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B-13 Data Collection April 3, 2017
How To Complete B-13 Checklists in CIMS
Welcome! The B-13 Data Collection Webinar will begin in a few moments.
Join the webinar: You will be given the option to connect your audio by phone or computer No password is required for this webinar To join the webinar by (US Toll) phone only (Note: Phones are currently on mute). Dial Enter Webinar ID: This presentation will be recorded and available for download on the CIMS Training Website ( To communicate with the presenters during the presentation, please use the “Q and A” feature. Office of Special Education
Welcome & Introductions
Office of Special Education (OSE) Jessica Brady, Supervisor Janet Timbs Shawan Dortch Public Sector Consultants (PSC) Lynne Clark Karen Hairston Sarah Greer Welcome, write questions in the chat box. Office of Special Education
Agenda Overview Username and passwords Viewing the student lists
Completing the activity Answering the checklist questions Resources Office of Special Education
Overview Office of Special Education
Process Highlights The B-13 data collection is completed in CIMS ( The work is completed by ISD Transition Coordinators (TCs) and LEA Transition Coordinator Contacts (TCCs). Student lists and checklists are available in CIMS on April 15, 2017. Checklists must be submitted by June 30, 2017. Office of Special Education
Who Uses CIMS? CIMS Coordinators Transition Coordinators (TCs)
District personnel who manage the CIMS Workbook for a district. CIMS Coordinators can view, but not edit, their district's checklist. Transition Coordinators (TCs) TCs are ISD-level Transition Coordinators. TCs have access to complete all districts’ checklists within an ISD. Transition Coordinator Contacts (TCCs) TCCs are district personnel who complete the checklists. TCCs have access to complete only their district's checklist. Sometimes the CIMS Coordinators are also the Transition Coordinator Contacts. Office of Special Education
TIP: Know Your CIMS Coordinator
Every district has a CIMS Coordinator who manages the Workbook. If you don’t know who your CIMS Coordinator is, ask your: Special Education Director Building principal ISD Representative CIMS Help Desk (Call them at ) Office of Special Education
Usernames and Passwords
Office of Special Education
Transition Coordinators (TCs) and Transition Coordinator Contacts (TCCs)
If you already have a CIMS username and password, ask yourself: Did I complete B-13 data collection last year? Am I at the same district as I was last year? Do I still know my username and password? If you can answer YES to all three questions, you can access CIMS. Office of Special Education
TCs and TCCs (cont.) What If You Answered No?
If you moved to a new district: You must be reapproved for access to CIMS. No need to complete the New User form, just provide your username to your TC to request access. If you don’t know your username or password: Use the “Forgot Password?” link on the Login page ( Your address must match the one on file with CIMS! Still need help? Call the CIMS Help Desk. Office of Special Education
New ISD Transition Coordinators: Username and Password
If you haven’t already done so, click “New User” on the Login page ( Complete the form. Call the CIMS Help Desk at Office of Special Education
New Local TCCs: Username and Password
The CIMS Team reached out to TCs in March to verify that their district has the correct users in CIMS. A few TCs shared a list of new TCCs with the CIMS Team. These new users have been loaded into CIMS. To access your account after April 14, new TCCs will: Receive an from the CIMS Team with your username. Use the “Forgot Password?” link on the Login page ( to re-set your password. Still need help? Call the CIMS Help Desk ( ), tell them you received an , and ask for help setting your password. Once you are an approved user you should expect to get s from the CIMS Constant Contact. It is important to note that if at any time you click to “unsubscribe” you will no longer receive any s from the CIMS constant contact information system. You may lose important notifications and information by doing this, it is not recommended to “unsubscribe”. Office of Special Education
New Local TCC: If You Don’t Receive an Email
Click “New User” on the Login page ( Complete the form. Contact your TC and request access (they will need to approve your access by contacting the CIMS Help Desk). After your TC contacts the CIMS Help Desk, the Help Desk will set up your access. Note: Access will not be immediate! Please be patient. Office of Special Education
Note for ISD TCs To approve a district TCC for CIMS access, you must:
Ask the user if he/she has completed the “New User” form. Contact (call or ) the CIMS Help Desk and explain you want to set-up a new TCC. You’ll need to provide: User’s full name User’s district name Office of Special Education
Viewing the Student Lists
Office of Special Education
How to View the Student List
