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Diwrnod Cynefino i Arholwyr Allanol

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1 Diwrnod Cynefino i Arholwyr Allanol
Bangor University and Teaching & Learning Diwrnod Cynefino i Arholwyr Allanol External Examiners’ Induction Day Nov 13

2 HISTORY Founded 1884 Joined Federal University of Wales 1893
Incorporated: St. Mary’s College, 1976 North Wales College of Nursing, 1992 North Wales College of Radiography, 1993 Coleg Normal, 1996

3 MISSION “ A strong, confident institution recognised regionally, nationally and internationally as a centre of excellence for its varied portfolio of teaching and research, and for the unique, multicultural, inclusive experience it provides for its staff and students”.

4 INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW 2012 Confidence can be placed in the soundness of the institution’s current and likely future management of the academic standards of its awards Confidence can be placed in the soundness of the institution’s current and likely future management of the quality of the learning opportunities available to students

5 FACTS & FIGURES 11,000 students (9,500 full-time; 1,500 part-time)
2,300 staff – 600 full-time academic / research staff Turnover: £140M Research grants: £20M

6 STUDENTS 83% full-time 25% postgraduate 20% overseas 95% state schools
35% social classes NS-SEC classes 4,5,6,7 10% undergraduates in receipt of DSA (disabled students) 7.6% non-retention rate

5 Colleges – each containing Schools Bangor College Changsha 590 undergraduate degree programmes 200 taught postgraduate courses 200 postgraduate research courses Welsh medium degrees; 1400 students Around 520 students on validated programmes in Grwp Llandrillo Menai Number of students studying at the following overseas institutions: Tashkent – 900 Singapore – 200 Bahrain – 200 Changsha – 450

8 RESEARCH & TEACHING Link between teaching and research/scholarship
77% of research rated top two tiers of research quality Ranked 39th in the UK (excluding specialist and single-submission universities) 8 of 14 submissions achieved a GPA greater than 3.0

COUNCIL THE EXECUTIVE Council Committees Senate Task Groups Human Resources Safety Executive Sustainability Equality & Diversity Risk Management Cultural Affairs Legal Compliance Estates & Facilities Research Strategy Teaching & Learning Language Strategy Widening Access Employability Recruitment & Admissions Library IT Student Services Students Union Quality Assurance and Validation Institutional Review

Bangor University and Teaching & Learning ACADEMIC “COLLEGE” STRUCTURE Arts & Humanities Business, Law, Education & Social Science Natural Sciences Health & Behavioural Sciences Physical & Applied Sciences Chemistry Electronic Engineering Computer Science Psychology Sport, Health & Exercise Sciences Healthcare Medical Sciences Welsh English Literature Music History, Welsh History & Archaeology Linguistics & English Language Modern Languages & Cultures Philosophy and Religion Creative Studies and Media Lifelong Learning Ocean Sciences Biological Sciences Environment, Natural Resources and Geography Business School Law Education Social Science Nov 13

11 DEGREES ‘Bangor University
degree awarding powers & ‘University Title’ 2007 University of Wales no longer the degree awarding body from 2009 entrants,

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