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Physics of Hot, Dense Plasmas

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1 Physics of Hot, Dense Plasmas
David Attwood University of California, Berkeley

2 Hot-dense plasmas radiate in the EUV/x-ray range
πœ” 𝑝 2 = 𝑒 2 𝑛 𝑒 πœ€ 0 π‘š πœ” 𝑐 = 𝑒𝐡 π‘š 𝑛 𝑐 = πœ€ 0 π‘š πœ” 2 𝑒 2               8.112a

3 Processes in a plasma Particle-particle interactions (short-range β€œcollisions”) Kinetic theory (velocity distribution function) Collective motion (electron and ion waves) Wave-particle interactions (collisionless damping and growth) Wave-wave interactions (linear and non-linear) Continuum emission Atomic physics of ionized species (multiple charge states) Density and temperature Spatial profiles Time dependence

4 Understanding hot-dense plasmas requires theory, computations and experiments

5 Plasma theories address physical phenomena at various levels of β€œparticle detail”

6 Plasma theory

7 The velocity distribution function, f(v)

8 Waves in a plasma

9 Wave-particle interactions

10 Linear and non-linear processes: scattering as an example

11 Plasma modeling

12 X-ray and EUV emission from a hot-dense plasma

13 Line and continuum radiation from a hot-dense plasma

14 Blackbody radiation: the equilibrium limit

15 Line and continuum radiation

16 Emission spectra from a xenon plasma

17 Ionization β€œbottlenecks” limit the number of ionization states present in a plasma
Courtesy of J. Scofield, LLNL

18 Plasma theories address physical phenomena at various levels of β€œparticle detail”

19 Microscopic description of a plasma

20 Theoretical description of a plasma

21 Microscopic description of a plasma (continued)

22 The kinetic description of a plasma

23 The collisionless Maxwell-Vlasov equations

24 A kinetic effect: Landau damping or Landau growth

25 Fluid description of a plasma – two approaches

26 Theoretical description of a plasma (continued)

27 The continuity equation for conservation of mass or particles

28 Conservation of momentum: A force equation for a fluid plasma

29 Conservation of momentum: A force equation for a fluid plasma (continued)

30 The conservation of energy for a plasma fluid

31 The conservation of energy for a plasma fluid (continued)

32 Summary of fluid equations for an isotropic, collisionless plasma

33 Electron-acoustic wave in a plasma

34 Electron-acoustic wave in a plasma (continued)

35 Electron-acoustic wave: dispersion relation

36 Electron-acoustic wave: dispersion diagram

37 Transverse electromagnetic waves in a plasma

38 Transverse electromagnetic waves in a plasma (continued)

39 Transverse electromagnetic waves in a plasma (continued)

40 Propagation in an overdense plasma

41 Propagation in an overdense plasma (continued)

42 Refractive index of a plasma

43 Phase velocity and group velocity

44 Phase velocity and group velocity (continued)

45 Collisional absorption of a transverse wave in a plasma

46 Waves in a magnetized plasma

47 Non-linear processes in a plasma

48 Linear and non-linear processes: scattering as an example

49 Stimulated Brillouin and Raman scattering of intense laser light

50 Stimulated Raman backscattering at Ne β‰… nc/4

51 Very hard x-rays can be generated by intense laser radiation

52 Continuum radiation and blackbody spectra

53 Blackbody radiation

54 Blackbody radiation across a surface

55 Blackbody radiation: the equilibrium limit

56 Three channel soft x-ray streak camera




60 Conventional streak camera
R. Kienberger and F. Krausz, Attosecond Metrology Comes of Age, Physica Scripta, T110, 32 (2004)

61 IR laser field/ photoelectron streak camera
Attosecond Streak Recorder (ATR): R. Kienberger and F. Krausz, Attosecond Metrology Comes of Age, Physica Scripta, T110, 32 (2004)

62 Multiple ionization states result in many emission lines

63 Soft x-ray emission spectra from a laser produced plasma

64 Courtesy of R. Kauffman, LLNL
He-like and H-like emission lines from a laser irradiated glass (Si 𝐎 𝟐 ) disk 3 x W/ cm 2 2 nsec Type equation here. Courtesy of R. Kauffman, LLNL

65 Laser irradiated titanium disk
2 joules of helium-like emission at 4.7 keV, from a 3 KJ, 600 psec irradiation Courtesy of D. Matthews, LLNL

66 Ionization β€œbottlenecks” can limit the number of ionization states present in a plasma

67 R. Kelley: atomic and ionic spectral lines


69 Stimulated Raman backscattering at Ne β‰… nc/4

70 Electron energy distribution showing a heated electron tail
Nd,1.06 ΞΌm v os /v th = 0.53 L = 127Ξ» Courtesy of K. Estabrook, W. Kruer and B. Lasinski, LLNL

71 Suprathermal x-rays at three laser wavelengths
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

72 Exteme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography
Step and scan system, Mo/Si coated optics at 13.5 nm wavelength, CO2 laser irradiated 30 ΞΌm Sn microspheres Anticipated market entry for high volume manufacturing at the β€œ7 nm node”, likely in 2018. Courtesy of V. Banine (ASML) and W. Kaiser (Zeiss)

73 Searching for a plasma source for EUV lithography: The comparative spectra of Xe and Sn

74 Comparison of Nd and π‚πŽ 𝟐 laser produced plasmas
Courtesy of M. Richardson, U. Central Florida

75 Liquid Sn droplets for EUV lithography
28 ΞΌm diameter Sn droplets 10 psec Nd prepulse 10 nsec CO 2 heating pulse Courtesy of M. Nakano, Gigaphoton

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