Log in ( Click on the Data Tab at the top of the CIMS page. a. Under “Data Types,” select B-13 Data Collection – April 2017 b. Click Search, and your district(s) will appear at the bottom of your screen. c. Select the object name of the district you wish to open. Click B-13 Student List and Summary Report. Create report. Office of Special Education
1. Log in: View Student List
Welcome to CIMS:( Office of Special Education
2. Search in the Data Tab: View Student List
Office of Special Education
3. Select the object name: View Student List
Office of Special Education
4. B-13 Student List and Summary Report: View Student List
Office of Special Education
5. Create Report: View Student List
To export files to Excel, ensure that the Export Results field is set to Excel from the drop down menu. There are other options to select, however excel is the most reliable when exporting. You can save it to your desktop or a portable device for printing. When exporting to excel, you may receive a warning that the file may be corrupt. These files are not corrupt and you can feel safe to download and save them. Be sure that the save as type is set to Excel Workbook, not webpage. Office of Special Education
What Do I Do with the Student List?
Download a copy of the B-13 checklist on the B-13 Indicator Page Print a paper copy of the checklist for each student. Review each student’s file using a paper copy of the B-13 checklist. Complete the B-13 checklists in CIMS before June 30 Explain why it’s important to have a paper copy of the record. This will be useful in pulling files for review before entering data into CIMS. If CIMS times out while you are entering data, these paper copies will be a life saver. Office of Special Education
TIP for ISD TCs: Pulling Student Lists for all Districts in an ISD
If you’re a TC, you may want to have a list of ALL students in ALL districts for your ISD. CIMS can create this list for you. To create an ISD-wide student list: Click on the Reports link from the CIMS Home Page. Click on B-13 Student List & Summary Report Download. Create report by selecting Document Type and clicking Execute. Note: You can also use this to review if there are any “Nos” on your checklists. Explain that any “no” answers represent noncompliance and that it is helpful to have paper copies of all of the answers to assist with targeted trainings for the district and possibly for other districts within the ISD. Office of Special Education
1. Click on Reports link: Pulling Student Lists
Not the Reports TAB, the Reports LINK Office of Special Education
2. B-13 Student List & Summary Report Download: Pulling Student Lists
Office of Special Education
3. Create report and click Execute: Pulling Student Lists
Select your ISD from the menu Office of Special Education
Completing the Activity
Office of Special Education
How to Complete the Checklists
Log in ( Search for the checklists in the Data tab. Click B-13 Data Collection Checklist Records. Access, complete a checklist, and SAVE. Use the dropdown menu to select a new student name and complete another checklist (SAVE each one). Review the Summary Report. Upload student IEPs. Change the status to submit the checklists. Emphasize that all work for each student must be saved before moving on to another student’s checklist. Office of Special Education
1. Log in: Complete the Checklists
Welcome to CIMS:( Office of Special Education
2. Search in the Data Tab: Complete the Checklists
Office of Special Education
3. Select the object name: Complete the Checklists
Office of Special Education
4. B-13 Data Collection Checklist Records: Complete the Checklists
Office of Special Education
Accessing the students’ checklists
Select student’s name in the dropdown menu. Click “Go”. You can use the dropdown menu to confirm the list of students that you will be reviewing for the B-13 checklists Office of Special Education
Note: B-13 Data Collection Checklist
Must: Include information from the student’s IEP as of March 1. Reflect initially reviewed data (before any corrections) for each student. Don’t forget to include both the Review Date and the Date of the IEP you are reviewing. Remind listeners that the IEP being reviewed is the one that is in effect on March 1, 2017, not future IEPs or any other IEP, whatever was in effect on March 1, 2017. If there are items of noncompliance that have been subsequently corrected in later IEPs, those IEPs can be uploaded to the SLCAPs for verification of correction. Office of Special Education
5. Access, Complete and Save: Complete the Checklists
See training manual for detailed information on how to answer each item and determine compliance. All items must be marked yes or NA for compliance. No explanations are needed for this checklist. Office of Special Education
Student Level Corrective Action Plans (SLCAP)
If a student’s checklist indicates an area of noncompliance, an SLCAP, will be issued to the district in the September 2017 Workbook. Districts will have 30 school days to complete the SLCAP for each student. Districts do not need to wait for the SLCAPs to be issued to begin making corrections. Through the SLCAP process, all corrections will be documented and submitted to the Office of Special Education through the CIMS Workbook. Explain what an SLCAP is, this is the first time that it is introduced in the PPT. Emphasize that holding an IEP prior to the issuance of the SLCAP in the September 2017 Workbook may correct the issue and be used to demonstrate correction. Office of Special Education
Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
If a student’s checklist indicates an area of noncompliance, a CAP, will be issued to the district in the September 2017 Workbook. Through the CAP process, all corrections will be documented and submitted to the Office of Special Education through the CIMS Workbook. Districts have one year to complete the CAP process Explain that data CAPs are based on looking at a moment in time. This year we are looking at March 1 and basing decisions regarding compliance on IEPs that were in effect on that data. Any subsequently corrected IEPs can be used by the Representatives to verify correction. They do not affect the compliance rate. If a district had a CAP for the same items issued in 2016 then another CAP for those same items will not be issued. However, if additional questions were found noncompliant, then a CAP for those additional questions will be issued. Office of Special Education
TIP: Save, Save, Save SAVE frequently to avoid losing your work!
Office of Special Education
TIP: How to Opt Out At the top of every checklist, there is an option to state, “I no longer have this student’s IEP,” and select a reason. A student must have graduated prior to March 1 to select “has graduated”. If you note that you no longer have this student’s IEP, the rest of the checklist will be hidden. Emphasize the graduation date prior to March 1, 2017 Office of Special Education
TIP: Understand Error Messages
If you try to save before a checklist is complete, you’ll get an error message. Your work will still save, but the checklist is not complete. Office of Special Education
6. Use Dropdown Menu to Select a New Student Name: Complete the Checklists
Select student’s name in the dropdown menu. Click “Go”. You can use the dropdown menu to confirm the list of students that you will be reviewing for the B-13 checklists Office of Special Education
6. Review the Summary Report: Complete the Checklists
If you’d like to see a summary of responses, you can use the Summary Report. Office of Special Education
Create the Summary Report
B-13 Student List & Summary Report Download Export Results Excel Office of Special Education
What Do I Do with the Summary Report?
Check whether… There are any questions where you answered “No”. There are any questions that are blank. A "No" answer for any item identifies that item as noncompliant. This will result in a finding of noncompliance in the September 15, Workbook and your district will be required to complete a CAP and an SLCAP. Note: If you have not completed the checklists, all or some of the Summary Report will be blank. Office of Special Education
7. Upload Student’s IEP: Complete the Checklists
Starting from the top of the list, select the fifth available student record whose file you are reviewing. Note: Available student records are those you are completing from the list provided by MDE. Upload that student’s IEP and supporting documentation to the IEP Upload Page. Add clarifying comments if needed. Save. Note: You may upload multiple documents as needed. TC or TCC does this work. You will need to upload consent documents, student and agency invitations, and IEP documents. You should upload documentation to support each question on the checklist. Office of Special Education
Access Student IEP Upload Page
Office of Special Education
Upload Student’s IEP OSE will be looking at the 5th IEP for compliance. Therefore, all evidence related to transition must be uploaded. This includes consent, invitations, the full IEP, etc. Anything you want considered for compliance must be uploaded. Office of Special Education
8. Change the Status Office of Special Education
8. Change the Status: Completed
Office of Special Education
Answering the checklist questions
The content remains the same as last year. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 1-1 Is there evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services were discussed? Yes No Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education
QUESTION 1-2 For Compliance Noncompliance
Documentation that the student was invited prior to the IEP Team meeting (note of verbal invite; phone log; invitation; etc.). Documentation that an invitation to the IEP Team meeting was addressed specifically to the student (may be co-addressed with parent). No documentation that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting. Documentation of the student’s attendance at the IEP Team meeting (sign-in) is not sufficient evidence of prior invitation. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 1 Documentation
IEP Invitation addressed to student. Student File or Contact Log (Phone log, note of verbal invite). Student sign-in is not evidence of invitation. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 2-1 Is there evidence of prior consent of the parent or student, who has reached the age of majority, to invite an agency? Yes No N/A Consent can be valid for up to one year or until the IEP meeting at which transition services are discussed, whichever comes first. Consent must be obtained for each agency the parent agrees to invite. The date of the consent cannot be later than the date of the invitation. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 2-2 For compliance Noncompliance
