What do you do?: I’m a business consultant …
I help people to set up and expand, alongside of what they already do … Do you know anyone in this area who is interested in making money? If I could show you a way that you could create a very good income, alongside of what you already do, would you be the sort of person who would have the confidence to sit down with me & find out more? PRATICE … No hesitation 22

23 5. Invitation (tailor to suit which ever presentation you use.) :
Hi, can I speak to Joe Prospect please? Hi Mr Prospect, my name is Mary Millionaire and I work with The Presidential Team Business Consultancy ... That won't ring a bell with you because we haven't actually met yet but you responded to a (…...) Just to give you an idea about us, we help people to set up and expand in business and I've been advertising in (……) because we're putting on a seminar/conducting interviews in the area on (…..) Evening ... Now, I can’t make you any promises but, here's the key question, "If we could, show you how to create a good income, alongside of whatever you do now, would you be the sort of person who would have the confidence to spend an hour with us? Great, have you got a pen handy? Here's the address: (……)  The presentation starts at (…..) sharp but I suggest you get there (30-minutes earlier) so we can have a little time to get acquainted. Here's my mobile in case you have any problems (…..)  Just to let you know, obviously We've had a lot of replies to our adverts so we're giving priority to those who come to the meeting because they've shown some commitment. By the way, are you married or with a partner? It would be a good idea to have your partner with you to save time on second explanations”! 23

24 5. What’s it about etc: I'd love to tell you more but I've I can't really do it justice on the phone.  Imagine that I had a £150,000 car for sale and I sent you the tail-light through the post, you wouldn't buy it based on that would you ... and that's the same problem that I have  if I try to explain on the phone! What I will tell you is that we are involved with marketing and recruitment but I don't know which area will suit you best until we've met and you have more detail. The deal is this, if you like what you see I'll give you more information and we'll talk later.  If you don't, you'll have spent an hour gaining a new experience! Is it Networking? MLM? Pyramid? Scam? I don't know much about what you're saying there but, I can tell you that what we do is honest & legal and it works! – You really need to meet with us and get more information so that you have more to go on. Can't do day: That's a shame ... If I can fit you in for a one to one meeting, which would be best for you, day or evening?   day or day?  At your home or a Hotel lobby?  OK ... How about day at ? WON'T MEET UP: Do above ONLINE … If still no say; That's really a shame but ... If I send you a web-link perhaps you would be so kind as to look at the information in it and pass it on to anyone you know who is genuinely ambitious?  It's NEXT 21

25 6. Meetings – learn to edify & promote them!
Synergy Business Presentations (BP): Business dress, generally from 8:00 to 9:30 PM Presidential Team Trainings (PTT): Smart Casual dress, generally from 8:00 to 10:00 PM – Presentations also shown from 6:45 prior to the meeting. Web BP: Live presentation done online, generally 8:00 to 9:00 PM Sizzle Sessions: Casual dress, generally from 7:30 to 9:30 PM - Web PTT: Live trainings done online, generally 8:00 to 9:00 PM designed to coincide with SS Presidential Team Workshops (PTW): Smart Casual Dress, Generally from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Break Away Weekends: Various dress! Every 6- Months at Birmingham Heathrow Meetings: Business dress. Put together by William & Henry with various timings and content There are various reasons for going to the meetings but how you use them defines what sort of team player you are. It has been said that the time you don’t want to go is the time you NEED to go the most! Each meeting has a purpose and is put on to help us all build a MASSIVE team We need your help with this .. Obviously to bring along guests and new people – But also to support them so that they are still there to support you when you NEED them! Watch closely when it comes to meetings … If they miss one event it may be that they have a genuine reason. If they miss to it may be a coincidence If they miss three it’s a lifestyle … MOVE ON 25

6. 20% Mechanics - 80% attitude! Doubt sees the obstacles, FAITH sees the way … Doubt sees the darkest night, FAITH sees the day … Doubt fears to take a step, FAITH soars on high … Doubt questions … Who believes … FAITH ANSWERS … I ! FAITH Sponsor – Product - Company ACTION Learn to focus on work & shorten disappointment time BELIEF NO SURRENDER – NEXT – MOVE ON! 26

27 6. KEEP THE FAITH! “When faced with a mountain I will not quit.
I will find a way round or … I will find a way over or .. I will tunnel on through … BUT … I WILL NEVER QUIT because … “Quitters NEVER win and WINNERS never quit!” 27

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