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Follow Up Get out your workbook and make sure that you have completed all of the tables on pages 13 and 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Follow Up Get out your workbook and make sure that you have completed all of the tables on pages 13 and 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow Up Get out your workbook and make sure that you have completed all of the tables on pages 13 and 14.

2 The War in Europe

3 The War in Europe The Big Three FDR, Churchill, and Stalin
decided to defeat the Nazis before turning to the Japanese Stalin wanted the Allies to open a second front Churchill and Roosevelt attacked North Africa and Italy first, the “soft underbelly”

4 Major Events Stalingrad August 1942 – February 1943
1.5 million casualties Turning point on the European front D-Day June 6, 1944 Largest amphibious assault in history 160k soldiers, 5k ships, 1.5k tanks, 24k paratroopers 100k casualties first day, 6.6k Americans

5 Major Events Bombing Raids on Germany
Strategic bombing – bombing major cities and civilian populations By 1945 – US was dropping about 53k tons of bombs on Germany each month April and May 1945 April 12, 1945 – FDR died April 30, 1945 – Hitler committed suicide May 7, 1945 – Germany surrendered (V-E Day)

6 The War in the Pacific

7 Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 US enters WWII

8 Pearl Harbor Video Link Color Film Pearl Harbor

9 FDR Speech Video Link

10 Warm Up # 4 Is it alright to kill in order to save lives? What does it mean to be acting for the greater good, is that applicable in this situation?

11 The Philippines The day after the attack at Pearl Harbor, the Japanese began to invade the Philippines (Dec ) The US fought to hold the Philippines against Japan In April 1942, General MacArthur was forced to abandon the island and about 80k American and Filipino troops total MacArthur promised, “I shall return”

12 The Philippines – Bataan Death March
April 1942, Bataan fell to the Japanese 70k-80k troops were captured They were forced to march, estimated that 7k-14k died Very little food and water 60-65 miles in six days About 100 men loaded into railroad cars that were designed to hold men

13 Island Hopping Island Hopping – what is it?
US attacks Japan on select Pacific islands and “hop” over others, this way they could conserve resources Focus on places where Japan had fewer defenses This, along with relentless air bombing, helped the US be successful in the Pacific

14 Doolittle Raid April 18, 1942 Lieutenant James Doolittle
US aerial attack on Tokyo and other major cities Took off from 400 miles off the Japanese coast Dropped 500 pound bombs on Japan Raises US morale, shocks Japan


16 Battle of the Coral Sea May 1942
American code breakers knew of the Japanese attack First naval battle fought exclusively by carrier based aircraft.


18 Battle of Midway June 1942 Code breakers again learned of the Japanese attack – America set up an ambush Sank four Japanese aircraft carriers Turning point of the war in the Pacific stopped Japanese advance in the Pacific put Japan on the defensive


20 Battle of Iwo Jima February 1945
American B-29 bombers unable to bomb the mainland of Japan from long distances America needed a base closer and set their sights on Iwo Jima 23,000 Japanese troops on 4 mile by 2 mile island 1,500 miles of caves on the island only 216 were taken prisoner


22 Iwo Jima Continued 250,000 American troops attack
Beach landing after sea and aerial bombing tried to “soften” the Japanese defense A little over a month to take the island Brutal fighting – land mines, fighting day and night Around 22,000 American casualties (5,300 killed) Japan started with 23,000 soldiers, only 1,000 survived

23 Iwo Jima Video Link Flags of our Fathers Iwo Jima in Color

24 Okinawa and the Philippines
April-June 1945 After Iwo Jima, the US moved to take over Okinawa They were also able to retake the Philippines MacArthur proclaims, “People of the Philippines, I have returned!” Only 1/3 of the soldiers MacArthur left behind in 1942 survived to see his return


26 Attack on Japan Firebombing Japan Napalm Tokyo 80,000 killed
Battle of Okinawa April 1945 Closer base to bomb Japan

27 Firebombing Japan Fog of War Excerpt

28 Hiroshima and Nagasaki
August 6, 1945 Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima August 9, 1945 Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki August 15 Japan surrenders (V-J Day)

29 War in the Pacific – Synthesis
Use the timeline you created for the War in Europe Begin with 1941 Place all events we’ve covered that are related to the Pacific front on the top portion of the timeline Answer the following questions: What impact might there be when fighting a war on two fronts? What (if any) events in the Pacific and Europe were happening at nearly the same time?

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