Documentation that, if an agency likely to pay or provide for transition services is to be invited, a request for consent was provided to the parent or student, who has reached age of majority. Documentation that, if an agency likely to pay or provide transition services was invited, that written consent was provided by the parent, or student who has reached age of majority. If NA: Documentation that the LEA determined that an outside agency was not likely to provide or pay for services. No documentation that, if an agency likely to pay or provide transition services was invited to the IEP by the LEA, that written consent was provided by the parent, or student who has reached the age of majority. No documentation that the LEA determined that there was no need to invite an outside agency. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 3-1 Is there evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency (that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services) was invited prior to the IEP Team meeting? Yes No N/A Office of Special Education
QUESTION 3-2 For Compliance Noncompliance
Documentation that an invitation to a community agency that is likely to provide or pay for transition services was sent prior to the IEP team meeting. If N/A Documentation that the parent or student, who has reached age of majority, denied consent or did not respond to the request for consent. Documentation that the LEA determined that an outside agency was not likely to provide or pay for services. Consent was provided but there is no documentation of agency invitation. Documentation exists indicating there was a need to invite an agency likely to provide or pay for transition services, but there is no evidence of consent and/or an invitation. Consent was not provided and an agency was still invited by the school. Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS 2 and 3 Documentation
Student File Copy of consent to invite agencies to an IEP Team meeting. Invitations to the IEP Team meeting. Consent form with denial indicated. Documentation of attempts to get consent prior to the IEP meeting. PLAAFP statement to help determine if an agency needed to be invited to the IEP. Postsecondary goals and transition activities to help determine if an agency needed to be invited to the IEP. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 4-1 Is there evidence that postsecondary goals were based on age appropriate transition assessment(s)? Training Education Employment Independent Living Skills, where appropriate Yes No N/A This question is asking about the use of age appropriate transition assessments being used in developing the goals. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 4-2 For Compliance Noncompliance To meet IDEA requirements:
There are postsecondary goals in training, education, employment and, where appropriate, independent living that are based on the age appropriate transition assessment results. Note: If postsecondary training and education goals are combined into one goal, mark YES for each. No documentation of transition assessment information/data in the areas of training, education, employment, and where appropriate independent living being used to develop the postsecondary goals. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 4 Documentation
PLAAFP Copy of Dated Transition Assessment Results Student File Office of Special Education
QUESTION 5-1 Does the IEP include an appropriate measurable postsecondary goal in the area of: Training Education Employment Independent Living Skills, where appropriate Yes No N/A *=training & education can be combined. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 5-2 For Compliance Noncompliance
There are measurable postsecondary goals in the areas of training, education, employment and, where appropriate, independent living that will be achieved after the student exits the public school system. A postsecondary goal that is not measurable. There is no goal in each of the areas of training, education, employment and, where appropriate independent living. Office of Special Education
Postsecondary Goals Measurable = Countable/Observable
Identifies an outcome, not a process One goal for each adult outcome area Adult Outcome Areas Education (required) Training (required) Employment (required) Independent Living (when appropriate) These are the requirements of post secondary goals Education and Training can be combined Office of Special Education
Postsecondary Goals Frame from NSTTAC (Example)
Step 1: Choose one of the three options After high school After graduation Upon completion of high school Step 2: The student Step 3: Behavior Step 4: Where How This frame is from NSTTAC Use of the word will is not required Frame is helpful but not required Will is measurable. Wants to, Desires, May, Intends to – are not measurable Office of Special Education
