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Welcome to Kindergarten Curriculum Night Please sign in

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Curriculum Night Please sign in"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Curriculum Night Please sign in
Mrs. Argumaniz Miss Cook Miss Dowling Mrs. Flores Ms. Kelly

2 Kindergarten has changed!
Everyone is expected to read independently. Students will write at least 3 complete sentences on their own. Students will count forward and BACKWARD to at least 20. We ALL have to work together to help our children meet the goals set out for them this year.

3 Kindergarten is: Songs Field Trip Family Projects Kindergarten Rodeo
Field Day Lots of Fun!!

4 Independence Kindergarten is all about learning independence. Your child needs to be able to do the following things independently: Use the restroom and attend to any personal needs Follow cafeteria procedures Pack and unpack Backpack Turn in Folder/Homework Follow Classroom Routines Follow 3 step directions

5 Attendance By Texas Law, once a child is enrolled in school, they must attend 90% of the school days (159 days out of 177 days), in order to receive credit and be promoted to the next grade. When your child is absent, please send a note to school when he/she returns explaining the absence. Please send a doctor’s note if you have one. Being tardy affects everyone’s learning. A child is counted tardy if they are not in the building by 7:40 a.m.

6 Lunch Money The best way to put money on your child's account is to use the Bank a Meal program. You can reister at This ensures that no money is misplaced or lost. You will need to get your child’s ID number from the office or their teacher to set up an account. If you need to send money to school it needs to be in a sealed envelope/baggie marked with: Student’s name Teacher’s name Amount enclosed Please ensure that the envelope is in the take home folder or in the money pouch in the folder. We do not check through the student’s backpacks regularly.

7 Snack Students will have the chance to have a working snack during the day. The snack should be healthy and easy for the student to eat while working, keeping hands clean. Healthy snacks include: fruit, crackers, cereal, cereal/granola bars, graham crackers, fruit snacks, etc. Healthy snacks do NOT include: candy, cake, pudding, chips, sugar cereals, gummy candies, etc.

8 Birthdays You can bring a treat for your child to share with the class on his/her birthday. Please drop it off in the office and we will pick it up after specials to share at the end of the day. You can bring or join your child for lunch at anytime! Please sign in to the front office before going to the cafeteria. If you are sending party invitations to be passed out in class, there must be one for each student, and they cannot be in sealed envelopes. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

9 Language Arts

10 Reading Reading ability will be assessed using the DRA
The first administration of the DRA will be in January. The district requirement is that your child can read a DRA level 3 by the middle of the year and a level 6 at the end of the year. Not only does your child need to read this, he or she must also be able to retell all of the main events and characters in the story without looking back in the book. By the end of 1st grade, your child must read at a minimum of a level 18.

11 DRA Report

12 Level 3 Example

13 Level 6 Example

14 Level 18 Example

15 What can you do to help your child read?
When your child begins bringing home guided reading books and readers, sit down with them and have them read to you. Read to your child every night. Practice sight words and letters and sounds with flash cards Check out books from the library or order from Scholastic Book Clubs. Try “Step into Reading” books or “BOB” books. Also try phonics readers or sight word readers.

16 Conferences A conference will be scheduled for every child during the week of November Wednesday, November 11 is designated as an early release day for parent conferences. If you have concerns about your child, please call or to schedule a conference sooner.

17 Math

18 Counting and the Number System
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19 Addition and Subtraction and the Number System

20 Data Analysis

21 Measurement

22 Patterns, Functions, and Change

23 Geometry

24 Science

25 STEMscopes The district has adopted a new science curriculum. STEMscopes is an online resource for teachers to plan and help deliver lessons. There are activities and other things that students can do online from home.

26 Science Topics Exploring Matter and Energy Force, Motion and Energy
safety, tools and physical properties of objects, five senses, types of energy Force, Motion and Energy ways objects move, water, rocks and soil Earth and Space objects in the sky, weather Living Systems life cycles

27 Dismissal

Please display one sign with your child's name in large black letters on the outside of your visor, between the visor and the windshield with your child's name visible. Kindergarten pick-up area will be located as you turn the loop making us first. Stay in the car line closet to the sidewalk. Do not leave your vehicle. Teachers will walk your child to your car as it approaches our designated area.

29 WALKER DISMISSAL Outside the door of the gym on the east side. Make a line and show Mrs. Carriker or Robert’s your card with your child’s name and grade.

30 For your child’s safety, send a note if your child will be going home differently than usual.
We understand that emergencies sometimes occur resulting in a change of dismissal. Please notify the office as early as possible and no later than 2:00 p.m. Thank you for helping us!

31 Children who are not picked up will be given an espresso and
a free puppy 

32 We PTA

33 Who can join? moms dads grandparents aunts uncles children

34 Save the Date 10/8 at 6:00 PTA meeting & Bike Rodeo

35 Dress Code

36 What can I wear to school?
Girls Boys Wear shorts under your dresses and skirts. No spaghetti straps. Shirts must cover the belly. No tank under-shirts No underwear showing above pants.


38 Thank you! Thanks for coming! Thanks for reading to your child!
Thanks for helping your child to be successful!

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