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Deutsch 1 Frau Spampinato

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1 Deutsch 1 Frau Spampinato
Gender of German Nouns Deutsch 1 Frau Spampinato

2 Just a quick look at nouns…
What is a noun? __________________________________ German Nouns: The 1st letter of all nouns is always CAPITALIZED: z.B. → der Bruder die Stadt das Kind All nouns in German have a gender This is a grammatical gender that doesn’t always have anything to do with whether or not the word means a male or female person Person, place, thing, idea, or concept

3 ♂ The Genders! ♀ There are 3 genders in German:
Masculine, feminine, and neuter The gender of nouns is not easily identified by the way a word looks in German Must study the definite article that is listed with the word on the list--der/die/das = the z.B. → der → the → masculine → der Bruder, der Wohnort die → the → feminine → die Familie, die Adresse, die Mutter das → the → neuter → das Kind, das Land, das Mädchen

4 Genders Continued… There are a few patterns for recognizing which words are which gender z.B.: many words that end in “-e” are frequently feminine, but this is not always the case z.B. → der Junge (the boy) The patterns have too many exceptions to the rules, so it is better to just learn the gender when you first learn the word! **The gender of nouns plays an important role in German, and it is imperative that you learn them now!!

5 Ⓛet’s Ⓟractice! Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article! ☺#s1~10
der ___ Sonntag ___ Opa ___ Stadt ___ Telefon ___ Uhr der ___ Großvater ___ Tante ___ Rockgruppe ___ Kaufhaus ___ Eltern der die die die das das die die

6 Gute Arbeit! Wir sind fertig!! Created by Hannah Newman for
Frau Spampinato Herbst 2008☺

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