QUESTION 5 Documentation
IEP Office of Special Education
QUESTION 6-1 Are the postsecondary goals updated annually? Yes No
Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education
QUESTION 6-2 For compliance Noncompliance
Documentation that the postsecondary goals for education, training, employment and, where appropriate, independent living were reviewed annually and updated as necessary No documentation that postsecondary goals, on an annual basis, were reviewed and/or updated as necessary. This means that if the IEP is current, then the goals have been reviewed Office of Special Education
QUESTION 6 Documentation
IEP Office of Special Education
QUESTION 7-1 Does the IEP include transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals? Yes No Office of Special Education
QUESTION 7-2 For compliance Noncompliance
Documentation of transition services such as instruction, related service, community experience, development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills, in addition to courses of study, that will enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals. There are no documented transition services. Transition services must be identified to support the postsecondary goals. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 7 Documentation
IEP Office of Special Education
QUESTION 8-1 Does the IEP include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals? Yes No Office of Special Education
QUESTION 8-2 For compliance Noncompliance
The documented courses of study (Michigan Merit Curriculum or curriculum based on alternate achievement standards) enable the student to achieve his or her postsecondary goals. No courses of study documented. The documented courses of study do not enable the student to achieve his or her postsecondary goals. For a student working toward a certificate of completion or with a personal curriculum, those coursed must be on file with the district. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 8 Documentation
IEP Office of Special Education
QUESTION 9-1 Are there annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs? Yes No Office of Special Education
QUESTION 9-2 For compliance Noncompliance
Documentation of a measurable annual IEP goal that support the student’s transition services needs or post secondary goals listed in the IEP. No documentation of a measurable annual goal in the IEP related to the student’s transition services needs. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 9 Documentation
Annual Goals and Short-Term Objectives Page(s) PLAAFP statement or transition section for transition services needs or postsecondary goals We should comment that if you submit annual goals without the PLAAFP and/or transition section of the IEP, the OSE cannot always determine how the annual goal relates to the postsecondary goals. Office of Special Education
Components of Measurable Goals
Required Criteria for each goal and short term objective: Current level Skill to be measured(skill/behavior) A method of collecting data (measurement/conditions) Level of attainment to show mastery (accuracy rate/criteria) These components may be in the goal statement or other areas of the IEP. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 10-1 Is there evidence that the student’s needs, taking into account their strengths, preferences and interests, were considered? Yes No Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education
QUESTION 10-2 For compliance Noncompliance
Documentation that the student attended and participated in the IEP Team meeting. Documentation within the IEP that the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests were considered if he or she was not in attendance. No documentation in the IEP that the student’s needs, taking into account his/her strengths, preferences and interests, were considered. Office of Special Education
QUESTION 10 Documentation
Transition Assessment Results addressed Comments in PLAAFP Statements of student’s strengths, preferences, and interests Did Student Attend? If No, what steps were taken to ensure consideration? Office of Special Education
TIP:CIMS Training Website
Visit the CIMS Training Website for additional data collection resources. ( Office of Special Education
The data collection window closes June 30, 2017, at 11:59 PM
Reminder: Due Date The data collection window closes June 30, 2017, at 11:59 PM If no information is entered/completed for a student or list of students for a district then the entire checklist for each student is considered noncompliant. Office of Special Education
Where to Get Help Email the CIMS Help Desk (
Call toll free at Identify yourself as a TC or TCC, and tell the CIMS Help Desk you’re completing the B-13 checklist CIMS Training Website ( Office of Special Education
Questions? Office of Special Education
Contact Information Office of Special Education Teri Chapman, Director, Jan Weckstein, Asst. Director, Jessica Brady, Supervisor, Jeanne Anderson Tippett Janet Timbs Shawan Dortch Kathleen Hoehne Charles Thomas Aaron Darling Help Desk:
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